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post May 19 2024, 06:44
Post #51701
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ May 18 2024, 15:21) *

IWBTH levels just came up, time for me to give up for now. I had bad drops this season so my character is pathetic, and doesn't even have a void weapon. Don't do SG arenas without a void weapon, it will be torture.

IWBTH tower never meant a thing to me before, it took PFUDOR or more to stop me, or I just never stopped until I quit.

Time to wait for people to drop better isekai equipment so I can buy someone's hand-me-downs later on. I probably don't have enough trophies to hand-in this season to mean anything, since I couldn't do SG arenas either.

What kind of equips are you looking for besides weapon? Or is that the only thing missing?

QUOTE(KitsuneAbby @ May 18 2024, 18:22) *

IWing your weapon is a thing...

Personally I find that the worst part of the entire Isekai experience bar none.

QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ May 18 2024, 19:41) *

Isekai drops not treating me well this season either. Had to go back to the tradehouse or I would be running dogshit superior/exquisite. Pumped all my noodly in hope of at least a decent magnificent something but it's all trash.

The entirety of my persona 1 gear is comprised of bazaar equips so probably a very common occurence.

This post has been edited by Pretty anon: May 19 2024, 06:47
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post May 19 2024, 09:03
Post #51702

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I don't have good equips too in this season, most of my equips are from bazzar. The floor 34 is something OK to play for me now, without void weapon and iw, cause I'm lazy to do IW. But I guess it would be totally different after floor 40, considering the tower monster HP is already higher than normal arena now, assuming the HP increment is also double then it would be terrible (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post May 20 2024, 01:53
Post #51703

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QUOTE(Pretty anon) *
What kind of equips are you looking for besides weapon? Or is that the only thing missing?

Weapon is what matters most, and that's what I'm missing. What I have isn't that bad (I sold a Magnificent rapier in the first DJNoni auction for 50k). It's not great either, and an Exquisite prefixed rapier with Str Dex and good rolls could be better.

This season I did a lot of it in 2H style, then switched to a 1H Magnificent Ethereal Wakizashi for level 200~260 which wasn't bad, and eventually replaced it with a Magnificent Tempestuous Rapier (level matters, both for having higher stats, and monster mitigation increases with level, while not yet being able to Imperil with full effectiveness).

As for why it's not IW'ed, lacking Str it's not quite good enough to be worth the investment. In retrospect I could have and probably should IW it, but when you do IW in isekai you sacrifice some character levels (assuming you are at stamina limit) and maybe resources too (making less credits plus it's harder than arenas). It's easy to think "I'll tough it out for now and maybe something better will come soon" especially while you are in the Early Bird period.

Lacking void for your main hit isn't bad in non-SG arenas, as monster type resistance averages close or exactly to 0. I still think Ethereal is highly desirable in Isekai, both for less burden/interference (our characters are weak; this matters), but mainly for not having to IW them. And void strike is much better than an elemental strike on a non-IW'ed weapon.

My other gear is similarly mediocre or worse. Improving them wouldn't help much, I think.
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post May 20 2024, 11:15
Post #51704
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ May 19 2024, 01:03) *

I don't have good equips too in this season, most of my equips are from bazzar. The floor 34 is something OK to play for me now, without void weapon and iw, cause I'm lazy to do IW. But I guess it would be totally different after floor 40, considering the tower monster HP is already higher than normal arena now, assuming the HP increment is also double then it would be terrible (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

But the number of rounds is way smaller now so you can probably get away with not IWing your weapons, at least for a while (or just use Voidseekers/Infusions) You might even avoid the need to IW at all or maybe will just drop a peerless all of a sudden (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ May 19 2024, 17:53) *

Weapon is what matters most, and that's what I'm missing.
My other gear is similarly mediocre or worse. Improving them wouldn't help much, I think.

I asked because maybe I could throw something your way from the shop but it seems you have way better than I have on hand and if you're already on mags considering what you sold, it seems possible you're more than ready to climb even further in the tower just like what_is_name, without IW, in fact maybe you could skip arenas altogether and just go at the tower like a madman if your wallet can keep up with the consumables you use. Or just forge your wep and one or two equips and forget about everything (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post May 20 2024, 11:51
Post #51705

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ May 20 2024, 17:15) *

But the number of rounds is way smaller now so you can probably get away with not IWing your weapons, at least for a while (or just use Voidseekers/Infusions) You might even avoid the need to IW at all or maybe will just drop a peerless all of a sudden (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

yep I use voidseekers in SG arena now. but I guess more upgrade beyond void is necessary if I'm going to reach floor 50. I will maybe stop in few day and wait until the last month of the season, as the mats will become dirty cheap at that time (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post May 20 2024, 13:14
Post #51706
Pretty anon

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Just don't forget about it since there's a while to go. And well, the special equip offer designed for BWS applies to you too since we're already talking about isekai and the shop is gonna live for a limited time, so if there's anything you're interested in or need to complete a set just use the promocode "shibawolf" and you get it for free (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

This post has been edited by Pretty anon: May 20 2024, 13:14
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post May 20 2024, 14:25
Post #51707
Ass Spanker

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Had this thing I was using for around 40 levels, not sure if any of you guys want https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/128267/5e7d5a3ab8. Kinda trash but it served me well.
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post May 21 2024, 02:00
Post #51708

Swimsuit Girl
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QUOTE(Pretty anon) *
maybe you could skip arenas altogether and just go at the tower like a madman if your wallet can keep up with the consumables you use.

I've already been skipping all arenas since Last Spurt ended. Took too long to do even one arena. I also checked and only had 1 Noodle haha.

Just did Tower Floor 34 to see, it was a bit too hard and time-consuming (30 minutes+) as I expected. I could struggle up to PFUDOR Tower with what I've got now, but it feels a bit pointless when it almost takes me comparably long to do Tower Floor 34 as it did Tower Floor 54 (two hours) last season.

There's no real need to struggle, nor any need to finish the season fast since my goal is only Tower Floor 50~56 as usual. And to finish with the minimum of my real life time spent. I feel the optimum way to do that is to hibernate until I can buy a (slightly) better weapon, then IW it. Prices will drop in a few more weeks as usual probably.
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post May 21 2024, 04:53
Post #51709

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BlueWaterSplash, what's your playstyle?
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post May 24 2024, 07:14
Post #51710
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(ikki. @ May 20 2024, 20:53) *

BlueWaterSplash, what's your playstyle?

Sadly it seems BWS has perished in the tower.


But the last known weapon BWS used was a Mag Tempestuous Rapier, seemed to lack a Str PAB and wasn't IWed.
(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post May 24 2024, 15:13
Post #51711
Ass Spanker

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Doge died today. It feels somewhat like the end of an era. That particular dog holds a special place in my heart, and I think for a lot of people as well. I can't even find words to describe what my feelings at the moment. It's been a long while since I have had a drink but I'm pouring this one for the queen.
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post May 24 2024, 19:00
Post #51712

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QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ May 24 2024, 06:13) *

Doge died today. It feels somewhat like the end of an era. That particular dog holds a special place in my heart, and I think for a lot of people as well. I can't even find words to describe what my feelings at the moment. It's been a long while since I have had a drink but I'm pouring this one for the queen.

My deepest condolences. I really feel for you. I have an older dog as well and I'm always concerned with her health. Death just sucks. Especially when its family or people close to us. I'm very sorry.
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post May 24 2024, 19:34
Post #51713

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finally lvl 453 it takes soo long
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post May 26 2024, 05:10
Post #51714

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I bought this Magnificent Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
and get this from FoS Magnificent Hallowed Willow Staff of Destruction.
I check their fully forged level 500 attribute
Then, all of a sudden, a thought came into my mind.
Why not Hallowed Willow Staff of Destruction?
A recommended Holy mage uses the Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall.
So, the total MDB will be less than 5000.
Destruction increases the damage by more than 10%.
The only problem is prof.
You need prof robe + prof cap + 585 to reach 1PF
the attribute scales among armor are 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.8.
If we switch from glove + shoes to robe + cap, we only lose 0.5 EDB,
which is about 39-40 EDB.
3+2 holy usually has 430-440 EDB, let's say 430.
This means you can deal MDB * (1+4.3) damage (not considering crit damage)
Losing 40 EDB only loses 7.5% damage.
1*0.925*1.1 > 1

Hallowed Willow Staff of Destruction also works.
The main disadvantage is that you can't switch to 4+1

Any correction?
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post May 26 2024, 09:28
Post #51715

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You kinda forgot to mention that switching from HOH to HWD will also lose shit ton of edb, PHOH having +201, PHWD having +53 at max, and thats a lot.
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post May 26 2024, 09:36
Post #51716

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QUOTE(uchimatan @ May 26 2024, 03:28) *

You kinda forgot to mention that switching from HOH to HWD will also lose shit ton of edb, PHOH having +201, PHWD having +53 at max, and thats a lot.

You're true
I'm so blind (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post May 26 2024, 11:55
Post #51717

far ahead the known level of comfiness~
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ May 24 2024, 08:14) *

But the last known weapon BWS used was a Mag Tempestuous Rapier, seemed to lack a Str PAB and wasn't IWed.
(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

tfw you're using Mag Tempestuous Rapier too (I did IWed it only to get 5 swift strikes at the end (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) )
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post May 26 2024, 13:29
Post #51718

Hataraku Noni-sama
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Can't understand that pple would let me have a peerless armor core for 500k:

[Hea02] Peerless Amber Plate Greaves of Protection (Level 323, PMit 100%, MMit 100%) (seller: bDdDd) | Start: 500k | Quick bid: 1M => Noni (500k)

while in Super's
[Hea05] Peerless Cobalt Plate Greaves of Deflection (500) (seller: mhss) e-Stark 625k Proxy bid after #88 Extend to 14:04

Well, just a heads up guys: look beyond the obvious.
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post May 26 2024, 14:21
Post #51719

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If you look before, in couple prior Super's auctions pcores were sold for less than 450k
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post May 27 2024, 08:39
Post #51720

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QUOTE(Noni @ May 26 2024, 07:29) *

Can't understand that pple would let me have a peerless armor core for 500k:

[Hea02] Peerless Amber Plate Greaves of Protection (Level 323, PMit 100%, MMit 100%) (seller: bDdDd) | Start: 500k | Quick bid: 1M => Noni (500k)

while in Super's
[Hea05] Peerless Cobalt Plate Greaves of Deflection (500) (seller: mhss) e-Stark 625k Proxy bid after #88 Extend to 14:04

Well, just a heads up guys: look beyond the obvious.

I want to collect all combinations of trash L gear, 100x p core of every type, 100x L core of every type.
Ok, why don't I have them by now?
You gotta understand poor people (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
And it's still useless in the current version

I want to say this, but then I realize that I'm not pple from this sentence XD
"Can't understand that pple would let me have a peerless armor core for 500k:"
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