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post Apr 8 2019, 08:59
Post #47081

Curse God of the Hentai Shrine
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Do try PFFEST as 1H. Then you will understand what exactly the following chart means:
DwD -> Easy
Regular arena -> Normal
IW100 -> Lunatic
PFFEST -> Phantasm

To be able to clear IW100 as mage, it already requires an enormous amount of credits worth of forging. Full forged is pretty much the norm for PFFEST.
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post Apr 8 2019, 09:42
Post #47082

Hataraku Noni-sama
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I am a bit ashamed to admit that my Very Expensive set stll has troubke reaching round 800. Usually I need vase / gum around 600-700 . I can do without, but hihg chance of death. And yes, almost fully forged. IW100 is piece of cake though
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:05
Post #47083

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Isn't your Very Expensive set non-imperil? So I guess you have to be much much stronger than imperil elemental mage to be able to clear pffest ugh. Maybe imperil dark won't be viable for pffest after all due to its slower speed...

qr12345 seems to clear pffest in a breeze with his arctic willow set. Well I expected dark imperil to fall behind wind/elec willow, but if it's less viable than cold/fire willow than it just makes me feel very sad (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:24
Post #47084

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QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 8 2019, 08:05) *

Isn't your Very Expensive set non-imperil? So I guess you have to be much much stronger than imperil elemental mage to be able to clear pffest ugh. Maybe imperil dark won't be viable for pffest after all due to its slower speed...

qr12345 seems to clear pffest in a breeze with his arctic willow set. Well I expected dark imperil to fall behind wind/elec willow, but if it's less viable than cold/fire willow than it just makes me feel very sad (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

With my cold mage set I can clear PFFEST quite stably (0 vase/gum, <5 scroll of life&spirit elixir).
But I still can die if I am making mistake. And it can happen in a blink.
In latter rounds I can drop 300+spirit in short span and I am getting vital alert/sparked quite frequently.
Major cause of death is casting imperil right after get sparked.

My set is relatively cheap but still much expensive compared to 1H.
More correctly mage itself is expensive.
Base equipment cost <20m.
Forge cost is 120~150m.
Also I have DD5 which is 30k haths.
So I pay around 250m in total.

This post has been edited by qr12345: Apr 8 2019, 10:25
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:32
Post #47085

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Yea, I def got some forging to do lol. I'll find out for myself sooner or later eventually, but I just hope imperil dark is not viable for pffest due to dark spells having slower speed compared to elemental (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

It seems like whenever I'll be able to pull off pffest is quite distant a future tho. First my evade chance is just way too low lol. It's at 50% and I think you guys have it at least around 60% right? I might try out iwbth fest once I've got enough prof factor and 4+1.

btw, putting aside pffest, what'd you say is a sweetspot forge level, at least for major attributes (edb, evade, pab)? Right now I've got those to 10 and rest at 5 lol.
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:39
Post #47086

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QUOTE(Saioux @ Apr 8 2019, 16:32) *


My dark set which was forged to on average 27 can clear PFDfest. Dark is faster than wind/elec in terms of turns. But the problem is low casting speed makes you heal more frequently during late GF.
In the end, it will somehow slow down your t/s a bit. If you forged to maximum, I suppose this wouldn't be a shortcoming anymore.
As for DJ's experience on non-imperil, that's why I recommended imperil dark instead of non-imperil dark.
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:49
Post #47087

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That's quite nice to hear lol. Yea I'm going towards a 4+1 imperil dark right now. I might get a phase robe later for SG but anyways.

Thanks for sharing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) I feel a bit better about it now lol. What's your DD btw? Also, when you were forging, did you forge everything at the same time, or the more important ones first? I've got bindings for edb evade and pabs. but for other things I don't have bindings and plus that'd just too much HGC lol.
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post Apr 8 2019, 10:59
Post #47088

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I forged EDB, evade and Agi as much as possible. Rest stop at 20~25.
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post Apr 8 2019, 11:21
Post #47089

Curse God of the Hentai Shrine
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You guys are talking so casually about building a mage set.
Bounties are really ultra well paid.
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post Apr 8 2019, 11:34
Post #47090

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QUOTE(decondelite @ Apr 8 2019, 04:21) *

Bounties are really ultra well paid.

but they require either money, photoshop skills or knowing written japanese, easy
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post Apr 8 2019, 11:37
Post #47091

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Is DD V like a hard limit for most ppl, I guess? After that the payoff is just so horrendously low - probably comparable to spending one phazon for pushing your mdb one level over lv50 on your radiant (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by Saioux: Apr 8 2019, 11:50
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post Apr 8 2019, 15:27
Post #47092

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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Apr 8 2019, 01:05) *

if it were a PHOH it would be 3m+ tickets by now

When I aim for the grand prize, I got GLT. When I aim for GLT, I got candies. When I aim for candies, I got tokens. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)

I had a feeling of getting something but I still fail to get the things I want (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Anyway, 1 Token cost 11.4k :S

Thanks to it, I reached exactly 100 monster slots :3

This post has been edited by mouisaac: Apr 8 2019, 16:15
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post Apr 8 2019, 15:55
Post #47093

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I did waste 20k tickets, but at least I won't hate myself for soulfusing my cap some time ago. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Apr 8 2019, 16:41
Post #47094

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QUOTE(qr12345 @ Apr 8 2019, 17:24) *

Major cause of death is casting imperil right after get sparked.

Ooooh boy I have died from that exclusively.
Literally the only way I die with mage (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Apr 8 2019, 16:49
Post #47095

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QUOTE(decondelite @ Apr 8 2019, 18:21) *

You guys are talking so casually about building a mage set.
Bounties are really ultra well paid.

Unfortunately right now there's no good standard bounties ._.

Out of the top 10:

1. Waaay too few credits. Considering shipping/payment option costs and scanning costs 220mil is like the cheapest I would start that bounty at.
2. Same as 1. Too many pages too many books ~200mil minimum
3. Unavailable for purchase anywhere you look (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
4. Don't even understand what the heck this guy wants (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
5. Same as 3.
6. Same as 3.
7. Same as 3.
8. Same as 3.
9. Too low of a profit margin. Too many pages, book only available new not used. Should be ~45mil minimum.
10. Same as 3.

If you go below 10th spot it's the same story.
Either it's unavailable in any of the stores they list (or any others I check)
Either the profit margin is way too low (would be cheaper to sell a gold star)
Or the request is not a doujin purchase but some weird something. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) I want to do more bounties
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post Apr 8 2019, 17:01
Post #47096

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QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 8 2019, 14:41) *

Ooooh boy I have died from that exclusively.
Literally the only way I die with mage (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I have tried these.
Trying to cheap out spirit elixirs at 40~50% SP level -> taking skill criticals -> SP drained by SS -> not enough SP for SoL -> death
Hit to exact Hp1 -> SoL not triggering -> death

This post has been edited by qr12345: Apr 8 2019, 17:02
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post Apr 8 2019, 17:07
Post #47097

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QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 8 2019, 09:49) *

Unfortunately right now there's no good standard bounties ._.

Out of the top 10:

1. Waaay too few credits. Considering shipping/payment option costs and scanning costs 220mil is like the cheapest I would start that bounty at.
2. Same as 1. Too many pages too many books ~200mil minimum
3. Unavailable for purchase anywhere you look (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
4. Don't even understand what the heck this guy wants (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
5. Same as 3.
6. Same as 3.
7. Same as 3.
8. Same as 3.
9. Too low of a profit margin. Too many pages, book only available new not used. Should be ~45mil minimum.
10. Same as 3.

220m?! was wondering if 2m would be enough for this [www.melonbooks.co.jp] little saya doujin, guess not
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post Apr 8 2019, 17:08
Post #47098

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QUOTE(qr12345 @ Apr 9 2019, 00:01) *

I have tried these.
Trying to cheap out spirit elixirs at 40~50% SP level -> taking skill criticals -> SP drained by SS -> not enough SP for SoL -> death
Hit to exact Hp1 -> SoL not triggering -> death

Yeah, I sometimes try and cheap out on SP elixirs too, but monsterbation stops if you don't have enough SS for SoL though?

The "die at 1hp" is something I have yet to experience, but I'm sure it'll come (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Apr 9 2019, 00:07) *

220m?! was wondering if 2m would be enough for this [www.melonbooks.co.jp] little saya doujin, guess not

It depends, really.
Based on my bounty completions so far, I go for somewhere ~16,000-18,000 credits per 1 yen paid.
Now, you might think "welp, doujin is ¥771 that's 12mil minimum!"
Well, no...
Shipping costs are a thing (usually ~¥500) so it's definitely best to order multiple things at once.
Payment costs are a thing (most places just do straight CoD ~¥350)
And scanning costs as well.
I personally don't own a scanner so it's ¥30 per page for really high quallity (6,000px x 5,000px)

And, of course, the amount of time you put into ordering, scanning, editing, etc.

So for your doujin, if I were to buy just that doujin would be ~¥2,251 total.
Or ~36mil minimum.

If I buy it with other stuff (and spread the other costs around) ~¥1,500 total.
Or ~24mil minimum.

Another way you can think about it is, a Gold Star costs ~¥11,000.
at ~60mil for a gold star that's ~5,500C per ¥.

So if your doujin by itself is less than 12,4m why would I bother with orders, shipping, scanning, if I can just buy some bitcoin?

That all being said!
If someone already has said doujin, or finds it in a used book store (~200-500¥ usually)
And has their own scanner!
I can see ~4-5m being worth.

If someone already has said doujin in a digital format, shit, even 1m would be worth it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

So depends on how fast you want it really.

P.S. just so people don't lose their minds:

QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Apr 9 2019, 00:07) *


This is what the #1 bounty costs straight up to order:


The total thing is 236 pages long.

That's 7k for me (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) and at LEAST 2 hours of scanning

This post has been edited by KamuiSeph: Apr 8 2019, 17:50
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post Apr 8 2019, 19:09
Post #47099

Hataraku Noni-sama
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I made a thread for the Easter event, where everyone can post their Special Easter X-change request. Not started yet, but we are ready!

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post Apr 8 2019, 19:33
Post #47100
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(KamuiSeph @ Apr 8 2019, 17:08) *

and at LEAST 2 hours of scanning
So 2 hours of your life cost more credits as i can get in two months? Yeah, seems legit. I know why i am never even close to this part of the forum. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)
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