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> MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here

post Oct 11 2011, 20:31
Post #2701


Best pony.


Also good.


And finally, a challenge..

How many times can you let this loop before you go insane?

And more importantly, would you know if you did?
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post Oct 11 2011, 20:39
Post #2702
Setsuna F Seiei

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I let it run until my roommate came out and asked me what the fuck was going on. I think part of my brain just melted.
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post Oct 11 2011, 21:12
Post #2703

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I was taking the challenge when I came upon the realization that I would have to disqualify myself...I am already seeing a psychologist, been to a mental hospital, and have recently been told by my psychologist that therapy would be a useless endeavor regarding my condition...I might already be insane. Nevertheless, I liked that video, t'was amusing.
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post Oct 11 2011, 21:23
Post #2704

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 11 2011, 21:31) *

How many times can you let this loop before you go insane?

And more importantly, would you know if you did?

I've watched it for few minutes & I feel perfectly normal.

Oh look, I'm a white princess wiiiiii...

(IMG:[media.tumblr.com] http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmsx6eB9Qm1qafrh6.png)
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post Oct 11 2011, 23:25
Post #2705


While we wait for insanity.. moar Trixie~


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post Oct 11 2011, 23:31
Post #2706

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 11 2011, 03:31) *

Speaking of, anyone else not particularly looking forward to hearing Derpy talk?

Not really. I am going to be disappoint. Derpy will never be as cool as this.
(IMG:[th09.deviantart.net] http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/276/5/5/muffin_sandwich_by_yikomega-d4bof2u.jpg)
Unless the production staff is as awesome as they have been with LOLinternetshoutouts.

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 11 2011, 06:59) *

Oh well. Thread needs more diabetes.


I wonder if ponies can get diabeetus. At the rate at which Pinkie consumes sweets, her blood sugar must be constantly through the roof. Then again, she does need a lot of energy to maintain her physical activity. But as any nutritionist would tell you, sugar is the worst source of energy despite being essentially what fuels cell activity. Anyway, enough derping around, time for ALL OF MY INSULIN.
(IMG:[fc06.deviantart.net] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/282/d/e/mlp_friendship_is_fat_by_catbread_rainbows-d4cdlop.jpg)

I don't remember if I've posted this, but it warrants reposting.
(IMG:[fc00.deviantart.net] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/248/d/2/ponynap_by_yikomega-d48wxd6.png)

Oh look, Fluttershy being cute. *eyeroll*
(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/cec5ae81a8eb1db29bc31771da89c169/69602%20-%20ask%20ask_fluttershy_and_pinkie_pie%20cute%20fluttershy%20may_cause_diabetes_and_various_heart_problems%20pinkie_pie.png)

I...guess that's cute.
(IMG:[th09.deviantart.net] http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/276/7/2/do_it_pinkie_by_applestems-d4brgph.png)
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post Oct 12 2011, 00:13
Post #2707
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(derpymal @ Oct 11 2011, 16:31) *

Anyway, enough derping around, time for ALL OF MY INSULIN.

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post Oct 12 2011, 00:23
Post #2708
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(derpymal @ Oct 11 2011, 14:31) *

I think its cute. In a strange whythefuckisshedrinkingoutofajuicebox kind of way.

(IMG:[cs11513.vkontakte.ru] http://cs11513.vkontakte.ru/u1526389/138247985/x_ee9c1005.jpg)
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post Oct 12 2011, 01:36
Post #2709

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Why didn't I know there was a pony named BonBon?

Eh, I guess that would have been too easy.
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post Oct 12 2011, 01:41
Post #2710

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QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 12 2011, 00:13) *


AHAHAHA! Never has something managed to both make my day and make me want to go on a homicidal rampage! rad I salute you, from this point on, you are my favorite person/internet personality/thingy on this forum! (Tenb, rob and mal following close behind)
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post Oct 12 2011, 01:43
Post #2711
Setsuna F Seiei

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Huh... I didn't think of that either but I did know of her.

Anyways, I'm sure I've posted this before but seeing as everyone has reposted tons of pics, here it is again.
(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/67643f56cf2e45d524095156404dbc53/38063%20-%20Style%20adorable%20cute%20design%20fluttershy.jpg)
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post Oct 12 2011, 03:31
Post #2712

...we are appalled
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 11 2011, 10:31) *

And finally, a challenge..

18 seconds into that and my connection cracked like an egg. Filly Fluttershy was too much to handle.

Time for Twi Twi

(IMG:[3.bp.blogspot.com] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Raoemd2kilE/TpTMKYvoy0I/AAAAAAAANvQ/yve_Rx2Mfnk/s1600/69833%20-%20artist%20RatofDrawn%20sexy%20twilight_sparkle.png)

EDIT: Just saw this and had to share it, because it's fucking beautiful, and you have to share the beautiful because there's too much fucking ugly in this world.

(IMG:[fc06.deviantart.net] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/282/c/8/and_at_last_i_see_the_light_by_why485-d4c9t7m.jpg)

This post has been edited by Bloodmare: Oct 12 2011, 03:34
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post Oct 12 2011, 08:57
Post #2713


QUOTE(derpymal @ Oct 11 2011, 23:31) *
I wonder if ponies can get diabeetus. At the rate at which Pinkie consumes sweets, her blood sugar must be constantly through the roof. Then again, she does need a lot of energy to maintain her physical activity. But as any nutritionist would tell you, sugar is the worst source of energy despite being essentially what fuels cell activity. Anyway, enough derping around, time for ALL OF MY INSULIN.



(Sometimes I wonder if I just like to bum people out. Oh well.)


QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 12 2011, 01:36) *
Why didn't I know there was a pony named BonBon?
Eh, I guess that would have been too easy.

I did. Beryl Punch is better. But noooo...


QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 12 2011, 03:31) *
EDIT: Just saw this and had to share it, because it's fucking beautiful, and you have to share the beautiful because there's too much fucking ugly in this world.

I still didn't watch Tangled, which that is supposedly based on. Guess I have to one of these days.
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post Oct 12 2011, 09:14
Post #2714

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 12 2011, 01:57) *


Yeah, leave it to ponies to drive home how lucky I am to have been fat all my life, with Diabetes running in my moms side of the family and for me to not have it. ...we'll find a cure, and then somepony is gonna have to fix that comic
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post Oct 12 2011, 11:04
Post #2715
Shadow Weaver

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Diabetes is not fun. That comic mentioned crashing, I've had my blood sugar crash a few times and it's scary as hell. You feel awful, you start to shake, you get some numbness, you feel confused, I even start to lose my vision. It can be panic inducing scary because the symptoms can be quite sudden, only a couple of minutes from the first minor symptoms to full blown.

Oh and diabetes has been found in other species so it's quite easily possible a pony could have it.

This post has been edited by Shadow Weaver: Oct 12 2011, 11:19
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post Oct 12 2011, 14:00
Post #2716

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oh god...why god WHY???

[www.telegraph.co.uk] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...ing-awards.html

(IMG:[i.telegraph.co.uk] http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02024/Dog-Grooming-9_2024575b.jpg)
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post Oct 12 2011, 16:21
Post #2717


QUOTE(Shadow Weaver @ Oct 12 2011, 11:04) *
Diabetes is not fun. That comic mentioned crashing, I've had my blood sugar crash a few times and it's scary as hell. You feel awful, you start to shake, you get some numbness, you feel confused, I even start to lose my vision. It can be panic inducing scary because the symptoms can be quite sudden, only a couple of minutes from the first minor symptoms to full blown.

Yeah, my mom has type 1 diabetes, it's a PITA. It's not like you can't eat sweets, but balancing the correct insulin dose can be very difficult.

That said.. thread needs more diabetes. The good kind.

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post Oct 12 2011, 18:58
Post #2718

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QUOTE(Coloris @ Oct 12 2011, 15:00) *

oh god...why god WHY???

[horrible image]

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 12 2011, 00:25) *

While we wait for insanity.. moar Trixie~


(IMG:[images4.fanpop.com] http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/818000/818999_1314683342316_full.jpg)
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post Oct 12 2011, 19:16
Post #2719


QUOTE(BrainSucks @ Oct 12 2011, 18:58) *


Guess who hasn't been posted for a while?



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post Oct 12 2011, 19:29
Post #2720

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 12 2011, 20:16) *

Guess who hasn't been posted for a while?


(IMG:[cdn1.knowyourmeme.com] http://cdn1.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/110/038/original/130151692948.png)

This post has been edited by BrainSucks: Oct 12 2011, 21:49
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