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post Oct 4 2011, 08:45
Post #2521

...we are appalled
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I have never read Cupcakes and I don't plan on exposing myself to that level of awful.

I think this everyday it seems:
(IMG:[www.ponychan.net] http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131759017167.jpg)
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:10
Post #2522


QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 4 2011, 08:42) *
Rainbow Factory was really 'meh'

Yeh, I said so. Still, relevant.

QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 4 2011, 08:42) *
Anyway TenB, if you think Ghosts counter Zerg, we should play some time.

Well, ghosts counter all hive tech, as well as infestors. And unlike vikings, they are not vulnerable to a brolord -> ultra tech switch. But if you want to rush into a siege tank line/marine ball with nothing but lair tech, be my guest...

QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 4 2011, 08:45) *
I have never read Cupcakes and I don't plan on exposing myself to that level of awful.

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post Oct 4 2011, 09:20
Post #2523

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 4 2011, 02:10) *

Well, ghosts counter all hive tech, as well as infestors. And unlike vikings, they are not vulnerable to a brolord -> ultra tech switch. But if you want to rush into a siege tank line/marine ball with nothing but lair tech, be my guest...

It was then I realized that you're talking about 2, and now I am sad.

'Cause at first I was like "durr hurr my overlords will make you useless"
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:22
Post #2524
Setsuna F Seiei

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I have SC2 but I don't think I ever played melee online. Even in the days of StarCraft I really only stuck to Use Map Settings (I even made an RPG or two because the map editor was so easy to use). I do like TD games though, that's about the only thing I play IF I ever play the game.
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:28
Post #2525


QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 4 2011, 09:20) *
It was then I realized that you're talking about 2, and now I am sad.

'Cause at first I was like "durr hurr my overlords will make you useless"

lol brood war. Lockdown them zerg robots.

Seriously though, the CMC toon is from SC2. I don't recall ghosts in SC1 having Snipe, EMP and Nuke capabilities. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 4 2011, 09:22) *
I have SC2 but I don't think I ever played melee online. Even in the days of StarCraft I really only stuck to Use Map Settings (I even made an RPG or two because the map editor was so easy to use). I do like TD games though, that's about the only thing I play IF I ever play the game.

I've played a bit online, but my mechanics are horrid. No time to practice stuff like that. Too busy with ponies.
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:32
Post #2526
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 4 2011, 00:28) *

lol brood war. Lockdown them zerg robots.

Seriously though, the CMC toon is from SC2. I don't recall ghosts in SC1 having Snipe, EMP and Nuke capabilities. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
I've played a bit online, but my mechanics are horrid. No time to practice stuff like that. Too busy with ponies.

They did have Nukes... Red dot, 'NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED' voice screaming at you, running away after to not get caught in your own splash. And they had some sort of EMP as well, I remember having ghosts for the explicit purpose of locking down spammed protoss carriers.

What DO you play if you don't play online? The campaign over and over?
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:44
Post #2527


QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 4 2011, 09:32) *
They did have Nukes... Red dot, 'NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED' voice screaming at you, running away after to not get caught in your own splash. And they had some sort of EMP as well, I remember having ghosts for the explicit purpose of locking down spammed protoss carriers.

Well, no. In SC1, Nukes cost $arm+$leg and consumed 8 supply. No ghosts ever dropped a nuke in multiplayer.

And they did have EMP, but those were on the Science Vessel, not the Ghost.

QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 4 2011, 09:32) *
What DO you play if you don't play online? The campaign over and over?

I barely play anymore, but I still watch the GSL.

But, hey! Ponies.



.. they did that on purpose. Jerks.
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post Oct 4 2011, 09:47
Post #2528

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 4 2011, 02:44) *


.. they did that on purpose. Jerks.

...my sis bought me that coloring/activity book the other day.
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post Oct 4 2011, 14:35
Post #2529

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[www.mane6.com] http://www.mane6.com/2011/10/launchers-gre...and-leedin.html
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post Oct 4 2011, 15:38
Post #2530

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 4 2011, 02:44) *

Well, no. In SC1, Nukes cost $arm+$leg and consumed 8 supply. No ghosts ever dropped a nuke in multiplayer.

Flash vs Leta yo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1e5eplDqfI

QUOTE(DragonRanger @ Oct 4 2011, 07:35) *

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post Oct 4 2011, 16:03
Post #2531


QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 4 2011, 15:38) *

Pff, Flash.. what does he know...


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post Oct 4 2011, 16:44
Post #2532
Msgr. Radixius

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(IMG:[www.welovefine.com] http://www.welovefine.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/mens_mlp_4th-dumb-fabric_purple-300x300.jpg)

Do not know if want...
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post Oct 4 2011, 18:52
Post #2533

Not Bayonetta
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post Oct 4 2011, 20:47
Post #2534


.. I'd forgotten this cartoon even existed.



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post Oct 4 2011, 22:02
Post #2535

Smile on, you pigs in human clothing.
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Luna is probably the worst pony ever. Like, 99.9% of the fan made stuff is just pathetic and depressing.
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post Oct 4 2011, 22:05
Post #2536

Reclaimer of my name
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Ah, Looking for Group.
Good times.

I LIKE TO KILL THINGS!!!!! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Oct 4 2011, 22:07
Post #2537


QUOTE(Robbie Pie @ Oct 4 2011, 22:02) *
Luna is probably the worst pony ever. Like, 99.9% of the fan made stuff is just pathetic and depressing.

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post Oct 4 2011, 22:10
Post #2538

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 4 2011, 21:47) *


D'AWWWWWW!!! I would take her ASAP ^^

*random arts*

If you have a death wish, then let Derpy drive... or Pinkie :S

(IMG:[1e400.net] http://1e400.net/i/mkO/25739%20-%20angel%20applejack%20apple_bloom%20artist:shutterflye%20big_macintosh%20Bon_Bon%20Carrot_Top%20derpy_hooves%20dinky_hooves%20fluttershy%20gummy%20Lyra%20pinkie_pie%20rainbow_dash%20rarity%20spike%20Sweetie_Belle%20twilight_sparkle.png)

[img.ponibooru.org] Water park (too big)

Derpy & Rarity

(IMG:[www.derpyhooves.com] http://www.derpyhooves.com/albums/albums/userpics/10001/normal_derpy_rarity.png)

Scoot, scoot... Scootaloo!?!

(IMG:[ponibooru.413chan.net] http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/0c34b68ed4b66c72c6503cf045ad8e01/13866%20-%20derpy_hooves%20rainbow_dash%20scootaloo%20spitfire.png)
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post Oct 4 2011, 22:12
Post #2539

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That doesn't even....

Oh well.

Anyway, Tenbromo, maybe you could help me with this. For a while now, I've been trying to remember a match I watched a while ago (2009 or earlier) on GOMTV that was TvP.
In it, the T (Mind, I think) had no observers and noticed a DT moving passed his tank line, so he targeted one of his own tanks and used the splash to kill the DT.

I thought it was him vs Bisu from '06, but when I watched it it wasn't the right match. Any idea?
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post Oct 4 2011, 22:43
Post #2540



QUOTE(Princess Berylestia @ Oct 4 2011, 22:12) *
Anyway, Tenbromo, maybe you could help me with this. For a while now, I've been trying to remember a match I watched a while ago (2009 or earlier) on GOMTV that was TvP.
In it, the T (Mind, I think) had no observers and noticed a DT moving passed his tank line, so he targeted one of his own tanks and used the splash to kill the DT.

No idea. I wasn't really into the SC1 progaming scene, and the only reason I know who Flash is is that people who were tend to bring him up a lot as some sort of legend.
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