QUOTE(Xythy @ Jan 11 2019, 01:10)

It seems I made a fool of myself in front of everyone. I'll use my powers to make the game drop me another pony...
Wait! seeing the number "3" would rub me the wrong way, too. And the number "4" and "5"... (IMG:[
I recall when I bought my OFC, I had to constantly visit WTS, looking for ponies on sell there to be different from those i had already bought. After the first 6 or 7, finding the others took me progressively more time, because most offered where doubles of ponies I already had.
What I mean is that, unless you level very slowly (and that's improbable below 200, for reasonable reasons), most people who have the credits (and not many below 200 have them) would prefer to simply buy a complete set (or a 21-set) to have the OFC immediately without wasting time.
What I did was different from most others, because I had the credits thanks to a very lucky event, and I had already decided I wanted to level up slowly while spending more time in the forums to study the game.
But if you get some other ponies to complete a second 21 set for OFC, then offer it not for free but at a thouroughly discounted price to player below 250 (or 200), I think it would be better.
Just a personal opinion, but maybe you could try it out (IMG:[