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> The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV

post Dec 8 2024, 17:44
Post #52001
Basara Nekki

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Everything is normal here too. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Dec 9 2024, 05:51
Post #52002

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I switched countries on my VPN and it seems to be working normal again. I guess the servers for that one country are just fucked for some reason.
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post Dec 9 2024, 08:18
Post #52003

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These two days, I have reached highest T/S in my experience.
Seems that they fixed it and it's better
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post Dec 9 2024, 12:37
Post #52004
The Magi

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Yep can also confirm that the past 2 days, HV was running smooth so i guess that it was fixed.
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post Dec 9 2024, 17:16
Post #52005

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I have a suggestion to rename Fluttershy to Cluttershy.
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post Dec 9 2024, 17:20
Post #52006

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looks like the eid 30000000 equipment is going to appear today
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post Dec 9 2024, 19:02
Post #52007

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Superior Cotton Shoes of Protection 300000279
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post Dec 9 2024, 19:23
Post #52008

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300000001 https://hentaiverse.org/equip/300000001/5edfd582ec

I lost the shrine spam lotto (also got 299999998)

QUOTE(Spyroflex @ Dec 9 2024, 17:06) *

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post Dec 9 2024, 19:39
Post #52009

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QUOTE(Shank @ Dec 9 2024, 18:23) *

300000001 https://hentaiverse.org/equip/300000001/5edfd582ec

I lost the shrine spam lotto (also got 299999998)
you lost cause u didnt roll with noodles muhahaha

(IMG:[i.pinimg.com] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/b1/d0/95b1d08de5b303cb5ab80af7b08dbdc4.gif)
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post Dec 9 2024, 20:22
Post #52010

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Spyroflex @ Dec 9 2024, 18:39) *

you lost cause u didnt roll with noodles muhahaha

(IMG:[i.pinimg.com] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/b1/d0/95b1d08de5b303cb5ab80af7b08dbdc4.gif)

congrats! Don't salvage or bazaar it, please.
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post Dec 11 2024, 10:28
Post #52011

Swimsuit Girl
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QUOTE(l13763824039) *
These two days, I have reached highest T/S in my experience. Seems that they fixed it and it's better

It's fixed for me too. My turns/second seems normal, not any higher than what I used to have. However, I want to say that it feels like the turns/second is more consistent.

For most days during the early parts of the past two isekai seasons, there have been bad times of day where my turns/second gets bad or is unstable during an arena. Others also complained here during many of these times. (This furthermore seems to be a bit different from the past few days of bad lag where people were saying the lag was consistently bad).

Since things have been fixed, I've had pretty consistent and fast turns/second, but perhaps not as fast as the best of (unstable) times before.
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post Dec 15 2024, 10:23
Post #52012

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Is it a bit laggy just now?
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post Dec 15 2024, 10:28
Post #52013


Yea, the problem from last week is back. Already submitted a ticket about it.
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post Dec 15 2024, 13:27
Post #52014

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First experience of HV : not bad. but sometimes laggy
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post Dec 17 2024, 19:02
Post #52015

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Ever since I started playing HV, I've been going with heavy armour + mace and I never changed style.

Today, at level 328 and Dovahkiin title, I decided to try something different for a change: I switched my 2h mace with a rapier & shield. And oh my god, it's so much more efficient! Like, what have I been doing all this time?

This post has been edited by IngenuousDaemon: Dec 17 2024, 19:10
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post Dec 18 2024, 12:34
Post #52016

Swimsuit Girl
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Akira Toriyama died and Frieza is the strongest) *
internet says that Your Lie in April is shonen, wow. I thought it would be shojo or at least romance based on the look...I also imagined that Your Lie in April was about a girl named April who lies down on the ground.

Nevermind, wikipedia is dumb. It also says that Toradora is shonen, so that's demographic not genre. To me shonen animes is only stuff that would appear in Shonen Jump like Dragon Ball that are generally about fighting and run a long time.

QUOTE(Pretty anon @ whats Shigatsu no Uso) *
this is merely a personal opinion on these and may end up being diametrically opposite of what you like but I think Shigatsu no Uso is a pretty fine anime, more on the drama/music side of things than anything else but it's ok. Orange on the other hand is more like a full shoujo and it may feel very quiet and slow at times, also very dramatic so it could be ok or an extremely frustrating watch.

After waiting a year for the holiday sales to return, I bought You Lied in April even though sale prices were lackluster this year (domestic anime industry may be heading towards yet another dark era).

Just started to watch and am suffering. Only got through 3 episodes so far and it's currently in my Bottom 30 anime of all-time. Maybe it will get better when April dies (I don't mind sad shows).

Most shows that I like, it doesn't really matter what the story or theme is about. As long as the drawings, music, and directing are good the show will be good. You Died in April is none of these for me. I feel like you actually have to care about the classical-music-story theme to be interested. I assume that the majority of people don't have the classical music background, so I don't understand why this show would be generally well received. Just another case where I should have (forever) ignored popular opinion?

I actually do have the piano and violin playing background from kid through high school, and I still hate this show. I also hated playing both and thought they just wasted my time (as stated in my college applications). Although it was sort of okay because there were violin girls and that's where I first saw comics (Dragon Ball Z) and I got into a few fights and punched some guys in the orchestra rooms and camps, etc. :D
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post Dec 18 2024, 18:58
Post #52017

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Dec 18 2024, 04:34) *

Just started to watch and am suffering. Only got through 3 episodes so far and it's currently in my Bottom 30 anime of all-time. Maybe it will get better when April dies (I don't mind sad shows).
Most shows that I like, it doesn't really matter what the story or theme is about. As long as the drawings, music, and directing are good the show will be good. You Died in April is none of these for me. I feel like you actually have to care about the classical-music-story theme to be interested. I assume that the majority of people don't have the classical music background, so I don't understand why this show would be generally well received. Just another case where I should have (forever) ignored popular opinion?

Didn't get better for me for whole length. All the drama just seemed to be a bit on the nose. Sort of trying to force me to feel certain way about it. And with years pass, i can't even remember what music themes they used.
There was one anime, also with drama, comedy, romance and classical music - Nodame Cantabile. It is more easygoing and lighter one, and I liked it much more.
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post Dec 18 2024, 21:35
Post #52018

far ahead the known level of comfiness~
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Dec 18 2024, 12:34) *

Just started to watch and am suffering. Only got through 3 episodes so far and it's currently in my Bottom 30 anime of all-time. Maybe it will get better when April dies (I don't mind sad shows).

Welcome to shounens. Most of them suck because children have no taste and there is always new generation to sell the same stuff to. Sadly it's the most profitable gender/age group so anime tends to be watered down and catered to it.
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post Dec 20 2024, 17:42
Post #52019

Swimsuit Girl
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Still watching slowly. At 10 episodes, this show is better for me. They didn't do anything except play piano for 3 episodes straight which means the genre changed and it really became a shonen anime (for now). And 2 new girls came out that look better.

It's like Dragon Ball syndrome where guys stand around and stare at each other for episodes straight and fight only a little bit. Mostly they just waste time and talk and explain why they are so stronger than the other guy.

For now, You Lie in April is reminding me of shows like Blue Box, Chihayafuru, and a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh. Competition shows with non-traditional theme. Internet says Blue Box and Yu-Gi-Oh are shonen demographic, shonen genre, and both are even in Shonen Jump so they are fully certified. I was shocked that Blue Box is in Shonen Jump as it has swimsuit girl.

Chihayafuru is Josei women's demographic, but to me its genre is same like shonen.

Too bad that (real, analog) piano is one of my most unfavorite instruments in the world because of the way it sounds. Spectrum analyzer of piano shows that it is among the lowest quality instruments out there, and piano solo songs typically compress losslessly down to like 15% to 25% of WAV file size due to low amount of sonic information available.

I have a big piano in my house and I just put boxes and animes on it, same like in the show. Fortunately they can less of space-waster than they appear since you can put things on top and underneath.
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post Dec 26 2024, 11:48
Post #52020

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What is the optimal end game build for 1H heavy? I propose this:

For Arenas (SG) use ethereal rapier of slaughter, IW10 to Butcher 5, Fatality 4 and dark/holy strike, for everything else (non-SG monsters) ethereal shortsword of slaughter with IW10 Butcher 5, Fatality 4 and cold strike (to sync with flame spikes).

Other equips being savage ... of slaughter with IW10 to Juggernaut 5 and then anything else (shouldn't be Capacitor too often). For shield it is force shiled of protection/warding with SDE.

This post has been edited by folwaR...: Dec 26 2024, 11:51
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