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> The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV

post Jan 8 2025, 21:51
Post #52061

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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Jan 8 2025, 16:33) *

Some players prefer not to upgrade. Even if you don't play the game, you still receive EXP with dawn.

yes, i understand that.
i was curious on why one would care about that.

i guess he could be taking a long pause with HV and he doesn't want to get levels because he would fall behind with his gear and proficiencies in case he ever starts playing again.
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post Jan 9 2025, 00:07
Post #52062

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Tenbora) *
You could just open the news page in private/incognito mode if you don't want to get dawns from it.

Oh! Can I look at the galleries while I'm logged in, to avoid dawns as well?

(I've been porn deprived since hiding from dawns. Although not a big deal since I don't look at too much porn anyway, and when I must then a few dawns is fine, I just make sure I play a little to keep my proficiencies up).

Also I was wondering who is Tenbora that the Tenbora's Box comes from?
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post Jan 9 2025, 00:14
Post #52063

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 8 2025, 19:07) *

Oh! Can I look at the galleries while I'm logged in, to avoid dawns as well?

You don't get dawns at all on the black site
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post Jan 9 2025, 01:13
Post #52064

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 8 2025, 23:07) *

Oh! Can I look at the galleries while I'm logged in, to avoid dawns as well?

(I've been porn deprived since hiding from dawns. Although not a big deal since I don't look at too much porn anyway, and when I must then a few dawns is fine, I just make sure I play a little to keep my proficiencies up).

Also I was wondering who is Tenbora that the Tenbora's Box comes from?

not a linguist but I think It's a portmanteau of the Big Boss of this site and Pandora (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post Jan 9 2025, 03:41
Post #52065

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 8 2025, 17:07) *

Also I was wondering who is Tenbora that the Tenbora's Box comes from?

In the beginning Tenbora created the E-hentai —the first day..
Now the Sekai was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And Tenbora said, “Let there be HV,” and there was HV—the second day..
Tenbora saw that the HV was good, and He separated the HV from the hentai.
And Tenbora said, “Let there be a tab between the Sekais to separate Sekai from Sekai .”
So Tenbora made the tab and separated the Isekai under the tab from the Persistent above it. And it was so—the third day......

Forgot to said, he "died" in 2019, the day was also called "Good Friday".
People moaned over the place he "died".
"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay."
"Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Hentai. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
He revivied after 7 days.

This post has been edited by Noni: Jan 9 2025, 08:29
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post Jan 9 2025, 03:44
Post #52066

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Dawns started giving proficiency XP as well since years ago, so that people wouldn't have to do that...
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post Jan 13 2025, 21:14
Post #52067

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I didn't have to answer any fire hydrants question today to login, for the first time since these questions started ! (except for a few weeks near the beginning, after which I had to answer again)

The proficiency XP given during dawns is spread out among all classes so I think it's still not a full substitute for actually playing the game. Though it's better than no proficiency at all.

Aside from that, money/equipment issues are another reason to hold down your level. Although for those, if you have plenty of income from sources aside from chopping monsters, an inactive player could still take dawns normally. Ironically, having a lot of money in that case is what enables taking dawns to get still more money.

Since I'm not taking dawns anyway, that's another reason I don't need a gold star right now (which ironically is what makes someone rich these days, yet I wouldn't be able to get energy drink anyway while maintaining constant level).
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post Jan 14 2025, 12:02
Post #52068

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I found my English is not really enough when playing HentaiVerse.
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post Jan 14 2025, 15:28
Post #52069

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so many bangers in recent lotteries.
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post Jan 20 2025, 01:43
Post #52070

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so, my event failed
surprisingly, no one wants to get 555k credits for Fair Estoc
or is Fair Estoc of the Battlecaster too hard to get?
idk, i'm sad
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post Jan 20 2025, 02:00
Post #52071

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Jan 19 2025, 18:43) *

so, my event failed
surprisingly, no one wants to get 555k credits for Fair Estoc
or is Fair Estoc of the Battlecaster too hard to get?
idk, i'm sad

It's too hard to get. I turned off auto-salvage and auto-sell for estoc, and played a few arenas on Hard most days, to get something less than superior. No fair estoc drops of any kind.
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post Jan 20 2025, 02:31
Post #52072

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Jan 20 2025, 00:43) *

so, my event failed
surprisingly, no one wants to get 555k credits for Fair Estoc
or is Fair Estoc of the Battlecaster too hard to get?
idk, i'm sad

well, in order to even drop fair quality equips you need to play at very low difficulty levels, as from Nintendo onwards it's completely impossible.
at low difficulty levels the drop chance is lower, also the weight for 2h is 3 out of 63 or 4.76%.
since there are 4 bases the chance of getting an estoc is 1.19%.
now add the fact that it needs to have a suffix, which is quite uncommon for fair quality equips, i couldn't find any data on the actual chance though (since it's 0% for crude and 100% for superior onwards, one could assume 33.3% for fair and 66.7% for average, but as i said it's an assumption).
and finally consider that the distribution of the battlecaster suffix on an estoc is just ~4.5%.

after factoring that in you only have 0,054% chance for every fair equip with a suffix you drop to be an estoc of the battlecaster (0,018% if my assumption on the chance of getting a suffix on a fair item is correct)

one thing is if a low level player finds one by chance, but i wouldn't go looking for it even if you offered 100M.

This post has been edited by Malenk: Jan 20 2025, 02:34
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post Jan 20 2025, 08:23
Post #52073

Hataraku Noni-sama
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I agree, it's just too hard. This would be more of a WTB, for collection purposes.

As an event, it's better to think of some way that everyone can join. Like asking for battlecaster gear, and then give the price to the one you like best. Who knows, it could even be an estoc? Or a fair estoc?

but it's nice of you to host an event. Would be cool if you'd try again with an easier idea.
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post Jan 20 2025, 11:46
Post #52074

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yes, the plan was combine benefit with profit: i'm getting estoc for my collection, low-level players are looking for fair equip and receive a fair prize
didn't work

ok, i'll try to come up with something more accessible
btw, Noni, are events with NSFW art acceptable?
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post Jan 20 2025, 18:18
Post #52075

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(ikki. @ Jan 20 2025, 10:46) *

yes, the plan was combine benefit with profit: i'm getting estoc for my collection, low-level players are looking for fair equip and receive a fair prize
didn't work

ok, i'll try to come up with something more accessible
btw, Noni, are events with NSFW art acceptable?

yes, but they would need to be run from the Adult Chat section of the forum. Something like "I created a 2nd thread in the Adult Chat (link), post your hot catgirl-titties there and you may get a prize.
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post Jan 21 2025, 03:18
Post #52076

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Playing ISK today, have encountered 2 Riddlemasters so far.
Submit button wasn't available even if I have selected couple ponies.
Refresh the page solve the problem.

Anyone is having the same issue?
Btw, I did not use any new script recently.
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post Jan 21 2025, 04:02
Post #52077

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QUOTE(l13763824039 @ Jan 21 2025, 08:18) *

Playing ISK today, have encountered 2 Riddlemasters so far.
Submit button wasn't available even if I have selected couple ponies.
Refresh the page solve the problem.

Anyone is having the same issue?
Btw, I did not use any new script recently.
When that happens, refreshing the page is not recommended as (I think) it may force an empty answer. Instead, duplicate the tab and answer the riddle in the newly created tab.
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post Jan 21 2025, 04:25
Post #52078

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QUOTE(amaimono @ Jan 20 2025, 21:02) *

When that happens, refreshing the page is not recommended as (I think) it may force an empty answer. Instead, duplicate the tab and answer the riddle in the newly created tab.

Is there any solution to permanently avoid this?
Duplicate the tab might be troublesome.
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post Jan 21 2025, 05:05
Post #52079

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QUOTE(amaimono @ Jan 21 2025, 10:02) *

When that happens, refreshing the page is not recommended as (I think) it may force an empty answer. Instead, duplicate the tab and answer the riddle in the newly created tab.

- if you use script such monsterbation make sure you update it
- if after update you still get a problem,try disable every extension in your browser,sometimes extension such Ruffle confilcted with monsterbation script,i dunno what cause it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) .
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post Jan 21 2025, 05:29
Post #52080

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QUOTE(Tumbres @ Jan 21 2025, 10:05) *

- if you use script such monsterbation make sure you update it
- if after update you still get a problem,try disable every extension in your browser,sometimes extension such Ruffle confilcted with monsterbation script,i dunno what cause it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) .
Yeah, I do use the latest version of Monsterbation and HVUtils. It's fixed on Edge, but somehow the issue is still there on Firefox (though it comes and goes randomly). Welp, personally not a big deal since I hardly play nowadays...
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