I expected much more for this... seems like our player base isnt growing anymore ( everyone has his equipment ready ) or most people already switched to Mage... but yeah if we get no new players the prices will sink (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Also from what i see it's a recession, if not depression. Old rich players disappeared, new players are too poor since their income from bazaaring got cut & can't equip decent equipments at low level.
I mean there's around 4.8 MILLION registered users, I wonder how many actually play HV though.
Maybe there should be more of an incentive to play it. I know it's pretty much meant to be a Credits sink but advertising it on the site more couldn't hurt, right?
This post has been edited by Drksrpnt: Jul 13 2019, 17:58
Well, i would assume like in most forums, we have of those 4.8M maybe 1% as more or less active members in the forum itself, and of those i would assume maybe a tenth who play more or less active hv. In this includes people who play nothing but RE, or the first five arenas. Really active of playing of those do i would guess another tenth so i would assume maybe around 5k more or less.
[Hea02] Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter (445, ADB 74%) (seller: wollofnine) Mantra64 10.3m
I expected much more for this... seems like our player base isnt growing anymore ( everyone has his equipment ready ) or most people already switched to Mage... but yeah if we get no new players the prices will sink (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
I would've actually bought those if I knew they would do for so little. I just assumed they would go for 20m+ so I didn't even bother (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
I would've actually bought those if I knew they would do for so little. I just assumed they would go for 20m+ so I didn't even bother (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
[Hea02] Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Slaughter (445, ADB 74%) (seller: wollofnine) Mantra64 10.3m
I expected much more for this... seems like our player base isnt growing anymore ( everyone has his equipment ready ) or most people already switched to Mage... but yeah if we get no new players the prices will sink (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Saw it but when I thought about doing bids again, I got too lazy and didn't bother.
Now I think of it maybe I should bid on it as well. I need a better pair of gauntlets. But I got my hands on the non-savage leggings and also I need to get those crappywood staffs on the lottery.
Eventually, every 1H player will have a full savage slaughter set, or they are not 1H players anymore, I guess.
Eventually, every 1H player will have a full savage slaughter set, or they are not 1H players anymore, I guess.
Really? I dont even have a single slaughter piece at the moment, not even thinking about savage slaughter. I guess i am completly disconnected from all the other 1H players. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
Now I think of it maybe I should bid on it as well. I need a better pair of gauntlets. But I got my hands on the non-savage leggings and also I need to get those crappywood staffs on the lottery.
Eventually, every 1H player will have a full savage slaughter set, or they are not 1H players anymore, I guess.
I would have bid too, but Im paying a part of my equipment of my Mage road right now : )
To know that a 20% slaughter beats any other peerless piece in damage, and that the other stats kinda don't really matter if they're rolled low or do not get boosted by another suffix...(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Now I think of it maybe I should bid on it as well. I need a better pair of gauntlets. But I got my hands on the non-savage leggings and also I need to get those crappywood staffs on the lottery.
Eventually, every 1H player will have a full savage slaughter set, or they are not 1H players anymore, I guess.
That will be the time I'll buy my savage slaughter gear...with no competition and at small price (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
I just read about this Storm Area 51. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif) It is really bold to think "They cant stop us all" yeah maybe not, but they can shot a lot of you, because the use of deadly force is authorized and they are not kidding. They didnt wrote this on their warning signs because of shit and giggle. And no, neither the authorisation of deadly force, nor that photography is prohibited, is prove for anything. Because this is more or less common rules for all military exclusion zones around the globe. And because i know how shitty it is to be on guard service, i really hope they dont do this, because those soldiers wont know who is just an idiot and who is really a threat and no i am not talking about national security, i am talking about the security of those soldiers themself. And i bet, they will at least encounter one idiot who want to identify himself and grab for his wallet while he is been told to freeze. *sigh* I havent sighed that deep since i was a little girl. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Why are people so stupid? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
Yeah, the only problem i see with this is that RL is one of those games with permadeath, imo the developers did really fuck the whole game up with this. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)