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post Dec 5 2018, 16:08
Post #46161
Fudo Masamune

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QUOTE(qr12345 @ Dec 5 2018, 21:07) *

Are you sure there are 5000 rounds for 1GF instead of 1000 rounds? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

allright, I'm drunk.

edit: but still, 4 PA from all 2nd round of arena is not that strange. as the number of monsters...
wait... where is that [s]1.4k[s] 1758 round come from?

but let's put it this here too anyway...
the 2nd page of arena are 980 round, the number of monsters, if I'm not miscalculate according to the wiki is 4856, that's 4.95 monster/round, it will drop more when counting the fist page too (1264 round, 6144 enemies, 4.86/round)
compared with grindfest which have around 7~10 monsters since idk, round 10 or something? I guesstimate the number of possible drop difference might be around 1.3~1.5 times more than from arena.
if the average from gf is 7 then the avrg for 2nd page arena should be around 5 or something.

This post has been edited by Fudo Masamune: Dec 5 2018, 16:28
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post Dec 5 2018, 21:40
Post #46162

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Full PL2250 squads are really becoming more and more frequent. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/RdFCqM8.png)
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post Dec 5 2018, 22:46
Post #46163
Juggernaut Santa

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RIP Twilight Sparkle's neck.

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post Dec 5 2018, 23:48
Post #46164
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Dec 5 2018, 21:46) *

RIP Twilight Sparkle's neck.

Hm, now that you remind me. Dont they have a zebra pony? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) Let me quick check.
They have. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif) Now the zebra steak will taste tomorrow even better. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)
Fear my wrath snowflake and give me the IW i want or i will even eat you. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

This post has been edited by Uncle Stu: Dec 5 2018, 23:49
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post Dec 6 2018, 07:25
Post #46165

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Ok uhmmm… let's just snatch the fragrance meet

Yeah! you know ...the anime girls
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post Dec 7 2018, 17:21
Post #46166

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I'm hesitating about whether I bid on the radiant cap of heimdall this week. Or just use my charged cap. What do you guys think about that, getting a better radidant one in the distant future, or try bidding on this one and forge the shit out of it.

Anyway I still lack three slots for my holy build. An LHOH, charged cotton shoes and a legendary charged pants if possible.
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post Dec 7 2018, 17:57
Post #46167

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QUOTE(-vincento- @ Dec 7 2018, 16:22) *

I'm hesitating about whether I bid on the radiant cap of heimdall this week. Or just use my charged cap. What do you guys think about that, getting a better radidant one in the distant future, or try bidding on this one and forge the shit out of it.

Anyway I still lack three slots for my holy build. An LHOH, charged cotton shoes and legendary charged pants if possible.

Just use your charged cap and wait for the market to saturate so that a future radiant cap you'll buy will be cheaper.
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post Dec 7 2018, 18:01
Post #46168
Sad Penguin

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QUOTE(-vincento- @ Dec 7 2018, 15:22) *

An LHOH, charged cotton shoes and legendary charged pants if possible.

Save your money to complete your build first
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post Dec 7 2018, 18:19
Post #46169

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QUOTE(decondelite @ Dec 7 2018, 23:57) *

Just use your charged cap and wait for the market to saturate so that a future radiant cap you'll buy will be cheaper.

I don't think there would be a day that the market for radiant heimdall would almost saturate

QUOTE(Lostwizard @ Dec 8 2018, 00:01) *

Save your money to complete your build first

True. I no longer play as frequently as I used to. My income is shrinking. Also I know I cannot afford a charged/radiant robe, so my robe is even plain.

But still, I did some calculations, proving that a 13% radiant one would add more damage than a 100%edb non-radiant one. If I could buy it for just a few millions, I might have used it for life (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

That's why I am asking if I should accept a cheap radiant or buy an radiant with high edb that might take me 15m+ in the future.

Edit: You know the importance of EDB% is usually exaggerated. Knowing that, I am asking if it would be worthwhile to spend multiple times money on a better radiant in the future.

This post has been edited by -vincento-: Dec 7 2018, 18:24
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post Dec 7 2018, 20:03
Post #46170

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QUOTE(-vincento- @ Dec 8 2018, 00:19) *

But still, I did some calculations, proving that a 13% radiant one would add more damage than a 100%edb non-radiant one. If I could buy it for just a few millions, I might have used it for life (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

I think that you're right.
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post Dec 8 2018, 05:41
Post #46171
Sad Penguin

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QUOTE(-vincento- @ Dec 7 2018, 16:19) *

Edit: You know the importance of EDB% is usually exaggerated. Knowing that, I am asking if it would be worthwhile to spend multiple times money on a better radiant in the future.

No, unless you want 50%+ edb radiant which may cost you 50m+ each. Changing from say ~10% edb to ~30% edb radiant isn't wise decision especially for those just have limited budget. If you plan to build non-imp holy, you can even use 0% edb Leg radiant.

And that's the matter of how much money you want to spend and how long you can wait for completing your build. Market of charged heimdall looks "saturated" as you can buy high level low edb equip with even ~100k now, which used to cost ~1m.

This post has been edited by Lostwizard: Dec 8 2018, 05:48
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post Dec 8 2018, 15:14
Post #46172

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QUOTE(Lostwizard @ Dec 8 2018, 05:41) *
And that's the matter of how much money you want to spend and how long you can wait for completing your build. Market of charged heimdall looks "saturated" as you can buy high level low edb equip with even ~100k now, which used to cost ~1m.

Proof would be great, I very rarely see charged or radiant heimdall under 2m (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Dec 8 2018, 16:47
Post #46173
Sad Penguin

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QUOTE(Benny-boy @ Dec 8 2018, 13:14) *

Proof would be great, I very rarely see charged or radiant heimdall under 2m (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

Just Smartsearch it.

Super's auction #137
[Clo03] Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall (340, Holy EDB 4%) (seller: que?) quitetanky 180k Proxy bid after #64; winning for 38.0h / 58.6h; -0.3%

Super's auction #129
Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 16%) (seller: cbn) DLAE 140k Proxy bid after #65; winning for 57.6h / 61.1h; -9.2%

[Auction] Kedama's Auction #94
[Clo12] Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall (Lv.471, EDB 16%, CS 2%, Agi 39%, Evd 21%) (seller: TCPG) Benny-boy 200k #115 E1

[Auction] Kedama's Auction #94
[Clo13] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 18%, CS 69%, Agi 79%, Evd 85%) (seller: TCPG) Ssfuse 500k #72

Super's auction #121
[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 12%) (seller: cylinnia) Paff444 500k #74; winning for 49.0h / 62.1h; -3.9%

You just need some luck to get them, sometimes they may compete to ~1m as "usual", sometimes they doesn't and they just sold out like sh!t and nobody care.

And based on these half year results, if you are lucky enough you can even have chance to buy charged cap gloves pants shoes of heimdall within 1m already, the remaining robe you can either find low prof charged robe or high prof plain cotton robe with ~50k only.

[Auction] Kedama's Auction #92
[Clo12] Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (Lv.459, Prof 14%, CS 60%, Agi 34%, Evd 45%) (seller: qiaoyao12456) NateDSjudge 700k #49

Super's auction #121
[Clo06] Legendary Charged Cotton Robe of the Heaven-sent (434, Divine Prof 53%) (seller: ericeric91) Benny-boy 2.1m Proxy bid after #116; winning for 48.4h / 62.3h; -3.9%

If you ask me to build an extremely cheap defensive (5 charged) mage, that's what I would go.

This post has been edited by Lostwizard: Dec 8 2018, 17:10
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post Dec 8 2018, 16:51
Post #46174

Curse God of the Hentai Shrine
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That's exactly what I implied with "wait for the market to saturate". All prices are dropping, including those ones.
It's only a matter of time before higher quality Heimdall's price drops aswell.
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post Dec 8 2018, 19:36
Post #46175
Basara Nekki

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QUOTE(decondelite @ Dec 8 2018, 12:51) *

It's only a matter of time before higher quality Heimdall's price drops aswell.

Time...... Time...... Time...... Time...... Time...... Time...... Time...... Time...... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Dec 8 2018, 19:48
Post #46176
Uncle Stu

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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


Wounds all heels.
QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


Rosemary and thyme…
QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


...is infinite.
QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *


QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *

Time...... Time...... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Yeah, sorry. But except time is up that is all i still could come up with. Was at least one of them correct? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Dec 8 2018, 20:24
Post #46177

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 8 2018, 18:36) *

Time...... Time...... Time......

See what's become of me
While I looked around
For my possibilities
I was so hard to please
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post Dec 8 2018, 22:15
Post #46178

far ahead the known level of comfiness~
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QUOTE(Lostwizard @ Dec 8 2018, 16:47) *

Just Smartsearch it.

There is a huge difference between "saturated" and "1-2 item under 1m per month on auctions" (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post Dec 9 2018, 03:36
Post #46179

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Feel so bad to forgot to send equipment for IW services before soulfusing...

So much fun to waste time on nightmare IW to get that first Juggernaut T.T
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post Dec 9 2018, 09:47
Post #46180
Sad Penguin

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QUOTE(Benny-boy @ Dec 8 2018, 20:15) *

There is a huge difference between "saturated" and "1-2 item under 1m per month on auctions" (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

QUOTE(Lostwizard @ Dec 8 2018, 03:41) *

high level low edb equip with even ~100k now, which used to cost ~1m.

You missed this point. And I would say low edb means <20% sth like that.

Highest price within 180 days:

[Clo02] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall (374, Holy EDB 7%) (seller: poi999poi) wollofnine 1.05m Proxy bid after #51; winning for 60.0h / 60.0h; -1.8%

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 12%) (seller: cylinnia) Paff444 500k #74; winning for 49.0h / 62.1h; -3.9%

[Clo13] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 18%, CS 69%, Agi 79%, Evd 85%) (seller: TCPG) Ssfuse 500k #72

While 4 other pieces of Charged phase heimdall sold at 140-350k within 180 days.

[Clo03] Legendary Charged Phase Cap of Heimdall (340, Holy EDB 4%) (seller: que?) quitetanky 180k Proxy bid after #64; winning for 38.0h / 58.6h; -0.3%

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 16%) (seller: cbn) DLAE 140k Proxy bid after #65; winning for 57.6h / 61.1h; -9.2%

[Clo12] Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall (Lv.471, EDB 16%, CS 2%, Agi 39%, Evd 21%) (seller: TCPG) Benny-boy 200k #115 E1

[Clo06] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 16%, CS 41%, Agi 1%, Evd 25%) (seller: qinkin1979) cbn 350k #114

All auction record within 180-360 days:

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall (462, Holy EDB 8%) (seller: Maximum_Carnage) sssss2 1m #6; winning for 71.8h / 71.8h; -4.0%

[Clo15] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 12%, CS 82%, Agi 32%, Evd 63%) (seller: TCPG) SleepDealer 700k #61

[Clo04] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, Holy EDB 12%) (seller: SleepDealer) KingArtson 2.266m Proxy bid after #165; winning for 0.5h / 69.6h; +7.8%

[Clo12] Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 11%, CS 75%, Agi 55%, Evd 12%) (seller: TCPG) ALL_MIGHT 550k #127

[Clo09] Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall (Lv.482, EDB 4%, Agi 48%, Evd 37%) (seller: 东三雪碧) Hakrei 200k #89

[Clo07] Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall (Lv.500, EDB 6%, CS 44%, Agi 60%, Evd 49%) (seller: morineko) ·saber· 650k #137 E1

1-2 years ago:

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (329, EDB 8%) (seller: Insania) RoadShoe 3m #156 Extend to 14:34

[Clo02] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (301, EDB 8%) (seller: 34cicada34) Mizuki Nana 1m #327 Extend to 14:41

[Clo19]Legendary Charged Phase Robe of Heimdall(Lv.490)(seller:小云最爱百合) mklopp 100k #71

[Clo02] Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Heimdall (500, EDB 20%) (seller: blackjac00) issary 2m #217 Extend to 14:12

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (500, EDB 9%) (seller: blackjac00) issary 1.001m #158 Extend to 14:22

[Clo03] Legendary Charged Phase Gloves of Heimdall (462, EDB 12%) (seller: 东三雪碧) RoadShoe 1.1m Proxy bid after #143 Extend to 14:13

[Clo01] Legendary Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall (341, EDB 1%, Int 51%, Wis 48%, Agi 52%, Evd 10%, Pmit 36%) (seller: kkndv00110) diodo 500k Proxy bid after #123

That's all edb <20% Charged heimdall you can find in decon's, SaKi's and Super's auction from 2016 Dec. Don't you feel the trend? You just bought one of them with 200k recently, for me these record shows how easier getting low edb Charged heimdall cheaply now. I would definitely not hesitate to get and use one of them temporary with ~<300k, in order to complete my Holy mage build first.

Edit: these record referred to auction results only, many players would rather keep their Charged phase heimdall in their WTS to markup a higher price. And the only matter is how long they can wait for a buyer.

This post has been edited by Lostwizard: Dec 9 2018, 09:58
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