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Nov 25 2024, 17:44
Group: Gold Star Club
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sorry, but i don't understand what the point is in playing with a superior rapier and complaining
Nov 25 2024, 18:16
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Nov 16 2024, 12:38)  network is shit at this time for weeks (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) QUOTE(FruitSmoothie @ Nov 18 2024, 06:33)  Got Daemon Duality. First day I go to test it and there's horrible lag. Worst part is it going on and off and messing with my flow, hitting my buff hotkeys and sometimes they go and sometimes they don't. I still ended up a minute faster than my faster run times for my 4 runs, so pretty clear improvement, but sure woulda been nice to see it without the lag.
QUOTE(FruitSmoothie @ Nov 18 2024, 15:40)  Damn crazy lag lately, game is almost unplayable for me today. Weird part is the daily fights seem fine (Maybe I got lucky), but arenas can have 1-2 seconds pauses constantly. That was rough. Doesn't seem to be my internet.
And the connection with the site is still bad ... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Many lags and crashes (which need to reload the page). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) When the connection is good, I play between 2.9 and 3.1 t/s. This month, most days I played between 2.4 and 2.8 t/s, which starts to irritate me. But today it is very bad. I played between 2.0 and 2.2 t/s. This represents a loss of time between 40 and 50%. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/faint.gif) Honestly, I would like the game to migrate to another server, more focused on speed. The galleries can stay where they are. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Nov 26 2024, 10:43
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It's not necessarily a complaint, but this poop Superior Rapier is the best weapon I dropped this season, especially after IW made it Holy Ethereal. I haven't been able to drop any replacement worth doing IW on and using, nor has there been anything in the auction worth it to buy over this. (I've sold one of the higher priced 1H legendary weapons in this season's auctions, too).
No weapon under 1m credits anyway, but I think no weapon period, either. I wish I had something better, but it's ironic that this weapon has been hard to beat due to its weird stats.
A better shield is dang easy to get over what I have now, but with me not spending a cent this season, I feel like I have to win a shield for 50k or less, so I've been stuck with an exquisite shield, too.
This superior-ish rapier isn't even SD, it's DA. If it was SD, that would be more respectable and hard to beat, but I haven't even seen or dropped anything to beat this DA.
Nov 26 2024, 13:20
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(folwaR... @ Nov 25 2024, 12:01)  I guess we will see yesterday. I am excited about fighting monsters 80+ levels above mine.
Btw, is there anyone willing to lend me his shield for a few hours in Isekai (best when you are asleep)? I just want to rush IW10 on mine. My usual gameplay time is about 7–11 UTC.
Hmm, clearing the 40th floor was kinda difficult. I had to use cures and full-cures quite a lot (especially above 25 round). I always started a round weakening every monster and ideally combining with imperil for faster clear. Also, in yesterday preparation, I was trying to get rid off lvl3 swift strike potency on my weapon, ending up with lvl4 in the end of the day. At least I've got butcher to lvl 5 ( Legendary Demonic Rapier of the Nimble) This post has been edited by folwaR...: Nov 26 2024, 13:21
Nov 26 2024, 22:20
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You have one of the best weapons possible in isekai so clearing Tower floors even past 50 will be relatively easy for you. Normal people can have more than twice the troubles and cures that you do, per run.
Swift Strike isn't that bad in isekai, either. It's a defensive potency with contributions comparable to parry and Nimble suffix. Percentage effectiveness, point-for-point it's much stronger than Butcher and Fatality except it's defense instead of offense. It's arguably the best potency in isekai for clearing the Tower with, although I don't think I'd actually aim for it.
Overpower is probably the worst 1H potency in isekai, but perhaps still decent. With everyone using haste in isekai, 1H Overwhelming Strikes is often at 5x stack which means overpower does nothing at all during those times, and enemies are stunned much more often with haste on too. These were the conditions in which Overpower was originally (mistakenly) researched though, and Overpower was still pretty good even then.
I don't think anyone researched how Overpower compares with Fatality without haste on, although I tried to do a theoretical calculation at one point (different approach than experimentally gathered performance data) and thought they could be the same on 1H (others did experiment and generally agree, with some saying that Overpower is better).
Nov 26 2024, 23:10
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Nov 26 2024, 11:43)  I haven't even seen or dropped anything to beat this DA.
try Magnificent Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter from MM
Nov 27 2024, 00:04
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Thanks! I looked at it and it's good, but I think it's not better enough than my current rapier for me to switch over. (not sure)
My rapier has Nimble suffix, and it has about 22.5 base parry with lv5 upgrade, so that's too much improvement over your rapier's 15.3 base parry.
My rapier had poop 24 ~ 26 adb originally (a bit higher now after IW and lv5 upgrade). Your rapier has about 400 more damage which is about 10% damage increase (and I would have to perform IW). I'm not sure it'd be worth it for me to change over just to reach Tower Floor 50.
I'm currently bidding on a rapier in this week's isekai auction (first one I've bid on, I wanted to bid on some others but people always bid like 1m and I was only going to bid 50k).
My rapier is not bad because all the side stats are good (actually it is an Exquisite with bottom roll adb; I also dropped a real Superior Ethereal Rapier of the Nimble almost the same, though) and my character functions mostly off of adb from his own body (I don't have much power armors this season either, although I had some Magnificent Power early this season, they were low level and I didn't want to soulfuse them).
Nov 27 2024, 00:35
Group: Gold Star Club
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jeezus fooking krist, dude
Nov 27 2024, 03:17
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Just somehow managed to sell a bunch of shit on the market to a Buy Order without even meaning to. No idea how the fuck that happened, I was trying to add to my existing Sell Order. That sucks. I can't even reproduce it, not sure if it was a bug or what, but I noticed I had some of the text highlighted that I can't even normally highlight (I think Buy Order and Count for Buy Order were highlighted, the box/0 for Buy Order might have been highlighted too). Any known bug like that? Would really like to avoid that happening again. Guess at least I only lost about 30-60k this time.
Edit: I can't even intentionally reproduce what I did, wtf, lol. All I did was highlight my Sell Order count and input some numbers. I think the scary part is that I didn't even hit anything that should have finished the transaction, I only clicked once. Only thing I could think of is maybe hitting Min Undercut and my mouse somehow double clicked or dragged to Update, but I doubt it (I do this daily for all my trophies). Just realizing how close the Min Undercut button is to Update though, that seems like a terrible place to put that. Still can't figure out how I highlighted random shit that can't normally be highlighted with the motion I do/did. Maybe the page loaded slow and caused some issue (Game was lagging pretty heavily). Been repeating the same motion over and over and not getting anything.
Man, just not knowing what happened bugs me the most, repeated the same cycle I did like a hundred times. Even tried to do it "sloppily" and I never messed up once. Only difference is the lag seems to have fixed, the pages were never slow to load.
This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 27 2024, 03:55
Nov 27 2024, 03:53
Group: Gold Star Club
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i think you clicked min undercut price and that price was equal to max buying order, so the sale took place immediately, if i understood correctly
Nov 27 2024, 05:15
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QUOTE(ikki. @ Nov 26 2024, 18:53)  i think you clicked min undercut price and that price was equal to max buying order, so the sale took place immediately, if i understood correctly
I've somehow have managed to accidentally do this multiple times. I've added a rule to my custom CSS to disable the buttons and haven't had a problem since. CODE form [onclick^="autofill_from_"] { pointer-events: none; }
Nov 27 2024, 05:26
Pretty anon
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Getting slow connection too, are the sea cables ok? Is it because it's getting colder in certain parts of the world so people all over go out less and the networks are more stressed than usual? Can't be, the streets are filled to the brim already. As long as this doesn't get one killed due to it or enchantments run out it's tolerable I guess but still... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
Nov 27 2024, 05:46
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QUOTE(sigo8 @ Nov 27 2024, 05:15)  I've somehow have managed to accidentally do this multiple times. I've added a rule to my custom CSS to disable the buttons and haven't had a problem since. CODE form [onclick^="autofill_from_"] { pointer-events: none; } Thanks, maybe I'll do that too. It really seemed like a bug based on what happened, so I was hoping somebody experienced something similar. Hard to describe it to people, but it was weird and didn't just seem like a missclick (Not only would I have had to hit Min Undercut that I've never hit before in hundreds of tests, but I also managed to instantly move my mouse up and doubleclick Update?). I've basically been trying to fuck up and do what could have happened without bugs and I can't. I could never even figure out how I managed to highlight that text, only time I've ever managed to do that and it's also when shit hits the fan is an odd coincidence. I'm normally all for "I fucked up somehow", I just wish I could reproduce that fuck up if that's what it was, haha. Welp, if somebody knows how to highlight the Count: text and the bar to the right of it, let me know. Not being able to reproduce anything that happened in hundreds of tests will haunt me and makes it impossible to describe what happened well. Maybe I'll try again when the game is as laggy as it was. Happened right after arenas were hitting 1-10 seconds freezes. This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 27 2024, 07:05
Nov 27 2024, 14:43
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Nov 26 2024, 23:20)  You have one of the best weapons possible in isekai so clearing Tower floors even past 50 will be relatively easy for you. Normal people can have more than twice the troubles and cures that you do, per run.
Swift Strike isn't that bad in isekai, either. It's a defensive potency with contributions comparable to parry and Nimble suffix. Percentage effectiveness, point-for-point it's much stronger than Butcher and Fatality except it's defense instead of offense. It's arguably the best potency in isekai for clearing the Tower with, although I don't think I'd actually aim for it. (...)
Hmmm. Good tip to turn on the haste (i turned on shadow veil as well) and cleared 41st floor in 19 minutes today. The only SoL proc was in 49th turn. I wouldn't have guessed it can have so huge impact on gameplay. As to SS, I would keep it.
Nov 28 2024, 02:58
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Floor 40 clear - 30 minutes Floor 41 clear - 40 minutes Floor 42 clear - 43 minutes Floor 43 clear - 33 minutes (soulfused my poopy rapier plus started using infusions, now that nearing my season's end)
Died about 50 times. I don't use Spirit Shield though. I've found for the past three seasons that I'm faster and more stable without Spirit Shield and just sparking over and over. And saves spirit potions cost. Just 6 floors to go, and shield upgrade hopefully incoming now that I've finally purchased something this season.
Nov 29 2024, 18:22
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Nov 29 2024, 18:44
Group: Gold Star Club
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I cleared floor 51 with this set with the level in picture, as I treat them as temporary equipment so I don't really want to spend money or time on upgrade nor IW them, a floor 50 can be reach by any equipment combat as long as you're willing to burn items  and cleared floor 52 with this one, it works shit in my view and I only try 1H mage one time, but anyway it works This post has been edited by what_is_name: Nov 29 2024, 18:54
Nov 29 2024, 19:14
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(folwaR... @ Nov 29 2024, 17:22)  easy.
Nov 30 2024, 00:42
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I'll drop off the Tower frontier since it's easier not to do Tower on fridays so I can now see 113+ people ahead of me. I should be strong enough to clear straight to Floor 50 in the next week.
This post has been edited by BlueWaterSplash: Nov 30 2024, 00:42
Dec 2 2024, 02:12
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If there are any catgril about, if you wouldn't mind checking the pinned thread in the catgril section
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