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The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV |
Apr 8 2019, 23:11
Group: Gold Star Club
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lol there hasn't been any hv update over the last one and a half years...Many games don't even last one and a half years lmao. And HV has a serious balance issue, too. Sure some style can perform better than others in some parts of the game, but I'd rather have style A better on arena, style B better on IW, style C better on grindfest, etc. What do we have now, tho? Non-imperil holy mage, period. Hence each gear costing 30m. Considering you could build a whole mage set with 30m (fire cold at least) and you need tenth of that for a viable 1H style, the discrepancy is ridiculous, honestly. If they aren't interested in fixing the balance, they should at least provide a way to get those gears at a sensible rate. Right now radiant heimdalls are so rare that these crazy rich overlords would pay 50m upfront on auction to begin with, and funnily enough, half of them are never used. Either make drop raters better or maybe allow us to smith our own gears at reasonable cost (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Apr 8 2019, 23:30
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 8 2019, 22:11)  lol there hasn't been any hv update over the last one and a half years...Many games don't even last one and a half years lmao. And HV has a serious balance issue, too. Sure some style can perform better than others in some parts of the game, but I'd rather have style A better on arena, style B better on IW, style C better on grindfest, etc. What do we have now, tho? Non-imperil holy mage, period. Hence each gear costing 30m. Considering you could build a whole mage set with 30m (fire cold at least) and you need tenth of that for a viable 1H style, the discrepancy is ridiculous, honestly. If they aren't interested in fixing the balance, they should at least provide a way to get those gears at a sensible rate. Right now radiant heimdalls are so rare that these crazy rich overlords would pay 50m upfront on auction to begin with, and funnily enough, half of them are never used. Either make drop raters better or maybe allow us to smith our own gears at reasonable cost (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Style balances are a slight issue, droprates are not so much... although... What if a player could toggle all their drops being locked to untradeable (though not soulbound) in exchange for higher drop rates? Might be interesting, but someone smarter than me should be able to postulate about how badly that'd hit the economy.
Apr 8 2019, 23:34
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Joined: 12-July 14

Why do you think I keep forging my 1H set? Because although it's not as fast as a mage set, I still get very, very decent clear times for dozens of times less credits worth of investment. To top it off, I don't needs a shitload of scrolls, infusions, gums, vases and elixirs. Only stupidly cheap feathers and 8 infusions. And the gameplay is very relaxing, unlike mages who have to be quite focused.
... Won't prevent me from playing dark, ultimately and in a far distant future. because it's dark.
Apr 9 2019, 01:10
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 9 2019, 06:11)  lol there hasn't been any hv update over the last one and a half years...Many games don't even last one and a half years lmao. And HV has a serious balance issue, too. Sure some style can perform better than others in some parts of the game, but I'd rather have style A better on arena, style B better on IW, style C better on grindfest, etc. What do we have now, tho? Non-imperil holy mage, period. Hence each gear costing 30m. Considering you could build a whole mage set with 30m (fire cold at least) and you need tenth of that for a viable 1H style, the discrepancy is ridiculous, honestly. If they aren't interested in fixing the balance, they should at least provide a way to get those gears at a sensible rate. Right now radiant heimdalls are so rare that these crazy rich overlords would pay 50m upfront on auction to begin with, and funnily enough, half of them are never used. Either make drop raters better or maybe allow us to smith our own gears at reasonable cost (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Would definitely be nice if different styles were better for different things. Like I can image mage being left good for arenas. Buffing GF magic resistances off the charts and buffing 2H/Niten to clear GF super fast for 2h (more aoe or smth) Buffing 1H/DW to absolutely destroy single mobs on RoB and maybe reducing monster count (but buffing credits/drops/exp) on IW. Then you'd have a reason to invest in all of the styles and even the super rich can't realistically dump hundreds of millions in every single auction. I think crafting might be a good idea too. Definitely have to watch out so that crafted gear doesn't become better than dropped gear though (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) otherwise I imagine the entire economy blows up lol. Or fuck it, go for it. Changing some stuff would be nice. But honestly the biggest thing I want atm is more bosses for RoB, more arenas, maybe even a new battle type. SOMETHING new to fight. Maybe a 1v1 Grindfest with SUPER hard to kill mobs. Where every round is just one mob, but it hits like a fucking truck and takes little dmg. That would def make 1H worth something after you invest in any way into mage (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) QUOTE(decondelite @ Apr 9 2019, 06:34)  I still get very, very decent clear times for dozens of times less credits worth of investment.
I think we already talked about this (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Even a crap mage set will outperform your highly forged expensive 1H set (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Apr 9 2019, 01:32
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 28-April 14

QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 8 2019, 19:10)  snip
I think if you can make untradeable charged/radiant phase gears at 5m that'd be pretty sensible. Let's face it- radiant phase with crap stats go for 20m and that's just straight up bullshit. Rich ppl can still go to auctions and buy radiant phase with good stats, but since some of these special prefixes are essential in completing GF/IW, something should be done. QUOTE I think we already talked about this (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Even a crap mage set will outperform your highly forged expensive 1H set (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) I think what he means is GF IW, tho. Mage set has to be VERY decent to be able to clear those. Putting it in other words, the gap between mage set that works for arena and mage set that can handle GF IW is much much larger than the gap for 1H. decon's getting unbelievably amazing stats on Gf with his melee set, actually much better than lv500 melee with arguably better gears, I think. Maybe it's because his level's at 420 so that could also be something since level up fucks you up if you are playing melee. MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, HUH. This post has been edited by Saioux: Apr 9 2019, 01:32
Apr 9 2019, 01:47
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 29-August 08

QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 9 2019, 08:32)  I think if you can make untradeable charged/radiant phase gears at 5m that'd be pretty sensible. Let's face it- radiant phase with crap stats go for 20m and that's just straight up bullshit. Rich ppl can still go to auctions and buy radiant phase with good stats, but since some of these special prefixes are essential in completing GF/IW, something should be done. I think what he means is GF IW, tho. Mage set has to be VERY decent to be able to clear those. Putting it in other words, the gap between mage set that works for arena and mage set that can handle GF IW is much much larger than the gap for 1H.
decon's getting unbelievably amazing stats on Gf with his melee set, actually much better than lv500 melee with arguably better gears, I think. Maybe it's because his level's at 420 so that could also be something since level up fucks you up if you are playing melee. MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, HUH.
Mmmm.... I would definitely be for some low-stat leg charged/radiants. 5m seems decent enough for untradable (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) GF and IW mage is definitely prohibitively expensive (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Apr 9 2019, 05:01
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 3,930
Joined: 29-January 12

QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 9 2019, 00:10)  snip
Drastic changes to balance would be needed, but they would also likely upset the market even further - if a couple super-rich players decide to switch style to say, 2H, because it's now near comparable to mage in GF but a bunch safer, then it's going to have a knock-on effect on armours, weapons and materials for a while - possibly some time, if the right drops just aren't coming (looking especially at savage slaughter power armours, or good savage/agile shadowdancer pieces, etc). That's why I emphasise a very small nudge, or addressing income equality before item goals. Not to mention, mage needs to either get survivability buffs or maintain a significant speed advantage to compensate for the increased complexity and investment cost. Nobody (sensible) wants mage to become obsolete because 1H is suddenly very close in speed, but basically safe and braindead to play. I mean, there are already players who prefer 1H in GF (I think) for that exact reason even with the capability to go mage. And that's with the significant speed disadvantage... For my overall opinion on design, I'd like to see balance where low-medium quality legendaries can clear all endgame content without having to jump through crazy hoops to manage it, and forging contributes mostly to speed. This might be possible with a larger health pool and weaker restoration, where the damage is less burst-oriented but you'll still need to spend a bunch of turns healing it back up. Optimisation should be about doing something better, not doing it at all. (Enter all the gurus with their explanations on how to clear PFest as niten in magnificents... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ) But that's largely my opinion as someone with a lot of time and willingness to run grindfests as if it's the preferable endgame content. I hate daily lockouts (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) This post has been edited by lestion: Apr 9 2019, 05:07
Apr 9 2019, 05:55
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 9 2019, 01:32)  decon's getting unbelievably amazing stats on Gf with his melee set, actually much better than lv500 melee with arguably better gears, I think. Maybe it's because his level's at 420 so that could also be something since level up fucks you up if you are playing melee.
He also has DD6 or 7...
Apr 9 2019, 06:47
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QUOTE(lestion @ Apr 8 2019, 21:01)  (Enter all the gurus with their explanations on how to clear PFest as niten in magnificents... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ) Ahem... Shishō. A bait or not.
Apr 9 2019, 07:21
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Dead-ed @ Apr 9 2019, 05:47)  Ahem... Shishō.
A bait or not.
I mean, it can be done! It'll take you forever and a day, of course, but you can definitely do it (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Edit: holy shit, your waki is incredible This post has been edited by lestion: Apr 9 2019, 07:22
Apr 9 2019, 08:01
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Lucky find though, people overlooked it back then.✌
Apr 9 2019, 08:03
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Yes I was talking about PFFEST. Because for arenas, I do use a (not so) makeshift cool mage set to blast through those: (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/OamTS5Jl.png) It still costed me an arm and a leg to assemble, and the other arm and the other leg to Forge 10 the armor and full forge the staff's EDB+prof. I remember throwing away months and months worth of grinding in MGC, HGC, MGW and HGW only. I was lucky I had a bunch of spare phazons and bindings I gathered since I started playing 3 years ago. This post has been edited by decondelite: Apr 9 2019, 08:08
Apr 10 2019, 15:22
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 30-August 17

Anyone has coupons? I would like collect one bronze, silver, and gold coupon. I will pay 100k for each. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif) Thanks. Got all I need. I got a platinum coupon already, as well as a tenboro box from VriskaSerket. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) This post has been edited by -vincento-: Apr 10 2019, 16:22
Apr 10 2019, 15:28
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
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Hm, well i guess i could spare one. Btw, do you dont want a platinum coupon or did you just forogt about them?
Great, now i did remember that i never got a silver coupon myself and probably never will get one, so my collection will forever be unfinished. And no, i dont want to buy one, this is about getting them myself.
This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: Apr 10 2019, 15:32
Apr 10 2019, 15:49
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,076
Joined: 29-August 08

Sent you a silver vincento, send it back if you already got one!
This post has been edited by KamuiSeph: Apr 10 2019, 15:49
Apr 10 2019, 23:28
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 27-December 10

What's going on with Super lately? He's been more and more inactive it feels like.
Apr 11 2019, 01:38
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Uncle Stu @ Apr 10 2019, 16:28)  Great, now i did remember that i never got a silver coupon myself and probably never will get one, so my collection will forever be unfinished. And no, i dont want to buy one, this is about getting them myself.
True, after calculating how many hours will it take to get platinum and silver with tagging... I guess I'll pass for now (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Apr 11 2019, 02:01
Uncle Stu
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QUOTE(Benny-boy @ Apr 11 2019, 01:38)  True, after calculating how many hours will it take to get platinum and silver with tagging... I guess I'll pass for now (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Oh, but i got a platinum and also several bronze and gold over the time. But never silver. Not even once. And because i am no longer able to tag, i will never get one. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
Apr 11 2019, 02:47
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Uncle Stu @ Apr 11 2019, 09:01)  i am no longer able to tag
Uncle Tag broke (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
Apr 11 2019, 02:53
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 11 2019, 02:47)  Nah, this is more a personal thing. When i have to read just one more time about severe consequences and all the bullshit that comes with it, i am gona punch random people on the street. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif) This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: Apr 11 2019, 02:53
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