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> The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV

post May 3 2019, 08:13
Post #47421

Curse God of the Hentai Shrine
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Bleeding is certainly not what makes me so fast to clear PFFEST, just saying. It's Imperil and the higher ADB of a shortsword.
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post May 3 2019, 16:07
Post #47422

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So this happened...

I got my first Legendary just a few days ago.

After some careful consideration, I decided to IW it and use it for a while.

Then this happened, when I got my Rapier to IW 10:

I guess I have a new weapon to use while I grind this one to IW 10.

Makes me question if the God of RNG loves or hates me.
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post May 3 2019, 17:03
Post #47423

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Finestela @ May 3 2019, 16:07) *

So this happened...

I got my first Legendary just a few days ago.

After some careful consideration, I decided to IW it and use it for a while.

Then this happened, when I got my Rapier to IW 10:

I guess I have a new weapon to use while I grind this one to IW 10.

Makes me question if the God of RNG loves or hates me.

Nice items for your level. Although 'vampire' sucks (what's in a name), the balance shortsword is probably better. You can sell them when you've outgrown them.
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post May 3 2019, 17:45
Post #47424

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ May 3 2019, 10:03) *

Nice items for your level. Although 'vampire' sucks (what's in a name), the balance shortsword is probably better. You can sell them when you've outgrown them.

Yeah, the short sword is better stat wise, it's just that it makes me feel I've wasted those time doing the IW for the Rapier (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

Not to mention I got it ON the IW run that got the Rapier to IW 10.

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post May 4 2019, 03:00
Post #47425
Uncle Stu

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif) Firefix just deactivated every single addon i used for good. I mean damned, that doesnt make any sense. From justblack, over noscript to tampermonkey. What the hell? One or two, yeah, can happen, but all? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 03:26
Post #47426

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QUOTE(Uncle Stu @ May 3 2019, 21:00) *

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif) Firefix just deactivated every single addon i used for good. I mean damned, that doesnt make any sense. From justblack, over noscript to tampermonkey. What the hell? One or two, yeah, can happen, but all? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

What version of FF?
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post May 4 2019, 03:31
Post #47427
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ May 4 2019, 03:26) *

What version of FF?

When that did happen it was around a month old version, but i did update it and nothing did change. No matter what i do i am not able to fix this problem, i cant even update them, it is just telling me something about i should check my connection because the download did failed. As if i wasnt pissed enough the last time that did happen because of an update, but that wasnt the case now. I did nothing, i got online, got my dawn, got my monster gifts, did sent an MM with CoD to a customer and bam, FF did deactivate all my addons.

Well, looks like i am not the only one. Seems as if FF did deactivate quite a few addons because of expired signature. Imo some at FF did really fucked up, i mean we are talking about way too many addons, as if those just forgot to renewed the signature. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)

I wonder how long this will take them.
[bugzilla.mozilla.org] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1548973

This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: May 4 2019, 04:47
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post May 4 2019, 06:56
Post #47428

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meh, I switched back to dev build.
Get dev or nightly version [www.mozilla.org] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/, install it, go to about:config, find xpinstall.signatures.required and change it to false.
go to Help > Troubleshooting information, click on the button near Profile Folder to open it.
Do the same in your old FF, close browsers, copy everything from old profile into new one.
Voila, it should look exactly the same with all bookmarks, addons and themes working.
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post May 4 2019, 08:15
Post #47429
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(Nayas @ May 4 2019, 06:56) *

Nah, that seems like work. I will solve that problem uncle style. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
(IMG:[media.giphy.com] https://media.giphy.com/media/5eFp76zhsq3uw/giphy.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 09:21
Post #47430

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As much as I hate Google's way of doing things, I still use Chrome because... Firefox is shit, no offense. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 09:26
Post #47431

not happy yet but almost maybe
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I've been using FF47 for 5-6 years now, afraid to fuck something up, like my bookmarks or opened tabs, but at the same time, that might be the reason why percentile ranges and HV Utils don't work perfectly for me, at least monsterbation works just fine
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post May 4 2019, 09:34
Post #47432
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ May 4 2019, 09:26) *

I've been using FF47 for 5-6 years now, afraid to fuck something up, like my bookmarks
I know that feeling, because of that i export them all everytime i do an update. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

No ETA for the fix yet; we're waiting on test results before making decision.
Hmpf. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: May 4 2019, 09:38
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post May 4 2019, 09:39
Post #47433

Hataraku Noni-sama
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There used to be more than a couple of trophy buyers. Hath barons with FOS. They all seem to have quit, or at least temporary?

- FOS needs to be upgraded, please tenboro make it a bit better! Like one peerless of choice after 10 regular peerless
- HV could really do with a lv500 arena. For instance: 5x experience at cost of 5x stamina + legendary drop at end

This would be better than upgrading the trophy shrining. Market for equip is already saturated for everything but the best of the best gear, and making trophies give better stuff would only introduce even more good equips.

For now, I'm piling up the trophies. Almost 30 Noodlies now.
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post May 4 2019, 09:55
Post #47434

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I wish for a better monster interface, i wish we could upload pics, maybe draw our own monsters, that'd be cool, though it would take more t/s so many would still disable their graphics, but i feel these new designs would make bring more people for desire to make ocs
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post May 4 2019, 10:04
Post #47435
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ May 4 2019, 09:39) *
- HV could really do with a lv500 arena. For instance: 5x experience at cost of 5x stamina + legendary drop at end
I wouldnt say lvl 500 need its own arena, but it needs something. Atm lvl 500 is just equal to a kick in the dick. Hardest possible monster, slowest clearspeed, no more dawn prof and not even a single benefit to compensate that. Please 10bo show level 500 at least a little bit of love. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

QUOTE(DJNoni @ May 4 2019, 09:39) *

For now, I'm piling up the trophies. Almost 30 Noodlies now.
You call that pilling up? I have allready three diggits of noddlies. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I once did hoped i could trade all my trophies for another star, but with falling prices for trophies and skyrocked prices for stars, that hope did die a while ago. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 13:05
Post #47436

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ May 4 2019, 08:39) *

There used to be more than a couple of trophy buyers. Hath barons with FOS. They all seem to have quit, or at least temporary?

- FOS needs to be upgraded, please tenboro make it a bit better! Like one peerless of choice after 10 regular peerless
- HV could really do with a lv500 arena. For instance: 5x experience at cost of 5x stamina + legendary drop at end

This would be better than upgrading the trophy shrining. Market for equip is already saturated for everything but the best of the best gear, and making trophies give better stuff would only introduce even more good equips.

For now, I'm piling up the trophies. Almost 30 Noodlies now.

Both of these are short-term bandaid fixes that wouldn't really address the problem long term. But then again, there is not really any sensible way to design a long-term system that doesn't simply become an infinite leaderboard (which obviously really only works for those who get in early). I could ramble extensively about the reasons behind short-term and long term fixes, but to keep it short... assuming the general sentiment is to keep existing gear valid (not introducing a new tier of gear every so often to keep the grind fresh), then systems implemented should make the grind longer rather than speeding up the race to the finish. Preferably, by adding new stuff.

I think there are a few things that could be done to help the trophy situation (direct and indirect), but many of them require considerable effort from 10b and I suspect such development time is beyond the scope of HV.

1) Balancing efforts for all types of gear and/or playstyle - making more types of gear valuable or usable in some way means more trophy drops might be useful, rather than the one in a million cloth or staff piece. I don't think anyone (sane) is shrining for leather right now, as an example.
2) 'Self-found' modes - making all shrine drops untradeable in exchange for higher drop rates, perhaps.
3) Reasons to find more of the same - 'dupe mashing', perhaps, where two items of the same time could be combined to upgrade it in some way. (Increasing base values? A handful of random forge upgrades? Increased forge limits? etc)
4) Changes to IW as a content option - if about 50% of legendaries had 100-round IWs, with another reward akin to the grindfest crystal modifier, even trashy legendaries would be more desirable as IW fodder.
5) Salvage rewards relative to high value items - what if you could salvage a cloth piece with matching affixes for a phazon?

If you want a healthier economy, it's better to look at solutions that make it broader - a more active market with lots of items moving, and lots of participants - rather than taller, with a few extremely rich people providing the bulk of the trade. Blackjac's trophy buying is a good example there... he was pretty much the sole source of a huge chunk of economic mobility for poorer players, and without that, poorer players might prefer to save up a lot longer to buy a high quality item rather than buying lower tier legendaries to last them until then, because they're forced to make careful economic decisions thanks to the price of forging etc.

Can't wait to be torn to pieces by the more clever minds of the forums now... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 17:44
Post #47437

Extra Hissy
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QUOTE(decondelite @ May 3 2019, 21:21) *

As much as I hate Google's way of doing things, I still use Chrome because... Firefox is shit, no offense. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)

Chrome is the worst browser ever and in trying to copy it, Firefox became just as shitty.

QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ May 3 2019, 21:26) *

I've been using FF47 for 5-6 years now, afraid to fuck something up, like my bookmarks or opened tabs, but at the same time, that might be the reason why percentile ranges and HV Utils don't work perfectly for me, at least monsterbation works just fine

I ditched FF when it went to that Quantum shit and use Pale Moon instead, which is basically the older version of FF without the fuck ups.
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post May 4 2019, 18:58
Post #47438

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QUOTE(Honeycat @ May 4 2019, 17:44) *

Chrome is the worst browser ever and in trying to copy it, Firefox became just as shitty.
I ditched FF when it went to that Quantum shit and use Pale Moon instead, which is basically the older version of FF without the fuck ups.

just use Opera, you wont regret it, been using it for years now and couldnt be happier
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post May 4 2019, 19:28
Post #47439

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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ May 4 2019, 17:58) *

just use Opera, you wont regret it, been using it for years now and couldnt be happier

You mean Chrome in disguise? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

I missed old Opera so much I use Vivaldi these days - it has the UI customisation, native support for single-key shortcuts, and even the janky performance. It really is like being back in 2006... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post May 4 2019, 19:44
Post #47440

Extra Hissy
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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ May 4 2019, 06:58) *

just use Opera, you wont regret it, been using it for years now and couldnt be happier

Tried Opera once long ago and it was shittier than Chrome. I didn't even know that browser was still around.
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