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post Feb 7 2025, 04:30
Post #52101
Basara Nekki

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QUOTE(binaryhedgehog @ Feb 6 2025, 21:58) *

Dumb question, what do I do with a Superior Weapon that I don't plan on using? Sell it? Salvage it?

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post Feb 7 2025, 04:55
Post #52102

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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Feb 6 2025, 19:30) *


As vendor trash or to another player? I probably should've clarified
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post Feb 7 2025, 05:27
Post #52103

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QUOTE(binaryhedgehog @ Feb 7 2025, 02:55) *

As vendor trash or to another player? I probably should've clarified

Sell to the equipment shop.
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post Feb 7 2025, 06:19
Post #52104

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Okay, and one last thing, do I grind or buy crystals for monsters?
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post Feb 7 2025, 09:16
Post #52105
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(binaryhedgehog @ Feb 6 2025, 22:19) *

Okay, and one last thing, do I grind or buy crystals for monsters?

Don't break the piggybank for monster upgrades, in this case crystals, unless you plan on playing for an extended period of time, mostly because the higher the PL the longer it takes to pay off the expense to get it high and even then having a small army of low level monsters is better for a good while anyway because grinding the crystals yourself is also tough without the Crystarium perks and ability to go a good chunk of Grindfest. Some people have different goals of course but at that point you'll know what to go for.

tl;dr: Neither. Sell or keep for self-use. Buy only for maintenance or 25 PL activation.
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post Feb 7 2025, 09:21
Post #52106

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Feb 7 2025, 00:16) *

Don't break the piggybank for monster upgrades, in this case crystals, unless you plan on playing for an extended period of time, mostly because the higher the PL the longer it takes to pay off the expense to get it high and even then having a small army of low level monsters is better for a good while anyway because grinding the crystals yourself is also tough without the Crystarium perks and ability to go a good chunk of Grindfest. Some people have different goals of course but at that point you'll know what to go for.

tl;dr: Neither. Sell or keep for self-use. Buy only for maintenance or 25 PL activation.

So, I'm asking specifically for getting a new monster up to speed, so I should by them, then?
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post Feb 7 2025, 09:31
Post #52107

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(binaryhedgehog @ Feb 7 2025, 08:21) *

So, I'm asking specifically for getting a new monster up to speed, so I should by them, then?

that's entirely up to you. play more, get more crystals & income. play less, get less. It's your time.
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post Feb 7 2025, 10:56
Post #52108
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(binaryhedgehog @ Feb 7 2025, 01:21) *

So, I'm asking specifically for getting a new monster up to speed, so I should by them, then?

When you say up to speed do you mean for activation or for appearance rate? In any case let me redo a previous sentence: Buy for activation, maintenance, goal, credit burning or fun.

So basically like Noni said it's up to you but if it's for activation it should be very cheap to do even if poor and/or new so go ahead. Passively getting a binding or rare material every once in a while is great. For appearance rate it needs at least PL 1600+ so it will be incredibly costly and will payoff in 2 years or so. So I would recommend a long-term investment/goal oriented approach to that one.
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post Feb 7 2025, 18:48
Post #52109

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I'll hold off for now unless money is burning a hole in my pocket, and I doubt 50k counts, but I don't know how rich and poor are defined. I tend to become hyperfocused and then lose interest so I don't want to make a long-term commitment.
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post Feb 7 2025, 21:18
Post #52110

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Be sure to check out the new Auction its better than Gold Pressed Latanium, its SUPERLATANIUM !
Auction -Superlatanium
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post Feb 10 2025, 08:18
Post #52111

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This game has been slow for me the past six hours or so.
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post Feb 10 2025, 14:24
Post #52112

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(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/gb5epqb.png)

3 tokens from a 6 monsters RE.
this is the first time i get more than 2 to drop from a single RE, even after maxing the tokenizer hath perk.
and in all cases where i got 2 it was a RE with 9 or 10 monsters.
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post Feb 10 2025, 14:36
Post #52113

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Feb 10 2025, 14:18) *

This game has been slow for me the past six hours or so.

have beed slow for week for me
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post Feb 12 2025, 01:25
Post #52114

Clover Sprite
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Page load has been aborted due to a fatal error. A report has been dispatched to site staff. Please try again later.

That's new, it's not even the normal Derpy message.
Edit: HV is working again right after I made this post.

This post has been edited by sigo8: Feb 12 2025, 01:26
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post Feb 12 2025, 04:44
Post #52115

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QUOTE(amaimono @ Jan 20 2025, 21:02) *

When that happens, refreshing the page is not recommended as (I think) it may force an empty answer. Instead, duplicate the tab and answer the riddle in the newly created tab.

QUOTE(Tumbres @ Jan 20 2025, 22:05) *

- if you use script such monsterbation make sure you update it
- if after update you still get a problem,try disable every extension in your browser,sometimes extension such Ruffle confilcted with monsterbation script,i dunno what cause it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) .

Fixed. Used for about 3 weeks without Riddle penalty
I know it's trash code but this is all I can do

Some thoughts about 1H mage in tower. Probably move this to mathl33t's guide after I complete 100
I saw many ones talk about mana and one guy pass 100 FL with Wakizashi of Nimble + Buckler of Battlecaster, which inspired me
I'm using Wakizashi of Battlecaster + Buckler of Barrier
I wonder, which is better?
Wakizashi of Nimble + Buckler of Battlecaster > Battlecaster + Buckler of Barrier.
1. Higher survivability
I used peerless data from the result of smart seach and calculate it. The former has higher survivability
However, somebody might argue, you need to consider character base stats. Maybe in this level, the former is better, but another level, the latter is better.
Actually, you don't need to consider that.
dt=Damage_taken = (1-evade)(1-block)(1-parry)(1-p_mit)(other)
Lets take parry as a example.

Parry = 1 - (1 - equipment_bonus) * (1 - DEX * 0.04%) * (1 - proficiency_bonus)

So, (1-parry) = (1 - equipment_bonus) * (1 - DEX * 0.04%) * (1 - proficiency_bonus)
equipment_bonus is linear scaled.
Lets say dt= (1 - equipment_bonus) * (1 - DEX * 0.04%) * (1 - proficiency_bonus)(other)
No matter what level you're at, when comparing these two set, you do
improvement from set 1 compare to set 2 = abs(dt_1-dt_2)/dt_2
Miraclly, (1 - DEX * 0.04%) is reduced. Base stats doesn't matter, for part in the equation.
What about evade, block, parry, p_mit? Evade and p_mit do not vary based of suffix of these two set, ignore them.
You have only base block from ability, usually less than 10.
Stacking 1 attrubutes is better than evenly distribute.
So, when you have the same amount of undistributed block and parry, stacking higher one (parry) is better.
The problem, I found nimble on Wakizashi gives more parry than barrier on buckler, which makes the former even better.
2. More mana convervation
This is funny. Battlecaster on buckler is 10% better than Battlecaster on Wakizashi.

I'm sad I'm still 5.6% behind the former set (or I take 5.6% more damage)
[imgur.com] https://imgur.com/a/5z3YS8F
p0=base parry, b0=base block
b1,2 correspond to block with different buckler suffix
p1,2 correspond to parry with different wakizashi suffix

I read Noni's comment under the guide, also tried to use "Breached Defense" for faster clear speed.
"Breached Defense": NO. probably better when you use radiant set which has less Spell turns.
Merciful Blow: Yes. As Noni said, not much faster. I found it sometimes save mana depend on your strategies.

I assume the M_mit is averagely 62/ IMP reduces 50. Monster has averagely 12 P_mit now.
Breached Defense could raise my damage for 1/9. Sadly, I used more turns on casting Holy spell than 1/9 of my Spell turns.
1 merciful Blow = 100 charge = 4 focus = 24 base mana = 6 Elemental T1 spell cost.
I can't kill 25% hp monster with 6 T1.

Now, I'm using all debuff except confusion, Ether Theft for mana instead of focus, + merciful blow.
Magnet does save turns. The higher floor, the more turns it saves, even you're not 400 lv yet.

This post has been edited by l13763824039: Feb 12 2025, 05:37
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post Feb 12 2025, 08:46
Post #52116

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(l13763824039 @ Feb 12 2025, 03:44) *

I read Noni's comment under the guide, also tried to use "Breached Defense" for faster clear speed.
"Breached Defense": NO. probably better when you use radiant set which has less Spell turns.
Merciful Blow: Yes. As Noni said, not much faster. I found it sometimes save mana depend on your strategies.

I assume the M_mit is averagely 62/ IMP reduces 50. Monster has averagely 12 P_mit now.
Breached Defense could raise my damage for 1/9. Sadly, I used more turns on casting Holy spell than 1/9 of my Spell turns.
1 merciful Blow = 100 charge = 4 focus = 24 base mana = 6 Elemental T1 spell cost.
I can't kill 25% hp monster with 6 T1.

Now, I'm using all debuff except confusion, Ether Theft for mana instead of focus, + merciful blow.
Magnet does save turns. The higher floor, the more turns it saves, even you're not 400 lv yet.

Just to make more clear: holy spell is not for getting Breached Defense, but for getting the soul fire so that Ether Theft is possible. Surely you must use holy spell as well if yo use Ether Theft? there is no other way. Breached Defense lasts so short it will never be for faster clear speed
Battlecaster... do your really need it? I just use max defense: nimble + barrier. With Ether Theft I could finish highest floors with just 10-15 mana elixirs + 200 potions, which is still doable with the credit income from daily trophies.
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post Feb 12 2025, 09:30
Post #52117

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I'm also lagging sometimes. Not sure about the problem since I'm using a proxy, but my connection to cloudflare is normal.
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post Feb 12 2025, 12:53
Post #52118

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post Feb 12 2025, 16:24
Post #52119
The Magi

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Ditto here on game lagging (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

Edit: Game seems fine now.

This post has been edited by The Magi: Feb 12 2025, 19:22
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post Feb 13 2025, 03:44
Post #52120

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QUOTE(Noni @ Feb 12 2025, 01:46) *

Just to make more clear: holy spell is not for getting Breached Defense, but for getting the soul fire so that Ether Theft is possible. Surely you must use holy spell as well if yo use Ether Theft? there is no other way. Breached Defense lasts so short it will never be for faster clear speed
Battlecaster... do your really need it? I just use max defense: nimble + barrier. With Ether Theft I could finish highest floors with just 10-15 mana elixirs + 200 potions, which is still doable with the credit income from daily trophies.

True. Since Ether Theft needs holy spell, I suddenly wanted to test Breached Defense and then realized it lasts too short.

I want to find a balance between survivability and mana conservation even the consumption of ME is doable.
Today I used 0 ME 1SE on tower 82FL. Looks good but could be better with Buckler of Battlecaster XD
I'll find if its survivability is doable in 100FL.

Had lag too yesterday.

New thoughts about holy and dark. They're not much dangerous on high floor.
Holy and Dark are seen as dangerous because they take more time to cast and monsters have chance to cast skill/spell.
But on the high floor, you need many turns to cast debuff, and you also take many more turns to start killing 1 monster. Also, you silence everything. Before you start T321, all 1H mages are the same-casting debuff.
Then, the moment you kill the first monster makes different in safety, but it's even by time/ticks you take. Both factors make it less dangerous.
However, holy is still suck based on my experience. High mana consumption, both in tower and arena. Worst IMP, only 25 reduction.
It's also dangerous at arena. I had terrible memory with low-level holy at arena, and nightmare with dark mage at arena.

This post has been edited by l13763824039: Feb 15 2025, 06:53
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