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> The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV

post Feb 28 2025, 09:48
Post #52141

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QUOTE(Noni @ Feb 28 2025, 08:16) *

just randomness.
ye that doesnt tell me much xD

Obviously each stat being the same tells me each one can't be individually random (unless I found a one in an octillion),
but instead all stats must be based on a random seed or sth similar to that.
The question is how many seeds are there?
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post Feb 28 2025, 10:06
Post #52142

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Spyroflex @ Feb 28 2025, 08:48) *

ye that doesnt tell me much xD

Obviously each stat being the same tells me each one can't be individually random (unless I found a one in an octillion),
but instead all stats must be based on a random seed or sth similar to that.
The question is how many seeds are there?

such info is undisclosed... I know there are more examples of 'twins'. Not impossible with pure randomness, but indeed it could be a quirk or the way the randomness is generated. Only Tenboro may know
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post Feb 28 2025, 18:34
Post #52143


So the reason the RNGoddess was originally named "Snowflake" is that the equips were supposed to be more or less unique, since the RNG can have 2^32 possible seeds. But due to the birthday paradox, there will inevitably be collisions of sorts when enough equips have been generated.

With the same parameters, the odds of getting the same seed twice at least one time is 50% with about 80000 runs.
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post Mar 1 2025, 13:08
Post #52144

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Feb 28 2025, 17:34) *

So the reason the RNGoddess was originally named "Snowflake" is that the equips were supposed to be more or less unique, since the RNG can have 2^32 possible seeds. But due to the birthday paradox, there will inevitably be collisions of sorts when enough equips have been generated.

With the same parameters, the odds of getting the same seed twice at least one time is 50% with about 80000 runs.
Interesting, I mean snowflakes that are created in a lab environment can actually be made nearly identical so technically the birthday paradox doesn't go against the name^^

I'm still trying to roughly figure out tho how rare it is to come across twin equips, especially legendary ones. I mean I could start by calculating the number of collisions for the 300m equips that were generated so far like so [instacalc.com] https://instacalc.com/58319
but that would only be representative of something if they were all created with the same "parameters". Because of differing parameters there should be way way more possible unique equips than 2^32, right?
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post Mar 1 2025, 14:42
Post #52145


QUOTE(Spyroflex @ Mar 1 2025, 12:08) *
I'm still trying to roughly figure out tho how rare it is to come across twin equips, especially legendary ones. I mean I could start by calculating the number of collisions for the 300m equips that were generated so far like so [instacalc.com] https://instacalc.com/58319
but that would only be representative of something if they were all created with the same "parameters". Because of differing parameters there should be way way more possible unique equips than 2^32, right?

Sure, the RNG has a very large period (something to the power of 11000 and change), so basically it would need to invoke the equipment generator with the same seed, the same parameters, and after the same number of RNG calls (if any) before invoking it. Practically it means the only way you could realistically "exploit" it is through the Shrine by offering the same item and using same selection, since battle drops could have had an arbitrary number of RNG calls made before the drop code runs.
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post Mar 2 2025, 17:30
Post #52146

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I did a quick scan of equipments from past Super's Auctions and even though it's a really small sample size of about 15k, I found 28 different twin pairs within, which is a bit more than expected but statistics shouldn't lie eh?
90% of the twins are cloth/staff (accounting for 50% of equips in sample) and theres not a single Light/1H/2H, which means most (legendary) twins are probably generated using the shrine.

Funnily enough the twin leggings I mentioned came from a standard monster drop tho.
I'm not even gonna try to calculate the chances anymore, can't even imagine how many RNG calls are made in battles, only thing I can say is that it does happen.
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post Mar 8 2025, 21:03
Post #52147

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forgot the auction this week. PFRD @less than 10M and dark pants @500+m, crazy world (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Mar 9 2025, 02:39
Post #52148

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can't guarantee winning in REs above Nintendo. Almost level 200 and still can't play above that difficulty
Too many enemies and I don't have good enough gear. Not sure how important Hath Perks are for higher levels and don't know how the higher up players do it
DW ClubIW10/Rapier and using all my spells I can just get deleted in one turn from an unlucky crit (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)
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post Mar 9 2025, 03:17
Post #52149

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QUOTE(BarkleySlams @ Mar 8 2025, 19:39) *

can't guarantee winning in REs above Nintendo. Almost level 200 and still can't play above that difficulty
Too many enemies and I don't have good enough gear. Not sure how important Hath Perks are for higher levels and don't know how the higher up players do it
DW ClubIW10/Rapier and using all my spells I can just get deleted in one turn from an unlucky crit (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)

You can ask for advice/help in the expert thread.
Your playstyle might be hard in your level, I can't give good advice since I'm not familiar with this style.
1H melee with shield is the cheapest and easiest to challenge high difficulty
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post Mar 9 2025, 08:37
Post #52150

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(BarkleySlams @ Mar 9 2025, 01:39) *

can't guarantee winning in REs above Nintendo. Almost level 200 and still can't play above that difficulty
Too many enemies and I don't have good enough gear. Not sure how important Hath Perks are for higher levels and don't know how the higher up players do it
DW ClubIW10/Rapier and using all my spells I can just get deleted in one turn from an unlucky crit (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)

if there are many enemies, cast sleep 1x and use other depr. spell as well then attack until you can do Frenzied Blows. also forge the parry on your weapons. then forge the parry more. Repeat.
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post Mar 9 2025, 20:17
Post #52151

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QUOTE(Noni @ Mar 9 2025, 02:37) *

if there are many enemies, cast sleep 1x and use other depr. spell as well then attack until you can do Frenzied Blows. also forge the parry on your weapons. then forge the parry more. Repeat.

I somehow completely neglected to upgrade Mind Control for better Sleep, but your advice was sound. I tried a PFUDOR RE and even though it was only 6 they still nearly killed me but only nearly.
No equip drops though (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
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post Mar 10 2025, 14:44
Post #52152

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QUOTE(BarkleySlams @ Mar 9 2025, 20:17) *

I somehow completely neglected to upgrade Mind Control for better Sleep, but your advice was sound. I tried a PFUDOR RE and even though it was only 6 they still nearly killed me but only nearly.
No equip drops though (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

Do you have spark of life and spirit shield in your auto cast slots? You should have protection, shadow veil and haste there too. As long as you have those buffs and got your abilities slotted you shouldn't die that fast on nintendo.
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post Mar 11 2025, 17:26
Post #52153

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QUOTE(bensalenkkari @ Mar 10 2025, 07:44) *

Do you have spark of life and spirit shield in your auto cast slots? You should have protection, shadow veil and haste there too. As long as you have those buffs and got your abilities slotted you shouldn't die that fast on nintendo.

Yep, got everything up and use Draught to counter the mana drain. Probably because I can't spam Weaken as well yet, only can get level 2.
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post Yesterday, 10:00
Post #52154

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The forums are back, but going to HV is still gives me an error like "Connection timed out".
HV is back up now for me.

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post Yesterday, 14:43
Post #52155

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ppl in Isekai are fighting for a charged shoes at very high price. but guys, you all make mistake in sssss2's name, there're 5s, not 3 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

oh I make mistake myself, it's 3s in the bid code

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post Yesterday, 15:08
Post #52156

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how can i get average club of slaughter , there isn't any on bazaar
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