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> MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here

post Aug 31 2011, 08:23
Post #1181
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Aug 31 2011, 01:20) *

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/0022bc.png)

We're whalers on the moon,
we carry a harpoon,
but there ain't no whales,
so we tell tall tales,
and sing our whaling tune.
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:23
Post #1182
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Aug 30 2011, 23:20) *

Oh? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also, have some Aerishy.

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/6d0ee9.jpg)

<3 <3 <3
Only like my favorite female video game character ever. I cried when Aeris died in FF7... No joke.
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:36
Post #1183

The Insane Ruler of Chaosland.
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QUOTE(cmal @ Aug 30 2011, 22:53) *

DIP is a package type for ICs, so it still falls under the umbrella term of microchip, particularly cartoon ones.

That's like showing someone firefox and saying "this is a logic algorithm", though. If someone did that, wouldn't you interject and say to them: "No silly, that's a computer program, more specifically firefox," lest they be more confused than they should?

Realize that disagreement with my point will prompt me to call everything by their super-broad synonymous terms. Mind you, I'm not trying to pick a fight or disagree with you in any way (your point is in fact, the right one), but simply find a reason to do my new joke du jour.*

* Been awhile since I changed posting styles, and I'm tired of my annotations.**

** Oh, the memories. I remember when I posted pictures for everything. And before that, the pipe days (pipe dreams?).

EDIT: Grammar. More specifically, me grammar your face.

This post has been edited by noahbody: Aug 31 2011, 08:36
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:37
Post #1184

...we are appalled
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O GOD, Aerishy! What a beautiful idea.

On a side note, has anypony taking the time to listen to just the BGM during Pinkie Pie's mental break down? If not, you should give it a listen...in the dark.

(IMG:[www.ponychan.net] http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131475915389.png)
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:39
Post #1185
Setsuna F Seiei

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I loled pretty good at this one
(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/cb96fb9f00cba8b5643496cfaedc0cda/35201%20-%20Fallout_3%20V.A.T.S.%20artist:echowolf800%20celestia%20comic%20luna%20sisters%20vats.png)
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:46
Post #1186

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(noahbody @ Aug 31 2011, 02:36) *

That's like showing someone firefox and saying "this is a logic algorithm", though. If someone did that, wouldn't you interject and say to them: "No silly, that's a computer program, more specifically firefox," lest they be more confused than they should?

Realize that disagreement with my point will prompt me to call everything by their super-broad synonymous terms. Mind you, I'm not trying to pick a fight or disagree with you in any way (your point is in fact, the right one), but simply find a reason to do my new joke du jour.*
* Been awhile since I changed posting styles, and I'm tired of my annotations.**

** Oh, the memories. I remember when I posted pictures for everything. And before that, the pipe days (pipe dreams?).

EDIT: Grammar. More specifically, me grammar your face.

I wasn't trying to pick a fight either, just explaining my reasoning for choosing a DIP over something that looks more like the CPU out of a personal computer.

Anyway, Best Pony or BEST Pony?
[fc03.deviantart.net] Wide-ass image
LOL, stretching out your screen like a certain internet meme involving stretching an orifice*.

*LOL, didn't expect that to be filtered. I should have known better.

This post has been edited by Tenboro: Aug 31 2011, 20:46
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:52
Post #1187

...we are appalled
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Derpy as a hermit crab is just too adorable for words.

(IMG:[2.bp.blogspot.com] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eNC0lIW9hcU/Tls9aZilXyI/AAAAAAAAB6A/Yj_eYFMQS68/s1600/the_muffin_was_a_lie_by_psycopink-d47rx4h.png)
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post Aug 31 2011, 08:57
Post #1188

The Insane Ruler of Chaosland.
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QUOTE(cmal @ Aug 30 2011, 23:46) *

I wasn't trying to pick a fight either, just explaining my reasoning for choosing a DIP over something that looks more like the CPU out of a personal computer.

But if you don't openly disagree with me I won't be able to make my new jokes du jour :<

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/e661ca.jpg)
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post Aug 31 2011, 09:01
Post #1189
Setsuna F Seiei

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I ended up watching the whole episode Tenbrony posted... I love how easily watchable the show is. Now back to homework..
But before I go:
(IMG:[flankbook.com] http://flankbook.com/sys/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/28097-celestia-comic-luna-moon-tagme-the_game-trollface-troll_science-You_lost_the_game.png)
(if you're about to post how it is physically impossible, then stop yourself. Its princess magic!)

This post has been edited by Pseudolus: Aug 31 2011, 09:03
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post Aug 31 2011, 09:53
Post #1190

...we are appalled
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This post has been edited by bloodthirster18: Aug 31 2011, 09:55
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post Aug 31 2011, 09:54
Post #1191


QUOTE(cmal @ Aug 31 2011, 08:46) *
Anyway, Best Pony or BEST Pony?

I like Derpy/Ditzy, but Twilight is the cutest, smartest, all-around best pony.

Pinkie Pie said so, and Pinkie Pie never lies. Unlike the other ponies. Who are all secrets and lies.

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/3b5573.png)

QUOTE(Pseudolus @ Aug 31 2011, 09:01) *
(if you're about to post how it is physically impossible, then stop yourself. Its princess magic!)

That's physically imposs.. oh. Nevermind.

Well. We haven't had any Appledash for a while.

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/e02d6e.jpg)
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post Aug 31 2011, 10:05
Post #1192
Setsuna F Seiei

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Apparudashu for yu!
(IMG:[28.media.tumblr.com] http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp5xe9mQDp1r07luxo1_500.png)
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post Aug 31 2011, 16:16
Post #1193

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QUOTE(Pseudolus @ Aug 31 2011, 11:05) *

Sis, NOOOOOO!!! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif) (but kinda sexy <3)

QUOTE(Pseudolus @ Aug 31 2011, 09:23) *

I cried when Aeris died in FF7... No joke.

Eyup, me too. Back then I was trying to google for alternate ending: "how to save Aerith".
You'd be surprised with how many people tried the same thing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Btw Sephiroth is searching for Aerishy :]

(IMG:[fc01.deviantart.net] http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/170/9/4/MLP___Sephiroth_Goes_Berserk_by_hiyayaka.jpg)

Just found a cool video & a cool [www.equestriagaming.com] gaming link (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

This post has been edited by BrainSucks: Aug 31 2011, 19:05
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post Aug 31 2011, 20:47
Post #1194


QUOTE(Pseudolus @ Aug 31 2011, 10:05) *

Apparudashu for yu!
(IMG:[28.media.tumblr.com] http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp5xe9mQDp1r07luxo1_500.png)

(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/d4cfd2.png)
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post Aug 31 2011, 20:51
Post #1195

Bitch, please ... Lookin' all fly.
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post Aug 31 2011, 21:38
Post #1196


(IMG:[i25.lulzimg.com] http://i25.lulzimg.com/be61fa.jpg)

This is the only image I ever saved of Rarity. I feel kinda bad about it.
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post Aug 31 2011, 22:14
Post #1197

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Too sad, I don't like it :<

Here's a happy one (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

(IMG:[30.media.tumblr.com] http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqnc8q3qrR1qmt1g9o1_500.jpg)
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post Aug 31 2011, 23:31
Post #1198

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(bloodthirster18 @ Aug 29 2011, 03:06) *

QUOTE(BrainSucks @ Aug 29 2011, 12:36) *

You've forgotten the music >_>

By your powers combined!

And some Derprolling:

QUOTE(Pseudolus @ Aug 31 2011, 03:01) *

The true story of how Luna got to the moon:
(IMG:[bronibooru.mlponies.com] http://bronibooru.mlponies.com/data/1fd0dac25f47ca5b100ea89bcd2e4ea6.jpg)
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post Aug 31 2011, 23:32
Post #1199
Msgr. Radixius

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Is that third panel a reference to Regular Show?

Because, if so, that is awesome.
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post Sep 1 2011, 04:25
Post #1200

...we are appalled
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We could certainly use more Rarity

(IMG:[www.ponychan.net] http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131445305006.jpg)
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