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post Jan 11 2024, 06:16
Post #51501
Pretty anon

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QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ Jan 9 2024, 09:18) *

I can never remember song names for some reason. Ok, I do remember, probably more than most people, but compared to the other stuff (source, artists, composers, chords, production, sometimes keys), song names are lower on the ranking for me. Tell me to pick a fruit song and I can only list Bad Apple.
Lyrics are even lower, except for a few songs I know how to sing + some recent/popular songs, lyrics are the first thing to slip off my brain.

yami wo haratte

Same but for artists' names; I simply have a hard time remembering those compared to other stuff. Can be seen even with the info I posted earlier where I mostly avoided mentioning that due to not feeling confident I would get them right. Production and keys though? Yeah definitely not at your level of info recognition or retention as I'm just a casual pleb listener (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) (that's why BWS post was scary when it went into "speakers like ribbon line towers and Martin Logan electrostatics" stuff).
Daaaamn, you see I tried my best to remember fruits and Bad Apple seems like a prime choice yet it completely slipped my mind. Guess I'm not even confident at remembering songs. It's over.

Search that because it seemed new, turns out it isn't. It's all over.
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post Jan 11 2024, 17:29
Post #51502

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QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ Jan 9 2024, 23:18) *

It's a drama theme song. JP people love their morning dramas. A random number but I think the top JP chart has like 25% being theme songs from dramas?
It's also the most viewed jpop song on youtube. The top, bar none. I hate yonezu kenshi tbh but well, that's a talk for another day.

I might not have a song called yuzu but I have a band called yuzu for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKoD2CRr_KA
I can never remember song names for some reason. Ok, I do remember, probably more than most people, but compared to the other stuff (source, artists, composers, chords, production, sometimes keys), song names are lower on the ranking for me. Tell me to pick a fruit song and I can only list Bad Apple.
Lyrics are even lower, except for a few songs I know how to sing + some recent/popular songs, lyrics are the first thing to slip off my brain.

yami wo haratte

QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jan 11 2024, 12:16) *

Same but for artists' names; I simply have a hard time remembering those compared to other stuff. Can be seen even with the info I posted earlier where I mostly avoided mentioning that due to not feeling confident I would get them right. Production and keys though? Yeah definitely not at your level of info recognition or retention as I'm just a casual pleb listener (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) (that's why BWS post was scary when it went into "speakers like ribbon line towers and Martin Logan electrostatics" stuff).
Daaaamn, you see I tried my best to remember fruits and Bad Apple seems like a prime choice yet it completely slipped my mind. Guess I'm not even confident at remembering songs. It's over.

Search that because it seemed new, turns out it isn't. It's all over.

I'm bad at remember almost all kind of names, include songs, artists, characters, titles, or people in the forum and real life. I may have lots of pieces of fragments about them, but it's hard to index their relations.
Speaking about the songs, as I played some amounts in osu!, most of ACG songs have the background picture and related to the animate, characters, artists and so on, and most of them are searchable tags, so sometimes I can search some other tag and find the target. For example: I can't remember the name of songs A, but it's sing by artist B, and I can't also remember artist B, but I know he sing another song which for anime C, I can't also remember the name of anime C, but I remember a character name D which appear in it, them I can search D, and find C, and the search C, them find B, and them search it for A. well but it's impossible to search the "fruits" to find a song name (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jan 12 2024, 06:57
Post #51503
Ass Spanker

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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Jan 11 2024, 12:16) *

Daaaamn, you see I tried my best to remember fruits and Bad Apple seems like a prime choice yet it completely slipped my mind. Guess I'm not even confident at remembering songs. It's over.

Does this count as fruits lol? I mean it's literally fruits in the name. R.I.P. Maon

QUOTE(what_is_name @ Jan 11 2024, 23:29) *

Speaking about the songs, as I played some amounts in osu!, most of ACG songs have the background picture and related to the animate, characters, artists and so on, and most of them are searchable tags, so sometimes I can search some other tag and find the target. For example: I can't remember the name of songs A, but it's sing by artist B, and I can't also remember artist B, but I know he sing another song which for anime C, I can't also remember the name of anime C, but I remember a character name D which appear in it, them I can search D, and find C, and the search C, them find B, and them search it for A. well but it's impossible to search the "fruits" to find a song name (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I'm the same but a bit different with the approach/situation. I'm a huge fan of M.Iz's medleys, and the first anison medley (not just from this producer, but any anison for that matter) I ever listened to was an osu map. It was one of the 2 go-to for the high combo achievement in osu a long time ago when osu was still in version 1. So in my case it would be something like "that old ass song that appears in medley 5, comes before the song Hayamin sings in one of the Monogatari sequels". Or even worse: "the song by the group that did the OP for Kunoichi Tsubaki, has the same melody as the song that comes before SHIROBAKO OP probably in one of the later medleys, maybe medley 6 or 7"
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post Jan 12 2024, 11:23
Post #51504

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For fruit names I was thinking that they had to be songs, preferrably Japanese but not required, where the whole song name is just some citrus fruit, one word, and nothing else. I thought there might be a lot, especially considering there are two Oranges, but seems like there aren't. Now that I think about it, I am not sure if Orange is referring to the fruit or the color. Therefore, if there are any songs named like Yellow then that is good too.

Something simple like Bad Apple might count, but anything like a phrase maybe not. The Banana song should definitely count. I kind of feel like berries should have a harder time qualifying so the name better just literally be like Cherry and nothing else. With all the thousands of hentai games out there, I thought there would be hundreds of Berry songs, because for some reason a lot of hentai companies are named like SomethingBerry, right? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

That yuzu band, actually I submitted that exact same song to Ass Spanker's first music contest that I participated in. Band names don't count.

QUOTE(Necromusume @ give me Moogheiser and Zarvox speakers) *
*walks into house to fix the cable* Moogheiser SQ2s... *sees the media room* "Zarvox 5400s?

I looked on the internet for these speakers but only nonsense came up. There's a tremendous amount of speaker brands out there so it was worth a try.

I would have shocked myself in college if I said I was refusing ribbon towers and Martin Logan electrostatics, but I guess that's how things go. I'm still considering to buy ribbon towers for another house, as I'm curious what they sound like, but I theorize that they are not ideal for my house due to the room dimensions, wall type, and contents (cardboard boxes of anime merchandise piled to ceiling in all rooms).

As I was looking on the internet for better speakers this past week, I found something great that I want, based on the design principle. The bad news: turned out to be a $20,000 speaker line. This isn't shocking for the audio world, lots of people buy speakers at this price point, it's just what people call "high-end" except most of the time it's a waste of money. If I get a used, older version from this company then the cost can get down to $5,000 but I have to wait for some to show up which typically takes a couple years.

The weight also scares me. These are normal size, smaller than my Very Big Speakers, which turn out to possibly only weigh 70 pounds (literature is lacking, so not sure). The most I ever weighed in high school was like 75 pounds. But these expensive guys...they weigh 60 pounds to 200 pounds (similar size as my Very Big Speakers) depending on which in the line. There's puny bookshelfs which are half the cost and weight (30 to 60 pounds each) but not for every version of the line.

They might also get broken in shipping, although maybe not because they might be self-armored. They are not made out of wood, which maybe is kind of stupid, although if the Hulk wanted to swing them around and smash cars with them, perhaps they would be useful. If I buy some, I could give them stupid names like Buster Sword, etc.

QUOTE(Pretty anon @ whats Shigatsu no Uso) *
this is merely a personal opinion on these and may end up being diametrically opposite of what you like but I think Shigatsu no Uso is a pretty fine anime, more on the drama/music side of things than anything else but it's ok. Orange on the other hand is more like a full shoujo and it may feel very quiet and slow at times, also very dramatic so it could be ok or an extremely frustrating watch. I know some people laughed or raged at one of the characters' decisions towards the ends so depending on who you ask it's either being in the trash or worthy of a watch.

Oh, internet says that Your Lie in April is shonen, wow. I thought it would be shojo or at least romance based on the look. I guess I should try to watch both shows then. Two shoujos might kill me if both turn out to be bad, but I can surely survive one shoujo. Still need to wait a year for a chance to purchase them cheap. My anime blu-ray stack backlog is building, and I swore I'd never have a backlog.

Until I read your post, I also imagined that Your Lie in April was about a girl named April who lies down on the ground. The name of the show had caused me to stay away from it, without having any idea what it was about, or what others thought of it, together with having no friends in real life so no one tells me what shows are good, with the drawings not looking super good (but not bad) to catch my attention.
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post Jan 12 2024, 20:33
Post #51505

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(chjj30 @ Jan 10 2024, 23:54) *

Just be curious. Can players who live in the Fest use up their Token of Blood by Flying Spaghetti Monster+ Triple Trio and the Tree everyday?

I think so, Nezu shared on discord recently that he has a huge pile of blood tokens left from his days of heavy grinding.
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post Jan 12 2024, 20:46
Post #51506

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QUOTE(Noni @ Jan 13 2024, 02:33) *

I think so, Nezu shared on discord recently that he has a huge pile of blood tokens left from his days of heavy grinding.

If so, I hope one Day we can remove the "One Enter per Day" Limit from Ring of Blood, so the Players who play much could make good Use of their Token of Blood.
I have Tokenizer 3 and play all the Arenas everyday. Normally I can only collect enough Token of Blood to enter Flying Spaghetti Monster after my daily Run. I can't image how can People cheat with Token of Blood even we can enter more than once per Day.
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post Jan 13 2024, 06:58
Post #51507

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Moogheisers are the official speakers of today's hottest pop band, Snowflake and the Moogles!

Snowflake and the Moogles are having a cocaine-fueled orgy. Try again soon!
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post Jan 13 2024, 16:39
Post #51508

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QUOTE(chjj30 @ Jan 12 2024, 18:46) *

If so, I hope one Day we can remove the "One Enter per Day" Limit from Ring of Blood, so the Players who play much could make good Use of their Token of Blood.
I have Tokenizer 3 and play all the Arenas everyday. Normally I can only collect enough Token of Blood to enter Flying Spaghetti Monster after my daily Run. I can't image how can People cheat with Token of Blood even we can enter more than once per Day.

Tenboro has said before this will never happen.

I would personally like to see either blood tokens removed or the cooldowns on RoBs removed, but I do not think it's likely he'll change his mind about this one.
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post Jan 13 2024, 16:53
Post #51509

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QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 13 2024, 22:39) *

Tenboro has said before this will never happen.

I would personally like to see either blood tokens removed or the cooldowns on RoBs removed, but I do not think it's likely he'll change his mind about this one.

It's sad, hope one Day the Token of Blood could have other Use, or new Challanges can be added which cost 20, 50 or even 100 Token.
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post Jan 13 2024, 18:16
Post #51510

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Really, you could avoid the only problem with removing the cooldowns with one restriction: Just exclude Konata. Or remove them ony from FSM & TTT, since nobody would want to do the non-Konata lower RoBs if they could repeat FSM.
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post Jan 14 2024, 07:09
Post #51511
Pretty anon

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Attached Image

Been a long while since I last saw one of those.

QUOTE(what_is_name @ Jan 11 2024, 09:29) *

I'm bad at remember almost all kind of names, include songs, artists, characters, titles, or people in the forum and real life. I may have lots of pieces of fragments about them, but it's hard to index their relations.

Some time ago there were some forum users who were indistinguishable to me so I get what you mean, thankfully some of them started using avatars and made everything easier (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) but what you described is pretty much how everyone remembers things as a whole I guess so it's not so big of a deal, we're just not important to remember, that's all (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)

QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ Jan 11 2024, 22:57) *

Does this count as fruits lol? I mean it's literally fruits in the name. R.I.P. Maon

I'm the same but a bit different with the approach/situation [ . . . ]. So in my case it would be something like "that old ass song that appears in medley 5, comes before the song Hayamin sings in one of the Monogatari sequels". Or even worse: "the song by the group that did the OP for Kunoichi Tsubaki, has the same melody as the song that comes before SHIROBAKO OP probably in one of the later medleys, maybe medley 6 or 7"

Well according to me it counts but for BWS seems it doesn't, if this was an event you would've won the big prize for your link alone. Talking about events, what you described is how I tackled your giga mix in that one event back then, at least until they started melting together and I started losing my grasp on the ones I knew, then I just downloaded your spreadsheet and put some gigantic notes with bright colors so I could come back to it later when I remembered.

QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 12 2024, 03:23) *

For fruit names I was thinking that they had to be songs, preferrably Japanese but not required, where the whole song name is just some citrus fruit, one word, and nothing else [ . . . ].

Something simple like Bad Apple might count, but anything like a phrase maybe not. The Banana song should definitely count. I kind of feel like berries should have a harder time qualifying so the name better just literally be like Cherry and nothing else. With all the thousands of hentai games out there, I thought there would be hundreds of Berry songs, because for some reason a lot of hentai companies are named like SomethingBerry, right? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Yeah thought so. Well, don't know about hentai companies themselves but in their games we're guaranteed someone calling a character cherry boy once or twice for sure (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Don't know, I think Kaori (the heroine) is sorta cute as she's drawn. Might as well check some clips of the shows before buying. Nothing worse than getting your hopes high only to crash and burn when you hate the thing, just gotta be careful with spoilers.
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post Jan 14 2024, 13:39
Post #51512

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(IMG:[i6.imageban.ru] https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2024/01/14/5220b48c6aceedb6c04f942b6ef159d6.jpg)

I can win only one ticket (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 16 2024, 11:14
Post #51513

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Is it really worth it to go for random events often? I started recently and was initially surprised that I was seemingly only able to do one battle a day without grindfest, but then I heard about random encounters.

I was just wondering how much people really focus in hunting them down. I haven't really noticed them appearing and doing one battle every 30 minutes doesn't sound especially engaging to me.
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post Jan 16 2024, 13:45
Post #51514
Ass Spanker

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QUOTE(V-bat @ Jan 16 2024, 17:14) *

Is it really worth it to go for random events often? I started recently and was initially surprised that I was seemingly only able to do one battle a day without grindfest, but then I heard about random encounters.

I was just wondering how much people really focus in hunting them down. I haven't really noticed them appearing and doing one battle every 30 minutes doesn't sound especially engaging to me.

random encounters give shitload of XP. you can power level by spamming scrolls and do random encounters on the highest difficulty possible while completely ignoring arenas.
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post Jan 19 2024, 13:17
Post #51515

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I think 300 of my levels are from random encounters over the years lol
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post Jan 20 2024, 07:18
Post #51516

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QUOTE(V-bat @ Jan 16 2024, 05:14) *

Is it really worth it to go for random events often? I started recently and was initially surprised that I was seemingly only able to do one battle a day without grindfest, but then I heard about random encounters.

I was just wondering how much people really focus in hunting them down. I haven't really noticed them appearing and doing one battle every 30 minutes doesn't sound especially engaging to me.

I also heard that random encounters drop rates are better.
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post Jan 22 2024, 09:45
Post #51517

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monthly post
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post Jan 22 2024, 13:38
Post #51518

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Jan 22 2024, 08:45) *

monthly post

...and then this is the best you can come up with? After you had a month to think? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Jan 23 2024, 19:38
Post #51519
Basara Nekki

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I was going to play a RE and received this message:

Page load has been aborted due to a fatal error. A report has been dispatched to site staff. Please try again later.

This happened twice in a row (60 and 30 minutes ago). Now it's all normal.

Did anyone have this problem too?

This post has been edited by Basara Nekki: Jan 23 2024, 19:41
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post Jan 23 2024, 19:41
Post #51520

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Everyone had it. The site was essentially in de-facto read-only mode.

[twitter.com] https://twitter.com/ehentai/status/1749840363349557459
There was a power failure at one of our locations, which is causing some issues. Some services will be unavailable until all servers have been restored.
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