also, now that I think about it, I never understood why it was Peter that held the knife, from looking at the actual picture it seems like John is leaning inwards and holding the knife while Peter holds his arm down. Not that either of them were the ones that betrayed Christ, but still...
anyways, not only is this the wrong place to talk about this, but I am an atheist so in the end it really doesn't matter.
Why is it that, despite all my H interests lying mostly in the direction of lolicon, EVERYTHING I've seen by Jay Naylor flips my switch. How is it possible that me, a freak who despises curves and almost anything that your average man calls "sexy" and prefers "adorable" is attracted to everything Jay Naylor does? Seriously, this is a massive issue for me.
This post has been edited by blakfayt: Sep 4 2011, 13:36