QUOTE(Rob Itagaki @ Aug 29 2011, 10:43)

I read Cupcakes out of curiosity. I will never curiosity get the best of me again.
I read like three paragraphs, then laughed at the pure absurdity, it was horribly written shock value using a popular show, the same as if someone did a "Rabid Boots" Dora the Explorer story. It also seemed to be written by someone who had no idea how to speak english, let alone put it together in a cohesive, and believable manner, in the three paragraphs I read we seemed to be expected to believe that Pinkie could kill multiple ponies, and hide their absence for an extended period of time, with NO explanation as to what that lie/story was. If you ever have issues with fanfiction, just look for the massive holes in logic then laugh at these people who think that they're as good/better than the professional writers.