and just so this post contains some HV thought, I finally achieved a point in progress in which i can safely IW and do any arena in PFUDOR, without spamming consumables. About 100k profit daily according to the script, which looks fine. Next thing on the list will be leveling up to 500/doing fine in next isekai season. Probably get a mage equipment for funsies and try out that style too (persistent)
This post has been edited by Byza: Feb 22 2023, 22:33
it's based on this pic: I wanted that light grey hair that my sig pic girl has, but with cat ears. It's not really recognizable anymore at cg banner scale, though. Now it's just a generic cagirl. Background is falling sakura flowers, flowers are based on real photograph, and stars are also custom. I kinda overdid it, I guess. But I'm pleased with the result, and that's what counts
I had a good exquisite axe but it was only lvl 45 (now lvl 88) since then I have only managed to get one superior axe.
If I had kept the axe and soulfused it when i was lvl 80, would the axe's stats have jumped up to on comparable to lvl 80 but better because it was exquisite?
Would have kept the lvl 45 stats and from then on level up as I level up?
(In other-words, does the soulfuse do a catch-up if the item is lower level?)
I had a good exquisite axe but it was only lvl 45 (now lvl 88) since then I have only managed to get one superior axe.
If I had kept the axe and soulfused it when i was lvl 80, would the axe's stats have jumped up to on comparable to lvl 80 but better because it was exquisite?
Would have kept the lvl 45 stats and from then on level up as I level up? (In other-words, does the soulfuse do a catch-up if the item is lower level?)
your soulfused equip will scale with your level. It won't be a lv 45 equip anymore, it will be always the same level as you have. And the stats scale with your level as well.
However, an exquisite axe is not worth soulfusing. Try finding a rapier. Sell the axe if you're done with it.
I dual wield so axe + shortsword of balance give the offhand 76% hit rate
rapier would still be better than that axe, but with DW a club would be awesome as well. Let me explain: - your defense comes from parry - an axe doesn't do parry at all - club gives parry + stun, which is even better for defense
just keep changing equip as you level up, and try to find good weapons. To increase hit rate, just forge your weapons a bit - not too much, just a bit. If you have a decent weapon, IW it to 10 to get a 2nd strike.
This post has been edited by Noni: Mar 1 2023, 08:20
I forget but I think rodent of unusual size looked more like an opossum.
Finally, I'm impressed with hololive. They did find a Japanese vtuber guy to go into holostars whose real voice sounds similar to one of their Japanese hololive girls, and they debuted fairly close to each other.
See, I told you guys it was possible. I think the guy is trying to speak in a feminine way but his voice is probably fully natural.
I don't sound anything remotely like this, but I can probably compete with these two if I team with a different English-speaking hololive girl. I'm way late though so I don't think I can get active fast enough, but it would be funny.
(My team would probably win but not due to the quality of my voice. I checked recently and confirm that I totally speak like a manly dude. Rather, we'd win by coincidence of how close the other girl sounds to me).
Hmm I checked some of his newer videos and he is using a slightly lower voice. My natural speaking voice(s) are probably objectively higher, but the way I sound isn't really comparable to him.
My first thought was a synthesized voice reading script, but the quality/flow was much better and more human-like than what I'd heard before (Google Translate default speaker, and Neuro AI vtuber).
I checked just now and the Google Translate paste of what I wrote sounds pretty good, too. But for example it failed badly and sounded stupid on "Hmm". Yours did perfect Hmm and a bunch of other stuff.
My next thought was that you spoke that manually and used voice changers on yourself. There are different styles of voice changers that I'm aware of and some are ultra high quality (there are certain drawbacks and ways to detect these, for now). Or you just got your harem of girlfriends to say that for you.
However, yours was (probably) outed when it said "voice(s)" as it output something a robot would likely output. So I really have no idea how you did that in such high quality. Please enlighten us! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
I do hear a tiny bit of weird background hiss in your recording, which varies with each different voice. The background hiss are noise-gated, so you cannot hear it when it's silent, only when speaking occurs. Or maybe they are very low amplitude artifacts of the voice generation, I'm not sure.
The 2nd and 3rd voices are my favorite, they must be hot girls. Wait, I think this is the same girl.
The last girl (occurs couple times) has a different kind of background hiss which is not noise-gated, it is constant for the entire duration you pasted in her voice, and starts up even before she starts speaking. Aside from having some hiss I also hear a bit of 60 Hz ground loop frequency leaking into that girl's noise.
This post has been edited by BlueWaterSplash: Mar 8 2023, 11:10
I used the elevenlabs thingy and just recorded and pasted together the audio, the "voice(s)" part was a mistake on my part as I edited that bit in the script attempting to force it to do a certain entonation but it turns out it just paused and barely made the "s" sound, but basic functions got sort of restricted as time went on and even if you pay it will try to track every input you make in order "to avoid abuse". I'm not too fond of the use of these sort of things due to the implications to be honest but well, the point of my post is presenting you with another option to do your stuff, just use some audio samples you like or spit a script into the thing and you have your female audio. Although if you're gonna dive into the live streaming vortex or the vtuber abyss I would still recommend you a voice changer by all means, if nothing else for privacy. If you're acquainted with Metal Gear codecs check this one, it was also made the same way: []
Hello all! I've been a long time member and lurker, playing casually on and off during the years. I'm amazed that after a decade this simple web game is still going strong and has a dedicated community supporting it. I started playing again recently after a long hiatus. I've played a lot of video games throughout my life, but there's a sense of joy you get from the simplicity of HV.
Hello all! I've been a long time member and lurker, playing casually on and off during the years. I'm amazed that after a decade this simple web game is still going strong and has a dedicated community supporting it. I started playing again recently after a long hiatus. I've played a lot of video games throughout my life, but there's a sense of joy you get from the simplicity of HV.