Maybe if it was a Fluttershy one, but even then I'd have to think about it because my laptop (which I access the internet from) is always in the livingroom and I am prone to being caught watching ponies. EDIT: Ugh, look at me sounding like a kid who lives with his mom. I shouldn't care what my roommates think about my ponies...
So since I'm bored and doing homework I thought of my list of favorites, rearranged after the first two episodes of the season. In order of preference:
Fluttershy (duh) Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie Rarity Applejack Rainbow Dash
Surprise surprise, Rarity moved up a few spots and Pinkie Pie went down one. I'm sure Rarity will default to a boring forgettable pony again though...
When it comes to their alter egos, their ratings are quite different.
1. RD 2. AJ 3-5: FS, TS and PP - the order of which depends on what episodes I watched recently, what the fandom has put out, the position of Jupiter in conjunction to Taurus, and level of snack food in the fridge. 6: Rarity
But at least Rarity has gone from a character I despise to one I could potentially befriend under certain circumstances. So that's a plus, right?
1. RD 2. AJ 3-5: FS, TS and PP - the order of which depends on what episodes I watched recently, what the fandom has put out, the position of Jupiter in conjunction to Taurus, and level of snack food in the fridge. 6: Rarity
But at least Rarity has gone from a character I despise to one I could potentially befriend under certain circumstances. So that's a plus, right?
You might be one of the few people who actually prefers AJ over the rest. Interesting...
And yes, I was surprised I actually think better of Rarity now. Only for her funny greedy side though. Let's see how their characters play out during the season.
This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Oct 2 2011, 15:32
Personally, I would replace Applejack with Pinkie Pie just because she is sure to have some retardedly funny attacks.
It's been ages since I played FFVI but a quick flashback to the days of fighting Kefka makes me THINK that the party I used for the boss was Terra, Shadow, Cyan, and... Celes maybe? I don't remember. I remember I liked using Locke a lot but not really for boss battles.
Quick wacky thought from my head. Twilight Sparkle = Terra Fluttershy = Celes Pinkie Pie = Gogo Rainbow Dash = Setzer Rarity = Relm Applejack = Edgar
This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Oct 2 2011, 15:56
It's been ages since I played FFVI but a quick flashback to the days of fighting Kefka makes me THINK that the party I used for the boss was Terra, Shadow, Cyan, and... Celes maybe? I don't remember. I remember I liked using Locke a lot but not really for boss battles.
My go-to party was something like Edgar, Sabin, Cyan and Terra. Not that I've played it in forever.
QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 2 2011, 15:50)
Quick wacky thought from my head. Twilight Sparkle = Terra Fluttershy = Celes Pinkie Pie = Gogo Rainbow Dash = Setzer Rarity = Relm Applejack = Edgar
Hm.. AJ as Edgar? Really? I'd say Sabin. And Rarity is totally Mog. They both look like marshmallows.
My go-to party was something like Edgar, Sabin, Cyan and Terra. Not that I've played it in forever. Hm.. AJ as Edgar? Really? I'd say Sabin. And Rarity is totally Mog. They both look like marshmallows.
That being said,
Cyan and Terra definitely, since Cyan was the best (IMHO) swordsman. I often used Edgar as well, his crazy contraptions were pretty useful as skills plus his sword handling was good too. Y u no like Shadow? I loved him. Now that I think about it more I don't think I used Celes all that much as she wasn't as good with a sword as the rest of the swordbearers and was a good mage but ultimately fell short of Terra's talent (not to mention her awesome esper ability).
AJ is definitely more befitting of Sabin now that I think about it, but i still think Rarity is Relm. The marshmallow comparison made me lol but apart from looks I think Rarity's personality and fashion sense is more akin to Relm's sensible nature and artistic talent.
Dunno. Probably missed him in my first play through/s. We didn't have the interwebs back then, and it was an import for me, so no one else knew about him either. Besides, throwing stuff went against my instincts of hoarding everything.
QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 2 2011, 16:49)
AJ is definitely more befitting of Sabin now that I think about it, but i still think Rarity is Relm. The marshmallow comparison made me lol but apart from looks I think Rarity's personality and fashion sense is more akin to Relm's sensible nature and artistic talent.
Wait for it.
QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 2 2011, 16:49)
Oh and I found a pic you might like. I know I sure do.
"Remember, episode 4 which airs on the 22nd (and an encore the next weekend) will feature Luna trying to improve her personal image to the denizens on Ponyville! Everypony loves Halloween specials!"