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Oct 14 2023, 02:11
Pretty anon
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QUOTE(what_is_name @ Oct 13 2023, 06:37)  I have 13 x nepnep in plvl 831, they're the strongest for me. beside that there are 39 x plvl585 + 52 x plvl285 + 96 x plvl104, definitely they're pretty only for very low level and very low difficulty battle. I was planed to make them all plvl1000+, but that's too far that I think I have give-up already.
the battle is lag for me these days too.
Oh so this confirms most monsters for everyone are doomed to never find battles until extremely high PLs (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) I also had that goal and also gave up, too far, too many crystal packs. I only try with my specially named monsters but even as few as those are that goal is quite far and may not be accomplished ever (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) QUOTE(CunnyCatcher @ Oct 13 2023, 08:13)  And we could have some nice contests giving out moderate hath during the sale to give newbies an incentive to mingle here on the forums. Not to shower them with free stuff ofcourse but just a little carrot, to reel them in and once they are....they can never leave. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) Aren't sales abusable? Buy a bunch of hath leading to the sale and sell them back at top-price when it's on reducing potential benefits from sale. Unless we have a special credit box where stuff gets exchanged at fixed prices for that limited time but that would require creating hath out of thin air to work smoothly so don't know how that would be implemented properly (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) Oh but HV is a game of horses if the riddlemaster and arena 500 are anything to go by, so naturally we do have carrots in different sizes and shapes for all the horsies here: QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Apr 18 2021, 05:24)  Meanwhile on HV desktop, isekai ver. you are the uma  This post has been edited by Pretty anon: Oct 14 2023, 02:13
Oct 14 2023, 23:38
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Thanks for confirming the lag spikes, you guys. And I also experience them in Persistent. This problem has been ongoing for quite some time now. Usually things like this get fixed. I don't want to play when it is bad like this.(IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) If it had been like this during the Early Bird + Festival combo, it would have been disastrous, so I guess we are lucky that it happened afterward. Maybe this isn't affecting everyone, or affecting everyone equally?
Oct 15 2023, 00:07
Ass Spanker
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Apr 18 2021, 19:24)  I'm such a koebuta I know who voices this horse but I don't even know the horse name, and I have never been a horse fucker before. RAM in my brain is being used for truly useless stuff.
Oct 15 2023, 00:48
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Oct 14 2023, 02:11)  Buy a bunch of hath leading to the sale and sell them back at top-price when it's on reducing potential benefits from sale.
A "hath perk sale" event would definitely impact the market all year round, not just during the event. People who stay online will generally keep trying to buy hath at low prices all year round (instead of waiting to the event rush to exchange), and people who sell hath will be more likely to hold on to their hath at a higher price on the exchange all year round. Of course, not all people will be that patient, but there will be an incentive to be patient for both buyers and sellers, and generally speaking it will benefit more people who stay online and patient all year as opposed to people who happen to be online when the event comes up. Probably. Btw I loved that pic with the carrot lol-
Oct 15 2023, 08:35
Pretty anon
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QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ Oct 14 2023, 16:07)  I'm such a koebuta I know who voices this horse but I don't even know the horse name, and I have never been a horse fucker before. RAM in my brain is being used for truly useless stuff.
The horse is Spe-chan (Special Week), and now I see, always had doubts whether you were or not with that one yaranaika pony you had before. Knowledge of said pony also consumed RAM from my brain so, t-thanks for that (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) QUOTE(Byza @ Oct 14 2023, 16:48)  snip
An easy way to solve what I said would be sales at random times but I could only hope it wouldn't be disastrous as you suggest. In any case it also depends on what goes for sale, because let's be honest, I don't see people trampling over each other to get the "More Favorite Notes II" perk even at a discount (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Oct 15 2023, 10:21
Ass Spanker
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Is this thing worth anything in isekai? I'm just gonna give it away if your build needs this piece, don't want to salvage it by mistake.
Oct 15 2023, 10:51
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ Oct 15 2023, 10:21)  Is this thing worth anything in isekai? I'm just gonna give it away if your build needs this piece, don't want to salvage it by mistake. just the wood
Oct 17 2023, 03:00
Pretty anon
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Just noticed it's PFUDOR towers now. Damn, there's only 6 clears as of right now compared to the 25 or so at this time the last few days, even in weekdays, guess the added time and extra hassle could be felt by everyone (_ _)。゜zzZ
Oct 17 2023, 05:13
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Oct 16 2023, 18:00)  Just noticed it's PFUDOR towers now. Damn, there's only 6 clears as of right now compared to the 25 or so at this time the last few days, even in weekdays, guess the added time and extra hassle could be felt by everyone (_ _)。゜zzZ
Well with me I'd rather take the tower slow. I like clearing arenas in both persistent and isekai. Its tough to clear everything in isekai somedays thou. Right now I want to keep leveling and forging my gear. Then I'll hit the tower once I'm very well established. That way I don't spend an eternity clearing a floor. My goal is always floor 50. Sometimes I think about reaching floor 100 for the voucher and tower bonus but I'd rather focus on persistent. I still need to get to 600 proficiency. I prefer to focus on that goal than floor 100. I also like to get my shrine value high enough to start the next season with a Peerless weapon right away. That's how I play isekai. I also tend to play on mobile a lot more than PC. Which is why I'm kind of slow in isekai. This post has been edited by Hinoka: Oct 17 2023, 06:13
Oct 17 2023, 13:55
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Oct 16 2023, 15:00)  Just noticed it's PFUDOR towers now. Damn, there's only 6 clears as of right now compared to the 25 or so at this time the last few days, even in weekdays, guess the added time and extra hassle could be felt by everyone (_ _)。゜zzZ I whooped PFUDOR Floor 40 by turning off my stupid Spirit Shield on my underpowered character. I hadn't died in a really long time until I hit IWBTH Floor 39, and I tried turning on Spirit Shield in my IA for the first time this season, and I died on some random high round. Yeah it was my fault of course, but Spirit Shield didn't really make things easier. I turned off Spirit Shield and whooped Floor 39, then whooped Floor 40 using the same kamikaze method (but switching from Imperil debuffs to Weaken debuffs). More seriously, I learned from last and prior Isekai seasons what I'd always suspected: strangely, depending on what point your character is at and various weird things, turning off the Spirit Shield may result in lesser spirit drain than with it on and just bravely Sparking over and over. Although it seems to be a delicate balance on various factors; it could also go the other way around with Spirit Shield resulting in less spirit drain. Whichever way this scale goes, Spirit Shield usually makes things easier and faster (less cures) but with possible added risk of suffering huge damage and dying from spirit drain and then not enough spirit to Spark. With Spark you have to be brave enough to die over and over every late round and not fail to mis-click Cure or die from the 1 HP bug, although according to everyone else you are safe from that bug if your total HP digit doesn't end in something that I forget what it is. I dunno, maybe the Isekai experts feel differently, as I've never gone much past Floor 55 or so, in any season. There might also be some interaction between whether Spirit Shield helps (versus crazy Sparking warrior) and your equipment. Like if you wear Exquisite/Magnificent trash, and have no jugs, maybe Spirit Shield is no good. Oh wait, yeah I had forgotten, Spirit Shield efficiency greatly improves with your level (even past full Ability at level 285) so we are probably still too low level and Spirit Shield is not so great yet. But if I recall last season, even at some fixed given level (not much different from what we are at now) turning on or off Spirit Shield had weird relationships with being helpful/hurtful depending on various things and exactly what your current character effectiveness is at relative to the huge Tower enemies pounding on you.
Oct 17 2023, 14:41
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Hinoka @ Oct 17 2023, 05:13)  Its tough to clear everything in isekai somedays thou. I'd rather focus on persistent.
I am currently in this mindset. Playing 1h heavy in both persistent and isekai gets old exceedingly fast, so in a way I'm trying to focus on getting my mage equip going in persistent so that "eventually", either in the second half of this season or in the next one, I'll be able to get more rewards out of isekai by spending a lot less time clearing persistent. So atm I'm several floors behind, but still aiming to end after floor 50 at the end of the season. Hopefully.
Oct 17 2023, 17:46
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Sep 8 2020, 19:58)  (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/YIVedDU.png) I just managed to steal [ hvlist.niblseed.com] Darth Vader and Vaevictis Asmadi names. Actually the other guy misspelled Vaevictis that's why. Yeah that doesn't make me want to stab you in the face. Instead of coming up with monster names yourself you just try and nick other peoples names. Nicol Bolas was one of mine too. This post has been edited by Mags_: Oct 18 2023, 17:22
Oct 17 2023, 18:37
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QUOTE(https://ehwiki.org/wiki/The_Forge#Repair) The number that can be salvaged from gear is linearly random between 10% and 100% of the salvaged scrap, but always at least 1. Salvaged equipment that does not provide scrap will yield 1 Energy Cell. QUOTE(https://ehwiki.org/wiki/The_Forge#Salvage) For equipment of Average quality or lower, Scrap is given with the following formula: roundup(sale_value / 100); e.g. if the equipment's sale value was 101 a player would receive 2 scrap. For equipment of Superior quality or higher, you get one graded material (see below). I thought I could obtain more than 1 energy cell by salvaging average quality or lower rare-tier equipment, but I just tested it and found that it was not the case. I salvaged about 10 pieces of average equipment and got 4-5 scrap (sell price 400~500) and only 1 energy cell each time. My expectations were from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 4-5 (the same with the number of scraps).
Oct 17 2023, 22:55
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Oh yeah, Mags was the one with other Elder Dragon monster names in the database (not that up-to-date). He currently has Palladia-Mors and Vaevictus Asmadi (misspelled). I don't know who has Chromium and Arcades Sabboth.
Mags, was Nicol Bolas your monster name originally? He doesn't show up in the database. I only took this name yesterday, and it was likely sitting unused for a while because it's been several years since I last checked any monster names. When did you last have Nicol Bolas? I'm willing to consider giving you this name back, as mentioned earlier (check the other thread, or wherever it moved to). You can PM or just discuss here for further details.
I'm wondering why you misspelled Vaevictis, though. I've had Vaevictis Asmadi for the past 3 years. Did someone else have him before me, and your Vaevictus was a knockoff, or did you just misspell it from the start? (or just think Vaevictus looks better, which it probably does)
Was Darth Vader originally your monster, too?
Oct 18 2023, 01:49
Pretty anon
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QUOTE(Hinoka @ Oct 16 2023, 21:13)  Well with me I'd rather take the tower slow. I like clearing arenas in both persistent and isekai. Its tough to clear everything in isekai somedays thou. Right now I want to keep leveling and forging my gear. Then I'll hit the tower once I'm very well established. That way I don't spend an eternity clearing a floor. My goal is always floor 50. Sometimes I think about reaching floor 100 for the voucher and tower bonus but I'd rather focus on persistent. I still need to get to 600 proficiency. I prefer to focus on that goal than floor 100. I also like to get my shrine value high enough to start the next season with a Peerless weapon right away. That's how I play isekai. I also tend to play on mobile a lot more than PC. Which is why I'm kind of slow in isekai.
Yeah with this being an extra long season it was expected several peeps would take it slow and easy, it's just dreading looking at something like that because it's a preview of the slowdown you're gonna experience as soon as you enter the tower. In the end I had a decently good connection to the site and managed to get the floor done rather smootly so that was nice. And with your current power, equips and goals definitely persistent is a better use of your time when possible, even more so if using mobile. Remember posting about trying mobile play once and it was quite slow so even more reason to focus more on pers than isekai. QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Oct 17 2023, 05:55)  Spirit Shield
Well ever since my original run through those levels in persistent it became obvious that the first level of SS was unnoticeable on anything Nintendo and lower, only sliiiightly noticeable on IWBTH and only had a tiny effect on PFUDOR so it's why it may feel like it's hurting more than helping early on to some but even then it's still the pivotal moment where I go from being slow, careful and paying extra attention to resources because I could slip and die to just never dying on PFUDOR because it only gets better from there. You could be right and it could hurt more at certain points even when fully upgraded but it also depends on your style and equips I guess, playing 2H I can tell you that you can only take 3 sparks before dying and those are easy to get without SpSh so it would be absolute suicide to take off the ability. And let's not forget about challenge level. Higher floors, late PFFest and such it's not uncommon to get a 100k hit to the face every other turn even in Legs and high stats so taking it off would just be asking to get spanked and not by the user with that name. Interestingly enough I remember one of the first advocates for using Weaken on isekai was Uncle Stu and such advice seemed to stem from his experience with his old challenge to clear arenas without Spark active and certain consumables I think? so I guess you could always take it a step further in the kamikaze camp and try that on tower (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) (don´t)
Oct 18 2023, 01:58
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Oct 16 2023, 22:00)  Just noticed it's PFUDOR towers now. Damn, there's only 6 clears as of right now compared to the 25 or so at this time the last few days, even in weekdays, guess the added time and extra hassle could be felt by everyone (_ _)。゜zzZ
We may have fewer people playing than in previous seasons and/or less enthusiastic players than before. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) Or most people are no longer in a hurry to get rid of Isekai (that is, reach the 50th floor). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) In my case, I cleaned the 40th floor, and just like last season, I will stop for a while, and meanwhile I will go up about 40 or 50 levels before resuming the tower. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) This time it is being much more suffered to play because I decided to use only my own equipment (without buying from other players), making soulfuse only in the swords (the shield came through the Peerless Voucher), and for now I only did upgrades in the swords and shield. Well, I have some time to think about if I continue in this strategy until I continue with the tower. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Oct 18 2023, 03:37
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Oct 18 2023, 07:55) 
I still have shoeboxes full of cards but I haven't played my dragon deck in 15 years. I had Nicol Bolas but renamed it to something else. Vaevictus is my highest powered monster at 1335. It never occurred to me that I misspelt it. It's one of my first monsters I made back in 2011. I also have Arcades Sabboth and Chromium at 933 and 880 respectively. I have a bunch of other dragons too. danixxx had all the other MTG dragon names.
Oct 18 2023, 06:47
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Okay, just send me a PM when you and I are on at the same time and I will give you Nicol Bolas name. You can also have Vaevictis Asmadi name if you want to change your spelling. That way one person will have all the Elder Dragons, together.
By the way, Palladia-Mors is supposed to have a hyphen in it, but I'm not sure if you care, or which way you like better. For monster naming uniqueness purposes, Palladia Mors and Palladia-Mors are the same name, so both can't exist together. Only you can choose.
P.S. - I intentionally put these kinds of monster names that others may want, onto monsters that are below level 1000, that way if I die someone else can get the name. And I sometimes don't play for a long time, so my monsters have lost their names occasionally, and will probably continue to do so every couple years or so.
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