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The Official Hentaiverse Chat, Post your random thoughts or theorycrafts about HV |
Dec 14 2018, 10:08
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 14 2018, 01:35)  (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I am no lord around here. Just an underling that has to work hard as a volunteer. Hataraku Noni-sama but that's too long, I keep that as my custom title Noni-mod The real noni Noni 2
Dec 14 2018, 10:25
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(yami_zetsu @ Dec 14 2018, 09:08)  Noni-mod The real noni Noni 2
Well now it sounds more like names of a film series. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif) John Noni Noni - First Blood II Fists of Noni The Big Noni Dawn of the Noni Noni hard Noni hard 2: Noni Harder Noni Hard with a Vengeance Yeah, i guess the joke did die away a few titles ago, but now i am too lazy to delete them. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)
Dec 14 2018, 11:42
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Uncle Stu @ Dec 14 2018, 09:25)  Well now it sounds more like names of a film series. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif) John Noni Noni - First Blood II Fists of Noni The Big Noni Dawn of the Noni Noni hard Noni hard 2: Noni Harder Noni Hard with a Vengeance Yeah, i guess the joke did die away a few titles ago, but now i am too lazy to delete them. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif) (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Dec 14 2018, 12:55
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 14 2018, 09:35)  (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I am no lord around here. Just an underling that has to work hard as a volunteer. Hataraku Noni-sama HardNoni
Dec 14 2018, 15:46
Basara Nekki
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Dec 14 2018, 17:09
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
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Nuclear Noni. Because everything is cooler and better when you put nuclear in front of it. I mean just look what happens to normal bombs when you do that. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Dec 15 2018, 19:20
Group: Gold Star Club
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Is it possible to buy the gold stars but use it on adopt-a-server?
Dec 15 2018, 20:29
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(morineko @ Dec 15 2018, 18:20)  Is it possible to buy the gold stars but use it on adopt-a-server?
Dec 15 2018, 23:02
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Joined: 12-July 14

Small heads up for Monsterbation users: you need to change a few lines of code in your script if you want to keep scanning monsters to update the monster database. The changes to do are described here: https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?act=S...039&st=180#If you don't change the URL, everything you scan will unfortunately not update anything. That is, right now there's still the HV API running on Jenga's server, but it is to be shut down soon.
Dec 22 2018, 11:30
Sad Penguin
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Just realized that by the time I reach lv.500 and build end game mage gear, maybe I will just retire from HV. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Dec 23 2018, 03:32
Group: Members
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how to sell items via items shop bot??? I tried to update task but it add buying bot instead...
Dec 23 2018, 03:38
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 9,899
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You just sell the items to the bazaar. When there is a shop bot active it will buy it right away. When there is no shop bot active you will just bazaar it. Also for questions about the game, you should post your question next time in the experts topic.
This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: Dec 23 2018, 03:39
Dec 23 2018, 03:49
Group: Members
Posts: 669
Joined: 13-January 15

ah sorry I didn't notice it was not Ask the Expert thread... I'll be careful next time...
Dec 23 2018, 08:35
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 900
Joined: 6-December 14

QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Dec 23 2018, 10:07)  I missed this (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) "Can't use here" [X] Doubt. I have a imgur signature Wait what... (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/WNSjlmDl.jpg) Where's the "can't use" message I got earlier when I tested it. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) Oh well, thumbnail size is too big for me anyway This post has been edited by monkey_lmf: Dec 23 2018, 08:35
Dec 23 2018, 11:00
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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I was quite shocked to see a decent but not excellent pair of charged elementalist shoes go for 50m. Okay, good cast speed, but what else? Wouldn't playing without cotton be faster when you have that much to spend? Just a random thought.
Dec 23 2018, 13:08
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 23 2018, 11:00)  I was quite shocked to see a decent but not excellent pair of charged elementalist shoes go for 50m. Okay, good cast speed, but what else? Wouldn't playing without cotton be faster when you have that much to spend? Just a random thought.
I had wondered about that too, especially since in the line immediately above that one, there was another similarly decent-but-not-exceptional Leg Charged Elem (with lower CS but a bit higher Prof) going for 290k. That is almost a 1-to-200 ratio (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) Crazy thing. Markets are definitely NOT rational, and the classical economists just got it all wrong (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
Dec 23 2018, 13:17
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
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Well, that is because this isnt market, but i guess we had just two, or maybe three, people with more credits as common sense, who wanted the same equipment. And no i have no idea about the bidding, because i didnt watch this weeks auctions. But i still wouldnt call something like that market, because the market is more than just those few people with too much credits.
Dec 23 2018, 14:06
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 23 2018, 11:00)  I was quite shocked to see a decent but not excellent pair of charged elementalist shoes go for 50m. Okay, good cast speed, but what else? Wouldn't playing without cotton be faster when you have that much to spend? Just a random thought.
IRS will remember that? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Dec 23 2018, 14:16
Uncle Stu
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 9,899
Joined: 4-February 12

More than 10%. More than fucking 10% of all tickets. And what did i got? Well, not what i wanted. But did i at least a consolation prize? Nope, not even that. *sigh* Why do i actually expect to win something in the lottery? *exasperated sigh*
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