Holy cow, who is that girl, she is cute. I looked up Training with Hinako and it doesn't seem to be the same show as your girl picture. (Hinako looks ugly, I doubt I'll watch it).
QUOTE(Pretty anon @ Im so weak...hey dont make fun of me!)

Damn that sounds bad, if you lack motivatiom might as well get a copy of Training with Hanako or whatever was its name and start from there.
I dunno, is it that bad for normal girls to not be able to do any pullups or real pushups? (2 arms but go all the way down with elbows tucked in until body touches ground, and lift with only the pure arms and almost zero weight on legs).
Aside from the fact that I'm not a girl, just saying. I'm almost built like one anyway. In high school I was 70 pounds, in college I was 80 to 100 pounds, and after that I was usually below 120 pounds, until recently cause I suck now. Now I can almost wear regular guy pants in America (if smallest size is available).
In any case, I guess I'm too old to do anything physical already. Since it had been about a week since I failed to be able to stand with one leg, I thought I'd try again (you are usually much stronger if you work out or exert yourself after not doing anything for years or decades). Sure enough, my legs and knees seemed like I had some hope to make it, but I broke my ribs trying.
Yup, I broke my ribs doing nothing but trying to stand up from a fully seated squat (with one leg). I felt the ribs pop, and heard a loud CRACK. I'm old. It's gonna be a few months before that heals, and if I'm smart I'll never try again (or build up slowly with easier exercises first).
QUOTE(Ass Spanker @ whoa scary)

the stupid manga actually made me start working out and i unironically have the ability to rip my shirts by flexing my tits now
I had to look up what a side chest was. Because I only heard this term in Onegai Muscle, I thought it had something to do with looking at anime girl boobs from the side.
I tried working out a little in college so I could gain weight, be buff and beat people up, and while I might had gotten a bit stronger, I stopped because the activity was causing me to steadily lose weight.
For most of the arm weights or machines, I could barely, or not even lift up the lightest weight. I was really pissed in high school when PE teacher asked me to try the regular arm machine as a demonstration, and I couldn't even push 1 weight (I don't think he was trying to embarass me, he just didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to do even 1 weight). I was like "damn, can people actually move this?"
For most or all of the leg machines though, I could do them no matter how many weights are put on the machine (especially in college). I was only 100 pounds, but I was like that guy from Unbreakable movie for anything with the legs. Some of my normal guy friends couldn't do that, so I'd think "hmm your leg is twice as thick as mine, are you guys all faking that you can't lift this?" and other people would be scared that my toothpick legs would snap in half (which they probably would, now).
I've seen Spankave anime. Didn't recognize the visuals at first, but I realized what it was sometime around when she was going up the stairs. Maybe I'll buy it when the blu-ray gets dirt cheap like $10.