I would have pegged Rarity for a Persian or Himalayan, Pinkie as a Perm, and Fluttershy as a Scottish Fold. Twi would make a good Siamese, AJ and Dash could be any number of domestic shorthair varieties. Still, it does capture them pretty well and I would murder people to have those cats.
The Pinkie cat would be great for the lulz, but I want a Fluttershy just so I can watch her do all sorts of cute things and go D'AAAWWWWW and have her to snuggle me to sleep (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
There are long-hair specimens of Perms, they're just less common since its a relatively new breed. Coons can get kinda big, though. Like huge, since they're working cats.
Harassing people by posting ponies only sows the seeds of hatred and intolerance. It does nothing for us, and effectively corrupts what I had originally thought bronies stood for.
QUOTE(Rob Itagaki @ Sep 14 2011, 01:59)
Nice dupe account, Brad.
It was from this post that I understood what was going on. I came here from PoniBooru, because a few users posted the header image with Pinkie Pie in it. I thought it was faked, but there were confirmations that it wasn't. So I went here, found the picture, and decided to offer my support once I saw that there was an anti-pony thread here as well. Because I feel a kinship to my fellow bronies. This is my first time being on this website, and I'm not sure why I am being mistaken for somepony else. Either way, it won't matter much, I just came here to offer my support. Perhaps I made a mistake in doing so...
Probably. You're certainly whiny like Brad. If you wanna stick around, I suggest growing some thick skin and drop the love and tolerate bullshit.
Well, even as offensive as you are, I forgive you. You don't know anything about me, yet you would take it upon yourself to degrade a person who only had the best intentions. Nothing I said in my original post would even be remotely "whiny" as you have put it, which means you had every intention of belittling a new person to the forums. That is clearly your problem, and not my own. Though even with all of your apparent flaws, I will still Love and Tolerate you, like a real brony would. Take care, I hope you one day you will find a cure for your condition, whatever it may be.