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post Nov 2 2024, 05:15
Post #51901

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QUOTE(wanko_wanko @ Nov 1 2024, 20:39) *

I'm just getting tired of seeing you complain about it every chance you get.

That was a lot of effort to just say "I'm upset you criticized resellers". You started off trying to intentionally strawman my argument and surprise surprise, you ignore everything that's inconvenient for you and continue on. "Only one guy reselling", LOL. He's just the worst I've seen by far, so a great example to post. If you want me to regularly name and shame/screenshot resellers and spam screenshots of resellers, I can do that. And here I thought you didn't want to hear me "complaining" all the time about this. Make up your mind, will you?

If you can't at least understand why I think reselling trophies is bad for the market, that's on you, I'm not going to be able to convince you of anything if your head is in the dirt. People that try to pretend like they're listening to seem reasonable when they really have no intention of changing their stance are so pathetic. I'm also not going to stop "complaining", about issues with the game that I think could be fixed to improve things for most players, but you can continue to get mad about me doing it if you want to waste your time, lol.

QUOTE(wanko_wanko @ Nov 1 2024, 16:54) *

I've seen you complain about this numerous times

I've mentioned this twice before now over half a month ago in two threads at basically the same time (Ask the Experts once mentioning the trophy market sucking, and HV suggestions for a possible solution to the problem once) and never mentioned it again until now (When somebody asked a question about it). Digging your feet in and trying to make me seem like the unreasonable one here is also pathetic, but I appreciate you making your bias/true intentions so apparent. Again, my offer still stands, if you want me to make a thread to regularly name and shame resellers, I can do that. I figured that was kind of overkill since I thought most people could see the problem for themselves, but here we are.

QUOTE(Lelfkgjicod @ Nov 2 2024, 01:47) *

1. Unicorn horn's price is plumetting since last month, all the stock was bought so irrelevant.
2. You're literally posting another issue which was the origin of changes to the market, i don't get what your point is if not that that's indeed seen as a problem.
3. Xeda is always selling at the lowest price with lot of stocks. Of course he's not gonna align on a few newbies each time. Also he bought them at higher price for this case and probably was looking to still make a profit since the price lowered. Now he's selling at 2500 and that's the only sell order that has stock, which means everybody higher now get a pressure to lower their own orders and align it with Xeda to benefit... The reseller.
Now another problem: i was looking to buy some materials and no matter the buy order Xeda did set a higher one, effectively disabling my ability to use a buy order since he's just here all the time. I had to resort to buy a selling order but most importantly: i felt frustration at this shit going on. And other people will too, hence where your "general sentiment" comes from.

I'm not saying this behaviour is only harmful because it provides a small price floor when there is no buyer but as we can see it crumbles soon enough, it needs a deeper analysis indeed and i don't blame Xeda but the system in itself that needs some more changes.

See, this is a reasonable take. I do believe it's overall harmful, but I admit the system is more at fault than any person. Unsurprisingly, people will take advantage of any system that isn't regulated well. As mentioned, it also doesn't help trophies are pretty much the main income source for most players and they don't have other options without specialized hath perks. It would be a lot less of an issue if this was a decent economy filled with various ways to make money like any decent MMO, but it's not.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 2 2024, 06:04
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post Nov 2 2024, 07:07
Post #51902

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My suggestion all along was, limit users to changing their offer price once per day per item. Then meatbot losers don't have any advantage.
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post Nov 2 2024, 07:54
Post #51903

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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Nov 2 2024, 07:07) *

My suggestion all along was, limit users to changing their offer price once per day per item. Then meatbot losers don't have any advantage.

Damn, good idea. Straight up making things bought off the market untradable would be the easiest solution, but it would also harm some people who make mistakes or end up using less resources than they thought they'd use that want to sell some back. Limiting price changes is a really great balanced/fair option that still has leeway for errors. People can even continue reselling a bit without being as oppressive. I'll +1 that.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 2 2024, 07:55
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post Nov 2 2024, 08:44
Post #51904

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Nov 2 2024, 06:07) *

My suggestion all along was, limit users to changing their offer price once per day per item. Then meatbot losers don't have any advantage.

We could suggest this to tenboro. it would be inconvenient for normal traders, but probably not too much: only when making a mistake, it can't be corrected immediately. However, if everyone would just use the lowest available sell price and put their stuff on the pile, then there would be no reselling possible. I don't believe that the price is plummeting because of resellers. It's more likely that the game is not updated for years, that we're top-heavy with high-level players, that old mosterlabs just generate more bindings than needed in the game, that there are just too few people that want to gamble for FOS. Play isekai, season just started. There you have a small, but more healthy market.

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post Nov 2 2024, 08:53
Post #51905

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Isekai is getting all slow now as I write this. Same thing happened at times for me during the beginning of last season, too. Maybe server cannot handle all the people playing at same time. Guess I'll take a break and check again in half an hour, might die in these conditions.

edit: Even the forum is getting laggy for me too, now.

This post has been edited by BlueWaterSplash: Nov 2 2024, 08:55
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post Nov 2 2024, 22:47
Post #51906

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i have a question: what exactly is wrong with resellers?
i mean the market is open, everything is visible, so why not?
the problem is when newcomers did not know the prices and scammers on the forum bought something much cheaper than the real cost
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post Nov 3 2024, 01:55
Post #51907

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Nov 2 2024, 22:47) *

i have a question: what exactly is wrong with resellers?
i mean the market is open, everything is visible, so why not?
the problem is when newcomers did not know the prices and scammers on the forum bought something much cheaper than the real cost

Already mentioned, but the problem is that they can force the price down and pressure people into selling at lower prices (to them).

1: They start off putting a ton of Buy Orders at low prices.
2: They then place tens of thousands of sell orders at a higher price.
3: People see that to get their item sold on the Sell Order, they would either have to undercut the 40k+ sell orders for a lower price and wait for the item to sell, or they have to sell to the crappy Buy Order price.

You can see it play out here (Guess who is selling most of those items at 2520 and constantly altering their prices): Attached Image

Why is this a problem? Because low level players don't have many ways to make money and are desperate for gear to clear arenas in a reasonable amount of time. I know many people that take 40+ minutes to do DWD, it is not fun to do this daily and can greatly increase the burn out of players. People that are desperate for better gear are thus pressured to sell for crap prices to afford better gear. This is a predatory tactic, because players (Especially those without stars) earn very little money without trophy selling and really have no alternative due to the other money making methods requiring specialized hath perks. As I mentioned before too, I think a lot of players straight up don't know that Sell Orders merge at the same price, you'll often see people undercut eachother to sell like a dozen or less items, which doesn't help.

Rich folks or those that are already strong and can clear things quick enough to not be an obnoxious chore every day can afford to wait and just not sell their trophies at low prices, newer players don't have that same luxury. I recently passed that milestone and am at the point where I can afford to wait now that my DWD runs are under 25 minutes. If I got stuck at 40+ minutes like when I first started, I probably would have quit by now. I won't forget how much it sucked just because it's not a problem for me anymore, lol.

Basically TLDR: People controlling the trophy market can control the price and basically guarantee profits because the people they're preying on are desperate and have no other options due to the lack of income methods of the game. New players and those with outdated gear (Level 200-350ish and returning players without stars are most impacted) are pressured to upgrade gear to not burn out and quit. It's not reselling itself that's the problem, it's people controlling a market filled with vulnerable people that don't have other options to make money if they want to be able to actually play the game without it sucking.

PS: There are even times when reselling can be beneficial, like buying up gear on a temporary auction and reselling it in a permanent location. In this case, people can put a minimum price on their gear to avoid this if they want, there are ways to counter resellers. This is a balanced/fair system. Trophy reselling, not so much, lol.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 3 2024, 02:18
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post Nov 3 2024, 02:25
Post #51908

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I'll tell you a secret: when you complain about "them" and ask to solve the problem of resalling, then you are also trying to control the price and basically guarantee profits for you. prohibit people from working with the market just because someone is lazy to work with it and just want to sell trophies at a higher price because of "justice"
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post Nov 3 2024, 02:39
Post #51909

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Nov 3 2024, 02:25) *

I'll tell you a secret: when you complain about "them" and ask to solve the problem of resalling, then you are also trying to control the price and basically guarantee profits for you. prohibit people from working with the market just because someone is lazy to work with it and just want to sell trophies at a higher price because of "justice"

If you bothered to keep up with the thread, I never said I wanted to completely stop resellers, I want to make them less oppressive. I also mentioned that I am not longer impacted by the issue myself, because I can afford to wait. Wrong target to try to hit with that shit, lol. I don't even need to sell trophies anymore if I don't want to. I just believe it's a problem that could be improved.

"Anybody who doesn't manipulate the market is lazy", Lmao. [www.google.com] https://www.google.com/search?client=firefo...and+poor+people
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post Nov 3 2024, 02:50
Post #51910

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by "you" I didn't mean literally you, you know what i mean, don't pretend

I want to make them less oppressive

and how do you propose to determine the level of oppression?
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post Nov 3 2024, 02:59
Post #51911

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Nov 3 2024, 02:50) *

by "you" I didn't mean literally you, you know what i mean, don't pretend
and how do you propose to determine the level of oppression?

I can't read minds champ, this is the internet. You say "You" right after my message, the only message posted since your last message, and I'm going to assume "You" is aimed at me, especially with all the context aimed at what I was talking about.

We've already gone over some options to help things that won't even stop resellers. There's basically nothing left to discuss unless you somehow still have trouble understanding the problem we were trying to improve on. If that's the case, I've already explained things about as simply as I can, so somebody else would have to step up and explain things to you. I'd just be repeating myself at this point.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 3 2024, 03:02
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post Nov 3 2024, 03:46
Post #51912

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Nov 1 2024, 08:44) *

New Isekai season start in couple hours maybe, remember to take one eyes on monster name, one last monster id is in wanted
Find the monster id of Sony Ericsson S302 and reply here to get @200 Precursor Artifacts reward, only one and first come first served

You will see the monster id in the beginning of each round. Copy the Spawned line if possible, the format is like this:
Spawned Monster A: MID=223484 (Nepnep) LV=376 HP=14027
Paste the full Spawned line if you find the target

report. the target should appear in today's tower
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post Nov 3 2024, 21:15
Post #51913

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So I found out something today.
Attached Image
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post Nov 4 2024, 03:22
Post #51914
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Nov 2 2024, 19:46) *

report. the target should appear in today's tower

I've found two of my 1000+PL monsters around level 108 or so and found one of my 750+ on tower 19 just now. Found several of yours too during the journey but they don't appear anymore to me and couldn't find the one you're looking for. Around what level it's at my I ask? It somehow feels like I missed the chance already.
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post Nov 4 2024, 03:45
Post #51915

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Nov 4 2024, 09:22) *

I've found two of my 1000+PL monsters around level 108 or so and found one of my 750+ on tower 19 just now. Found several of yours too during the journey but they don't appear anymore to me and couldn't find the one you're looking for. Around what level it's at my I ask? It somehow feels like I missed the chance already.

should already missed in yesterday, it's plv 3xx, maybe in floor 10-13

This post has been edited by what_is_name: Nov 4 2024, 03:53
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post Nov 4 2024, 08:11
Post #51916

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Nov 4 2024, 02:45) *

should already missed in yesterday, it's plv 3xx, maybe in floor 10-13

could well be that this particular monster wasn't selected to fight this season. IIRC the isekai monster base is a copy of a selection of the persistent monster base. We don't know details though.
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post Nov 4 2024, 08:56
Post #51917

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QUOTE(Noni @ Nov 4 2024, 08:11) *

could well be that this particular monster wasn't selected to fight this season. IIRC the isekai monster base is a copy of a selection of the persistent monster base. We don't know details though.

I yoinked all my monsters up to level 500+ like 3-4 days before reset and found one of them in there at their boosted level. So at least the pull seems somewhat close to Isekai reset for what it's worth. Not sure if they need kills or wins or something additional to show up though. The one I found has 2 Wins/1 Kill, think they were at least a couple months old too. They were like right at the point where I'm not sure if they were one of my old monsters that has been around for years or not. The monster right under them I know is 100% newer (Less than a few months old, made when I returned to the game). Too bad we can't see their creation date.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 4 2024, 09:01
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post Nov 4 2024, 10:12
Post #51918

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Can I seethe for a bit? I HATE ITEM WORLD SO GODDAMN MUCH. I spent an hour trying to get Penetrator 1 on a legendary staff. These are the potencies I unlocked in order:
This has a 6.8% chance of happening, and of course, it happens.

This post has been edited by polisperic: Nov 4 2024, 10:14
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post Nov 4 2024, 10:30
Post #51919

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QUOTE(polisperic @ Nov 4 2024, 10:12) *

Can I seethe for a bit? I HATE ITEM WORLD SO GODDAMN MUCH. I spent an hour trying to get Penetrator 1 on a legendary staff. These are the potencies I unlocked in order:
This has a 6.8% chance of happening, and of course, it happens.

Rip. IW Services save lives. I think IW is probably the worst part of the game right now. Devs maybe got a bit too crazy with the rng at that point, lol.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 4 2024, 10:34
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post Nov 4 2024, 12:45
Post #51920

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QUOTE(polisperic @ Nov 4 2024, 11:12) *

Can I seethe for a bit? I HATE ITEM WORLD SO GODDAMN MUCH. I spent an hour trying to get Penetrator 1 on a legendary staff. These are the potencies I unlocked in order:
This has a 6.8% chance of happening, and of course, it happens.

I spent about 300 amnesia shards and a stupid amount of energy drinks trying to item world a set of equipment for juggernaut + a single elemental resistance. I got a single piece the way I wanted (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) You're not alone: IW fucking sucks. The amount of times I would have juggernaut 5 + elecproof 4 or something, only to randomly get fireproof on the last level... Kill me now.
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