In an impossible chance of it happening I managed to get a piece of equipment of the same type of the one I was bidding for in the isekai auction, so just redid my bid. Sorry for the money lost what_is_name.
QUOTE(minnazzo @ Aug 15 2024, 12:19)

I never realized two handed weapons don't have parry...
Yeah, hopefully someday (IMG:[
QUOTE(Pickled Cow @ Aug 16 2024, 22:50)

Is there any point to these hath perks if I'm already level 500 hundred?
They are still relevant for proficiency purposes, particularly for people with mage personas since high prof allows them to eliminate resistance to their element via Imperil. For melees it just means a bit of damage, parry, MP and HP among others.
This logic also applies to the Exp. trainings and Assimilator training, not the highest priority but far from useless if you're at level cap.