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> The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV

post Apr 18 2024, 05:39
Post #51621

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QUOTE(shote1369 @ Apr 17 2024, 23:00) *

Is this good for Snom (as ice type)? Snom needs some advices, please help ! (>3<)
Peerless Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction

Yes. IW to P5S4.
It's easier to survive on higher rounds of IW and grindfest with willow, but redwood is faster for schoolgirl arenas.
For my playstyle, willow is a little faster for shorter arenas, and redwood is a little faster for most RoB, but I'm not going to bother switching between staffs to save 2 seconds on the Flying Spaghetti Monster..

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post Apr 18 2024, 17:43
Post #51622

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QUOTE(kotitonttu @ Apr 14 2024, 15:44) *

Well you get the potency, and that's the only reason to do IW.

But I get what you mean. IW feels like a slog. Maybe because it's just grinding the predictable levels up so there's not that slot machine unknown excitement of "any moment I might get something amazing!"

Wish you have the option to limit what potency you'd get to 3 if you do it at PFUDOR
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post Apr 20 2024, 00:57
Post #51623

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Is there a good way to play HV on the phone yet?
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post Apr 20 2024, 01:11
Post #51624

❄ Cool as Siberia
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there are no good ways to play HV basically, that's the point
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post Apr 20 2024, 02:24
Post #51625

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Why can’t I change my avatar?
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post Apr 20 2024, 02:35
Post #51626

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QUOTE(西斯托利亚 @ Apr 20 2024, 03:24) *

Why can’t I change my avatar?

check for this:
Uploaded avatars from your computer must be no larger than 200 KB.
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post Apr 20 2024, 04:06
Post #51627

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QUOTE(西斯托利亚 @ Apr 20 2024, 00:24) *

Why can’t I change my avatar?

Probably because you're in the Lurker group, and you need to be in the Recruit group. Make a post on three different days.
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post Apr 20 2024, 04:31
Post #51628

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Apr 20 2024, 02:11) *

there are no good ways to play HV basically, that's the point

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post Apr 20 2024, 05:23
Post #51629

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QUOTE(Justlookingfortheway @ Apr 20 2024, 05:31) *


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post Apr 20 2024, 09:00
Post #51630

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Justlookingfortheway @ Apr 20 2024, 00:57) *

Is there a good way to play HV on the phone yet?

yes there is. Use mobile settings in Monsterbation script. I run scripts through firefox nightly with tampermonkey add-on on android. google can tell your how to set that up. HV Utils also works fine on mobile.

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post Apr 20 2024, 14:50
Post #51631

❄ Cool as Siberia
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ok, let's go from ask-the-experts to chat from

QUOTE(ikki. @ Apr 20 2024, 01:56) *

based on isekai experience

QUOTE(Noni @ Apr 20 2024, 15:20) *

This is not true

what not true? my isekai gameplay is not true? okay
well, maybe i'm too harsh on shortswords, but axe and club definitely unusable
and don’t forget, we’re talking about average weapons at an average level, not level 500 peerless

QUOTE(Noni @ Apr 20 2024, 15:20) *

It is also not true that you need lv 500 and perfect gear and high DD levels for shortsword. Just not true. All you need is fully upgraded imperil. So level 310. That's when shortsword starts to become great. And that's when most players switch to mage which is of course much much faster than either weapon.

and who said that?
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post Apr 21 2024, 08:21
Post #51632

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A while back I set up some H@H clients and started saving my hath for some of the more expensive perks. But at some point I may have forgotten about the DD perks and started saving for Follower of Snowflake. Now I have amassed over 40k hath and I'll have enough for FoS in about a month.

I currently only have the 1st level of DD and I know I should probably put the hath towards DD...but I want to gamble! At the moment I should be able to get 8 peerless vouchers from FoS.

Please help me decide what to do with my hath!
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post Apr 21 2024, 10:52
Post #51633

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Almost a million tickets sold for the armor lottery today huh
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post Apr 21 2024, 11:45
Post #51634

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QUOTE(ikki. @ Apr 20 2024, 12:50) *

ok, let's go from ask-the-experts to chat from
what not true? my isekai gameplay is not true? okay
well, maybe i'm too harsh on shortswords, but axe and club definitely unusable
and don’t forget, we’re talking about average weapons at an average level, not level 500 peerless
and who said that?

I want to see your clear times and then brag about how fast you are.
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post Apr 21 2024, 12:47
Post #51635

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(konoco @ Apr 21 2024, 08:21) *

A while back I set up some H@H clients and started saving my hath for some of the more expensive perks. But at some point I may have forgotten about the DD perks and started saving for Follower of Snowflake. Now I have amassed over 40k hath and I'll have enough for FoS in about a month.

I currently only have the 1st level of DD and I know I should probably put the hath towards DD...but I want to gamble! At the moment I should be able to get 8 peerless vouchers from FoS.

Please help me decide what to do with my hath!

FOS is gambling and it will only lead to disappointment. Do you enjoy playing the game? Then you don't even need any perks. So what's your goal? Bragging rights? Or faster clear speed? For faster clear speed, DD is much more important. Maybe not DD9, but al least to DD5 they are very good. DD9 is stll worth it imho. Let's imagine that you get one peerless that you want from the 8 vouchers you get. (that chance is extremely small) What would you do with it? Play HV to get faster clear times? Then DD would still have better results. Or bragging? There will always be dudes with better gear. You want perfection? Not possible in current version of HV. You'll need to buy shitloads of trophies, competing with other hath barons, you probably need to resort to selling stars, competing with other star sellers.... Why?

My advice: just play the game in a style that you enjoy, but not more than 30min per day. I know, I know, that's easy to say but very hard to do. Took me years to get unhooked enough.

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post Apr 21 2024, 13:40
Post #51636

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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Dec 14 2022, 15:21) *

tried some last meaningless test, all with weaken + imp debuffs only

lv.385, tower floor 49, DW mage (2 x Nimble Waki), scrolls, 4359t, 37 sparks, 3SE+29SoL, 503+22+40+1 cures
1kt faster than 1H mage last season because better stats, but yes the defensive is shit.
Attached Image Attached Image

lv.390, tower floor 51, Mace, 8210t, 132 sparks, 19SE+1SoL, 941+18+55+1 cures
almost playable without scrolls
Attached ImageAttached Image

lv.395, tower floor 52, Estoc, 8241t, 138 sparks, 27SE+2SoL, 1187+24+74+2 cures, have to use one set of scroll in round 91~95 because of mistake action
it may sounds weird, the estoc need to play very carefully, but it somewhat actually performs better defensive than mace
Attached ImageAttached Image

lv.395, tower floor 53, Niten, 9803t, 168 sparks, 35SE+2SoL, 1582+38+83+5 cures, have to use scrolls to survive since round 70
yes the niten work worse in tower than 2H, both in defensive and offensive, mainly because lack of stun.
the stun not only stop the monsters beat me, but also stop them parry. without the stun more than 1/4 of the attacks are parried, that's very sick. I didn't do IW on the equips although.
Attached ImageAttached Image

lv.395, tower floor 54, DW (Nimble Rapier + Nimble Waki), 8868t, 56 sparks, 11SE+1SoL, 938+15+38+2 cures
the super defensive DW build works shit also mainly because lack of stun. in my test in season 2 it even works worse than Club+Rapier in floor 52, but I don't have a club to test again now.
Attached ImageAttached Image

now I have tried almost all playstyles (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

QUOTE(what_is_name @ Dec 15 2022, 19:02) *

anyway also find a Club, was only planned to do 2H test at first...

lv.395, tower floor 55, DW (Club + Nimble Waki), 8002t, 65 sparks, 11SE, 852+12+32+1 cures
well the Club + Waki works better than Rapier + Waki. fled in last round to test the rapier.
Attached ImageAttached Image

lv.395, tower floor 55, DW (Club + Nimble Rapier), 8055t, 102 sparks, 17SE+1SoL, 1072+37+71+6 cures.
forgot to refill SE and ran out of them in round 96, but anyway manage to survive with one set of scroll and several other debuffs
much tough than I remembered in season 2. I check the stats and emm... right, my stats is worse than in season 2, as in season 2 I did IW on weapons and got speed bonus.
so the club+rapier is not really better than rapier+waki, at least not with this set in floor 55 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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QUOTE(ikki. @ Apr 20 2024, 20:50) *

ok, let's go from ask-the-experts to chat from
what not true? my isekai gameplay is not true? okay
well, maybe i'm too harsh on shortswords, but axe and club definitely unusable
and don’t forget, we’re talking about average weapons at an average level, not level 500 peerless
and who said that?

some last season test data in quote. definitely I was not using the lv500 peerless.
in my personal opinion, stun is the most important status, the only reason that 1H don't use the club is that 1H playstyle naturally stun the monsters
in DW playstyle, the club is almost necessary, you can see the club + waki works even better than the rapier + waki. I play the shortsword + rapier in Persistent in early level, but after lv300+ it works super shit that I have to change to club.
in 2H playstyle, the estoc works better than the mace in my test, but that's not means the PA is important than the stun, but in reverse, unlike your thought, the estoc can dealt more stun than the mace with the 2H skills.
the only melee playstyle that play without stun is the niten, that's because the niten don't have a second choice. you can see that at least in my play data the niten works far worse than the estoc and mace

I'm also planing to test the axe this season, the rapier was not in my plan as I had test it, but I don't really mind to spend few more credits to add a rapier test again. just some rough data but a week ago I tried both rapier and axe in normal monster arena to bump the 1H proficiency, and the axe does works faster than the rapier, they're both unprepared equips although

This post has been edited by what_is_name: Apr 21 2024, 13:42
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post Apr 21 2024, 15:42
Post #51637

❄ Cool as Siberia
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QUOTE(KitsuneAbby @ Apr 21 2024, 12:45) *

I want to see your clear times and then brag about how fast you are.

Power Flux arena (25 rounds) with Magnificent Axe of Slaughter - 1482 turns
Killzone arena (30 rounds) with Magnificent Arctic Rapier of the Nimble - 1378 turns

ok, actually Axe is mush faster in bigger arenas, because i just die with it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Apr 21 2024, 17:33
Post #51638

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Attached Image Attached Image
ISK S5, lv379, axe(IW10), ar65, 2315t

Attached ImageAttached Image
ISK S5, lv379, rapier(voidseeker), ar70, 2702t

just drop a rapier so do a test with axe and rapier, all equips unforged.
the ar65 have more monsters than the ar70 BTW, with heavy armor or higher forge it may be different, but in anyway an un-survivable setup is not in discussion
considering it may take 2 hours in a tower floor I may not going to retry the rapier in the tower again

This post has been edited by what_is_name: Apr 21 2024, 17:34
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post Apr 21 2024, 17:36
Post #51639

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QUOTE(kotitonttu @ Apr 21 2024, 07:52) *

Almost a million tickets sold for the armor lottery today huh

tfw only won 500 Chaos Tokens. But hey, better than Caffeinated Candy.
But still, I should find some time and spend the Tokens. Unlocking and filling the monster slots is just a bit annoying.

Of course, not winning the equipment is the worst part. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Apr 22 2024, 00:33
Post #51640

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QUOTE(Noni @ Apr 21 2024, 06:47) *

FOS is gambling and it will only lead to disappointment. Do you enjoy playing the game? Then you don't even need any perks. So what's your goal? Bragging rights? Or faster clear speed? For faster clear speed, DD is much more important. Maybe not DD9, but al least to DD5 they are very good. DD9 is stll worth it imho. Let's imagine that you get one peerless that you want from the 8 vouchers you get. (that chance is extremely small) What would you do with it? Play HV to get faster clear times? Then DD would still have better results. Or bragging? There will always be dudes with better gear. You want perfection? Not possible in current version of HV. You'll need to buy shitloads of trophies, competing with other hath barons, you probably need to resort to selling stars, competing with other star sellers.... Why?

My advice: just play the game in a style that you enjoy, but not more than 30min per day. I know, I know, that's easy to say but very hard to do. Took me years to get unhooked enough.

Thanks. That's just what I needed.
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