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The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV |
Nov 16 2024, 17:38
Group: Gold Star Club
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network is shit at this time for weeks (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) BTW there're bunch of obsolete weapons in bazzar now gone This post has been edited by what_is_name: Nov 16 2024, 17:47
Nov 17 2024, 13:16
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QUOTE(Pickled_Cow @ Nov 16 2024, 19:46)  This dropped in Isekai, wondering if it's actually good. The Snowflake app says it has Depr Prof 521%. https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/478868/56890f2266Live Percentile Ranges says Deprecating -35% (legendary range)
Nov 17 2024, 13:43
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Pickled_Cow @ Nov 16 2024, 18:46)  This dropped in Isekai, wondering if it's actually good. The Snowflake app says it has Depr Prof 521%. https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/478868/56890f2266sorry it's trash.
Nov 18 2024, 20:40
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Damn crazy lag lately, game is almost unplayable for me today. Weird part is the daily fights seem fine (Maybe I got lucky), but arenas can have 1-2 seconds pauses constantly. That was rough. Doesn't seem to be my internet.
This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 18 2024, 20:40
Nov 19 2024, 14:15
Group: Gold Star Club
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My biggest mistake in hv was distributing the lottery notification as part of hvut.
I shouldn't have created a feature that could cause me to lose by increasing competitors.
Nov 19 2024, 15:32
Group: Gold Star Club
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looks like the lottery is very popular after the core added, I won few trash but nothing after the core update. well but at least I don't buy ticket with credits, just randomly put my daily gains GP. I used to gamble few thousands before the core added but also get nothing (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Nov 20 2024, 02:27
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I've never won a single thing from lotteries (it's fine, I've also barely entered any except one or two low value ones).
After Peerless Cores are introduced I feel like there are more bids on all equipment (this is similar to the Chaos Tokens effect, which I think creates bids on bad equipments).
If someone wants Peerless Core, I think they need to opt out of the equipment, so in theory the introduction of Peerless Cores shouldn't reduce your chances to win equipment. Although it would be harder to discern which are the trash equipment that poor players stand a chance to win.
Also maybe the "theory" is wrong, I dunno.
Nov 20 2024, 05:58
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Hi, everyone. I hope this not violate rule cause this is first time i post in here but i need help on this problem (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) I've just start playing HentaiVerse for about over two week or so, i am currently on level 220 I start notice that i get the penalty for answer wrong on riddler master on week 1 and then i start to answer it correctly base in the picture provide by wiki and some other strategy , but some how when ever i do the Calculation my penalty still seem to increase, currently i seem to cost 0.1333 stamina point for a battle of arena compare to the standart 0.02 provide in the wiki. If there anything that i do that could have affect this ? i do not use chrome to play but i use CocCoc could this be a reason why it happen ? Thank you. This post has been edited by xaitam02@gmail.com: Nov 20 2024, 05:59
Nov 20 2024, 09:28
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Actually now that I think about it my "theory" above was probably wrong. Because some people might not opt out of the equipment since they can just turn the equipment itself into Peerless Core as well. So the introduction of Peerless Cores might have driven up the lottery cost of junk equips after all.
I don't know.
Nov 20 2024, 11:26
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QUOTE(xaitam02@gmail.com @ Nov 20 2024, 05:58)  Hi, everyone. I hope this not violate rule cause this is first time i post in here but i need help on this problem (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) I've just start playing HentaiVerse for about over two week or so, i am currently on level 220 I start notice that i get the penalty for answer wrong on riddler master on week 1 and then i start to answer it correctly base in the picture provide by wiki and some other strategy , but some how when ever i do the Calculation my penalty still seem to increase, currently i seem to cost 0.1333 stamina point for a battle of arena compare to the standart 0.02 provide in the wiki. If there anything that i do that could have affect this ? i do not use chrome to play but i use CocCoc could this be a reason why it happen ? Thank you. You need to answer correctly multiple times to improve accuracy, and the penalty will gradually decrease. The exact accuracy rate cannot be determined. It once took me about 40 days to get everything back to normal. here to ask questions https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=211064
Nov 20 2024, 13:09
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QUOTE(anhunwen @ Nov 20 2024, 11:26)  You need to answer correctly multiple times to improve accuracy, and the penalty will gradually decrease. The exact accuracy rate cannot be determined. It once took me about 40 days to get everything back to normal. here to ask questions https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=211064Thank you , i knew about this and i have try to match it , but i swear mine keep going up no matter what with the rate, at this point it not that hard for me to tell which pony through selective discard base on their horn, wing and multiple hair color, i will try using chrome maybe it is what cause the problem, if after that and it still not work i will ask other , it is the increase of the consumer rate that keep bother me no matter how much i answer it right (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Nov 21 2024, 16:39
Group: Gold Star Club
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Nov 21 2024, 17:25
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Malenk @ Nov 21 2024, 22:39)  looks like all of it is fluttershy
Nov 22 2024, 00:48
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To me, that's an easy one. I've seen some pretty hard ones now and then, but too lazy to screencap.
I'm too busy now so although I'm still on the Tower forefront (despite having died naked on floor 2) I don't have time to play every day so my Stamina went back to 99 and I'm going to fall badly off being vaguely around the high levels. This was when I was around level 320 or so a few days ago.
Haven't bought anything this year and my gear is still fairly bad. But functional, unlike last season. This season, the most efficient thing for me to do might just be to conserve credits (don't buy even 50k stuff) and struggle up to Floor 50 with exquisite and magnificent gear. If I do that, I won't do a few extra floors like usual. The reason this approach can sort of work is that I'm a higher level than normal since I didn't do much IW this season.
(Although this is not the highest level I've been, which was 2 seasons ago when I had fairly good legendary rapiers and armors. It's also higher than the lowest level I've ever been which was like 280 doing the old Towers which were much harder).
This post has been edited by BlueWaterSplash: Nov 22 2024, 00:52
Nov 22 2024, 21:55
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 420
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I wonder when the tower starts to be a problem. It is my first season. I am level 320 atm, and my current floor is 37. I think I will be able to clear daily until IWBTH floors end.
Nov 22 2024, 22:08
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(folwaR... @ Nov 22 2024, 22:55)  I wonder when the tower starts to be a problem.
Nov 25 2024, 11:01
Group: Gold Star Club
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I guess we will see yesterday. I am excited about fighting monsters 80+ levels above mine.
Btw, is there anyone willing to lend me his shield for a few hours in Isekai (best when you are asleep)? I just want to rush IW10 on mine. My usual gameplay time is about 7–11 UTC.
Nov 25 2024, 11:51
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QUOTE  on PFUDOR Took me exactly 30 minutes to clear Tower Floor 40 today. Guess it's finally time to soulfuse my level 179 Superior Holy Rapier of the Poopy Ether. Shield is a Exquisite Fart Shield of Diffusion, too. Haven't bought anything this season, only sold stuff. Making more credits than normal isekai season. Guess I will see if I can struggle up to clearing Tower Floor 49 with these rags. At least I'm somewhat higher level. Medium build muscle lady with rags instead of little girl with rags, this season. Behold how strong I shall become after soulfusing poop into my body this season!
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