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post Oct 22 2024, 09:30
Post #51881

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Oct 22 2024, 09:21) *

My Tampermonkey has suddenly stopped working, none of my scripts load. I suspect this happened when it automatically updated to version 5.3.1 (without my permission damn it)

I'm using Google Chrome (which is complaining that I have blocked its updates) anyone else encounter this problem?

It's probably due to Google's push for manifest v3. You will need to enable Developer Mode as explained [www.tampermonkey.net] here.
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post Oct 22 2024, 10:38
Post #51882

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It works again with Developer mode, thanks.

What I don't quite understand is why only today this happened to me. As far as I can tell, my Google Chrome did not update since I seem to have (after years and years of trying) finally blocked it. I'm currently on Chrome Version 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)

However my Tampermonkey did update automatically yesterday or recently, I can't remember. If anyone knows how to block Tampermonkey automatic updates, that would be great too.
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post Oct 22 2024, 11:40
Post #51883

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just install the Tampermonkey Legacy
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post Oct 26 2024, 17:47
Post #51884

far ahead the known level of comfiness~
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~Year worth of monster lab drops. Current headcount
8 lvl 750+
18 lvl 500+
34 lvl ~100
64 lvl 25-28
124 total

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/PXmrnwV.png)

This post has been edited by Benny-boy: Oct 26 2024, 17:47
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post Oct 26 2024, 23:54
Post #51885

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QUOTE(Benny-boy @ Oct 26 2024, 17:47) *

~Year worth of monster lab drops. Current headcount
8 lvl 750+
18 lvl 500+
34 lvl ~100
64 lvl 25-28
124 total

Thanks for this, was curious myself about drop rates. I'm getting new monsters so often still that the drop rates aren't too accurate. So you made about 606.93 a day per monster. Dang, I've got a ways to go to get up to reasonable daily income at only 17 monsters atm. Will be nice to get up to like 50k one day, which seems to require about 85 monsters. That'll take a while without a gold star, lol. The droprate of high-grade mats isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. 26 out of 124 monsters in high-grade range means you could potentially get like 300-400ish of each high-grade mat if they were all level 500+. Not sure how much some of your monsters excluding low-grade mats helps though. I was planning to try to get all my monsters above 500, so it's nice it seems they should pay themselves off in a "reasonable" amount of time. The decreased morale drain helps a lot too.

The special armor type bindings are a bit rarer than the general ones eh? Drop rate is like 50-60% of the others.

This is what I've been aiming for, getting close (For those unfamilar with the upgrade system: Left most numbers are current crystals spent on all upgrades, middle is what I need to upgrade, right most is how many crystals I currently have): Attached Image

I really just want to sync up the morale drain somewhat, lol. Oh and most my monsters were made when upgrading combat stats still mattered, and it felt bad leaving the others without any upgrades, which is why I spend some on them still. Might stop that eventually though (After 20 monsters).

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 1 2024, 02:03
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post Nov 1 2024, 02:44
Post #51886

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New Isekai season start in couple hours maybe, remember to take one eyes on monster name, one last monster id is in wanted
Find the monster id of Sony Ericsson S302 and reply here to get @200 Precursor Artifacts reward, only one and first come first served

You will see the monster id in the beginning of each round. Copy the Spawned line if possible, the format is like this:
Spawned Monster A: MID=223484 (Nepnep) LV=376 HP=14027
Paste the full Spawned line if you find the target

This post has been edited by what_is_name: Nov 1 2024, 03:22
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post Nov 1 2024, 03:12
Post #51887

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why isk 9 utc? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
i want now, at dawn
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post Nov 1 2024, 03:35
Post #51888

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Yeah that's confusing. There's barely even any mention of wtf is going on with Isekai, I initially expected it at daily reset. No notice or info posted in releases forum yet either about the new season stuff. They should really be making a bigger deal out of season switches. Looking forward to the 600+k though.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 1 2024, 03:40
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post Nov 1 2024, 08:13
Post #51889

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QUOTE(FruitSmoothie @ Nov 1 2024, 02:35) *

Yeah that's confusing. There's barely even any mention of wtf is going on with Isekai, I initially expected it at daily reset. No notice or info posted in releases forum yet either about the new season stuff. They should really be making a bigger deal out of season switches. Looking forward to the 600+k though.

A bigger deal would be nice yes. We want Truck-Kun to take us to isekai!
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post Nov 1 2024, 13:39
Post #51890

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Do you guys think its possible to manipulate the market-values for items in The Market?
Ive noticed every time a certain commodity reaches a standstill in sales someone always seems to show up to undercut the price for a little while, so the price just keeps decreasing over time.

If i were mostly interested in buying large amounts of it, would it be in my vested interest to sell that same commodity at a loss from time to time is what i'm asking? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
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post Nov 1 2024, 13:58
Post #51891

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First of all there aren't that many players around and the huge majority sell what they make daily instead of using it.
(basic necessities come from item shop)

For trophies for example, since the number of sellers heavily outweighs the number of people who buy it to use them, there are those who buy them to flip them because sooner or later one of those rich guy will sweep in and immediately buy a huge amount of it.
So if you place an order for a few credits less it's likely a newbie will place one at the same or even lower and then you can save a bit of credits. Do that with friends who each sell a few items and hope there is no buyer around.

At a higher scale, if there is even less people buying trophies to use it the flippers will end up being afraid of selling at a loss and stop buying and the prices will crumble. (A bit like what happened last month, there was simply no buyer and flippers kept trying to increase their margins) So just a few people not buying can drop the price of Noodly Appendage by 20% and it's unrealistic to think newbies will consider using instead of selling them.

Since the fee of selling is only 1% you don't risk much anyway, i would say that if you're a little bit smart and patient you can definitely sway the market how you want it.

This post has been edited by Lelfkgjicod: Nov 1 2024, 14:13
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post Nov 1 2024, 14:15
Post #51892

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QUOTE(Strykarkatt @ Nov 1 2024, 13:39) *

Do you guys think its possible to manipulate the market-values for items in The Market?
Ive noticed every time a certain commodity reaches a standstill in sales someone always seems to show up to undercut the price for a little while, so the price just keeps decreasing over time.

If i were mostly interested in buying large amounts of it, would it be in my vested interest to sell that same commodity at a loss from time to time is what i'm asking? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

Yes of course. The Market is saturated with resellers. People are too impatient to wait a day or two for their Sell Orders to sell, so they sell to the highest Buy Order. Those people that have tens of thousands of Buy Orders to buy them all up then resell the item at a higher price until they eventually control the market. It can quickly go from people being able to get their "Sell Order's" bought in a day or two to never being able to sell them for a reasonable price because the resellers dominate the sell orders too (By dragging the price down and selling so many trophies at once that people are pressured to sell cheaper to not be behind 50k+ Sell Orders), and this can put even more pressure on people to just sell their items to the Buy Orders, which continues the constant resell loop.

See the trophy market with 20-40k+ trophies in the Sell Order constantly bringing the price down. 2580 used to be a reasonable price for the schoolgirl trophies, now the resellers have dragged it down to below 2500. Everybody gets fucked over because a couple rich people wanna be richer, and the game devs won't make stuff bought from the market untradable or whatever to prevent resellers.

Edit: I disagree with Lelfk that claims you need to be "smart" to accomplish this. It's purely money and a lack of morals to succeed. This game basically has one reliable money making method without special hath perks/gold stars, and that's trophy selling. You don't need to be "smart" to take advantage of people that don't really have any other options to make money. Maybe if the game ever evolves and allows for more money making methods, you could say that. I don't recommend being a parasite personally, lol. The money you make from manipulating the market and reselling doesn't magically fall out of the sky, it comes from people that actually worked for the items not getting money they could have without you fucking with shit to get a bit richer. It's a lot easier to wait when you aren't desperate for upgrades/improvements. Broke/new players need upgrades, so they have a lot more pressure on them to settle for shit prices to not give up on the game.

A lot of people straight up don't seem to understand that you can match a Sell Order price and your items combine with others and join a queue to get sold at that price too. It's pretty fucking weird people are so eager to undercut the Sell Orders instead of just selling to the Buy Orders or waiting their turn, it's like taking the worst of both options. I guess some people don't realize trophy buyers usually buy in massive bulk. About the only people that might by your cheap Sell Orders early are resellers, which again, adds to the problems the market has. Because those resellers usually put too many trophies on the market at once and end up lowering the prices.

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 1 2024, 15:12
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post Nov 1 2024, 16:54
Post #51893

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QUOTE(FruitSmoothie @ Nov 1 2024, 15:15) *

Yes of course. The Market is saturated with resellers. People are too impatient to wait a day or two for their Sell Orders to sell, so they sell to the highest Buy Order. Those people that have tens of thousands of Buy Orders to buy them all up then resell the item at a higher price until they eventually control the market. It can quickly go from people being able to get their "Sell Order's" bought in a day or two to never being able to sell them for a reasonable price because the resellers dominate the sell orders too (By dragging the price down and selling so many trophies at once that people are pressured to sell cheaper to not be behind 50k+ Sell Orders), and this can put even more pressure on people to just sell their items to the Buy Orders, which continues the constant resell loop.

See the trophy market with 20-40k+ trophies in the Sell Order constantly bringing the price down. 2580 used to be a reasonable price for the schoolgirl trophies, now the resellers have dragged it down to below 2500. Everybody gets fucked over because a couple rich people wanna be richer, and the game devs won't make stuff bought from the market untradable or whatever to prevent resellers.
Edit: I disagree with Lelfk that claims you need to be "smart" to accomplish this. It's purely money and a lack of morals to succeed. This game basically has one reliable money making method without special hath perks/gold stars, and that's trophy selling. You don't need to be "smart" to take advantage of people that don't really have any other options to make money. Maybe if the game ever evolves and allows for more money making methods, you could say that. I don't recommend being a parasite personally, lol. The money you make from manipulating the market and reselling doesn't magically fall out of the sky, it comes from people that actually worked for the items not getting money they could have without you fucking with shit to get a bit richer. It's a lot easier to wait when you aren't desperate for upgrades/improvements. Broke/new players need upgrades, so they have a lot more pressure on them to settle for shit prices to not give up on the game.

A lot of people straight up don't seem to understand that you can match a Sell Order price and your items combine with others and join a queue to get sold at that price too. It's pretty fucking weird people are so eager to undercut the Sell Orders instead of just selling to the Buy Orders or waiting their turn, it's like taking the worst of both options. I guess some people don't realize trophy buyers usually buy in massive bulk. About the only people that might by your cheap Sell Orders early are resellers, which again, adds to the problems the market has. Because those resellers usually put too many trophies on the market at once and end up lowering the prices.

I've seen you complain about this numerous times, but looking at your posts, it seems like you've only been playing the game with the Market available for 3 months. So do you actually have data to prove that 2580 credits is supposed to be the base sell price for schoolgirl trophies? Because it's kind of moot to talk about manipulation or fluctuation of market prices without the numbers to back it up, and it could very well be that you happened upon a temporary surge in price.
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post Nov 1 2024, 18:36
Post #51894

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QUOTE(wanko_wanko @ Nov 1 2024, 16:54) *

I've seen you complain about this numerous times, but looking at your posts, it seems like you've only been playing the game with the Market available for 3 months. So do you actually have data to prove that 2580 credits is supposed to be the base sell price for schoolgirl trophies? Because it's kind of moot to talk about manipulation or fluctuation of market prices without the numbers to back it up, and it could very well be that you happened upon a temporary surge in price.

I didn't say 2580 is the "base price", I said it "used to be a reasonable price". Average of the year is almost 3k, shows it right there in the price history. The "data" is on my side for the trophy price being lower than average for the year. If you've been following the market or even bothered to look at the price history, pretty obvious what's been going on. I've also posted prices before and resellers, which you should be able to see if you've bothered to go through my post history, but I'll save you some time.

What are you trying to accomplish here exactly? I hope you just misread or misunderstood my message and you're not trying to strawman shit here, lol. Asking for evidence and not showing anything to disprove what I said is sure a choice you made (Especially when I HAVE posted evidence before and the trophy market history and recent trades are right there for everybody to see).

This post has been edited by FruitSmoothie: Nov 1 2024, 18:52
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post Nov 1 2024, 19:36
Post #51895

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Is the Cure level 1 ability bugged or is it HVUtils? After slotting, it shows level 0/3 and Supportive 1 is still red
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post Nov 1 2024, 20:02
Post #51896

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Have you tried disabling the script and checking if it still does it? Because it'd probably answer the question
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post Nov 1 2024, 20:30
Post #51897

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lol I did right after posting that. sorry for asking dumb questions all the time. It is HVUtils, though I was expecting a fully detailed answer as to why it is like that. Anyways, anyone knows how to fix it? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by minnazzo: Nov 1 2024, 20:31
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post Nov 1 2024, 20:39
Post #51898

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QUOTE(FruitSmoothie @ Nov 1 2024, 19:36) *

I didn't say 2580 is the "base price", I said it "used to be a reasonable price". Average of the year is almost 3k, shows it right there in the price history. The "data" is on my side for the trophy price being lower than average for the year. If you've been following the market or even bothered to look at the price history, pretty obvious what's been going on. I've also posted prices before and resellers, which you should be able to see if you've bothered to go through my post history, but I'll save you some time.

What are you trying to accomplish here exactly? I hope you just misread or misunderstood my message and you're not trying to strawman shit here, lol. Asking for evidence and not showing anything to disprove what I said is sure a choice you made (Especially when I HAVE posted evidence before and the trophy market history and recent trades are right there for everybody to see).

No, I've seen that post, and you're complaining about literally one guy doing resells. Are you implying one guy is enough to drive prices down across the board? Because that's a big claim and I'm not seeing any substantial evidence to back it up, or even an explanation of how that's supposed to work.

I checked my trade log, do you know who was among the top buyers of trophies at the "reasonable price" of 2580? Xeda. Do you know who's now selling them at 2540 (or other daily highs)? Xeda. Do you know who's selling them at the current lows, driving the price down? Well, it's not Xeda. Or are you saying that him buying at these low prices encourages people to continue selling for such amount, keeping the prices down? Are you sure that 2580 is "reasonable price", or is it only "reasonable" because that's what it was at when you first opened the market?

Attached Image

Attached Image

Also, how do you explain Unicorn Horn being 2k over the average? Xeda is doing the same thing there from what I see, and yet the price is up.

And finally see this discussion from 2021 (the complaints there were actually justified, since it seems there was a bug in the market code, but the general sentiment about reselling applies)

In summary, unless you can make a solid argument on how reselling is harmful to the market (for which you would need detailed data in the first place, not just average from one year) then you do not have much of a case here. I'm just getting tired of seeing you complain about it every chance you get.
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post Nov 1 2024, 21:46
Post #51899

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Nov 1 2024, 00:44) *

New Isekai season start in couple hours maybe, remember to take one eyes on monster name, one last monster id is in wanted
Find the monster id of Sony Ericsson S302 and reply here to get @200 Precursor Artifacts reward, only one and first come first served

You will see the monster id in the beginning of each round. Copy the Spawned line if possible, the format is like this:
Spawned Monster A: MID=223484 (Nepnep) LV=376 HP=14027
Paste the full Spawned line if you find the target

What power level is it at? I could've missed it if it was like super low-leveled (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif)
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post Nov 2 2024, 01:47
Post #51900

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QUOTE(wanko_wanko @ Nov 1 2024, 20:39) *

No, I've seen that post, and you're complaining about literally one guy doing resells. Are you implying one guy is enough to drive prices down across the board? Because that's a big claim and I'm not seeing any substantial evidence to back it up, or even an explanation of how that's supposed to work.

I checked my trade log, do you know who was among the top buyers of trophies at the "reasonable price" of 2580? Xeda. Do you know who's now selling them at 2540 (or other daily highs)? Xeda. Do you know who's selling them at the current lows, driving the price down? Well, it's not Xeda. Or are you saying that him buying at these low prices encourages people to continue selling for such amount, keeping the prices down? Are you sure that 2580 is "reasonable price", or is it only "reasonable" because that's what it was at when you first opened the market?

Attached Image

Attached Image

Also, how do you explain Unicorn Horn being 2k over the average? Xeda is doing the same thing there from what I see, and yet the price is up.

And finally see this discussion from 2021 (the complaints there were actually justified, since it seems there was a bug in the market code, but the general sentiment about reselling applies)

In summary, unless you can make a solid argument on how reselling is harmful to the market (for which you would need detailed data in the first place, not just average from one year) then you do not have much of a case here. I'm just getting tired of seeing you complain about it every chance you get.

1. Unicorn horn's price is plumetting since last month, all the stock was bought so irrelevant.
2. You're literally posting another issue which was the origin of changes to the market, i don't get what your point is if not that that's indeed seen as a problem.
3. Xeda is always selling at the lowest price with lot of stocks. Of course he's not gonna align on a few newbies each time. Also he bought them at higher price for this case and probably was looking to still make a profit since the price lowered. Now he's selling at 2500 and that's the only sell order that has stock, which means everybody higher now get a pressure to lower their own orders and align it with Xeda to benefit... The reseller.

Now another problem: i was looking to buy some materials and no matter the buy order Xeda did set a higher one, effectively disabling my ability to use a buy order since he's just here all the time. I had to resort to buy a selling order but most importantly: i felt frustration at this shit going on. And other people will too, hence where your "general sentiment" comes from.

I'm not saying this behaviour is only harmful because it provides a small price floor when there is no buyer but as we can see it crumbles soon enough, it needs a deeper analysis indeed and i don't blame Xeda but the system in itself that needs some more changes.

This post has been edited by Lelfkgjicod: Nov 2 2024, 01:52
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