QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Nov 19 2018, 21:58)

RoadShoe is buying back hath now with his 35m credit goldstars. Now Sesshomaru Moon will thank him because RoadShoe might be able to drive hath prices back up. (IMG:[
RoadShoe really should have just did more donate-a-server to get hath directly. But only with the 2-year plan savings. It sounds like RoadShoe was doing it monthly so I guess this is still not so bad for him.
Or buy his Tesla. But does he know it has a weird see-through roof? The sun shines in my eyes if I look up. Cool but not practical. Plus electricity costs more than gas where I live.
In other news, bitcoins are freefalling. They have dropped
50% in the last week, in two large chunks. I bought my silver star at what I thought was a great deal, getting a 15% discount in dollars. But if I had waited until today I would have gotten a 25% discount in dollars.
Anyone considering to transform into a catgirl should do it today. Any stars bought
right now will get
25% discount. This tempts me to transform into gold star person but I want to remain low level, so silver is the highest I should go at my current level.
Players who are keeping bitcoin in their wallets (there are some) are in a bad situation now because their fortune is disappearing. They probably need to cut some losses and be on the lookout for a favorable time to use/sell their bitcoins. This is the opposite of the bitcoin boom. Bitcoins are now in bust mode.
Tesla. Whoa!!
I don't know about other Metros in the U.S., but Las Vegas is full of Teslas now.
I see at least 3 or 4 every single trip to work and and same amount going home.
And they aren't the same ones. My times arriving and leaving work varies wildly and by several hours.
And even the 3's are smoking fast and effortless in acceleration.
Most are brand new, so the owners are still playing with them.
They'll be behind a car in front of me, steer to the left lane and poof! Gone!
I wouldn't be able to touch their acceleration, and I drive a >300HP car with a 9 speed transmission.
Teslas are incredible. Whoa. Mr PayPal has done well.
I don't have enough credits to pull off 50k HatH, so no hurry. I'm letting the price drop.
And with all the cookies out there, HatH will continue to gradually drop.
We need new rich players. who aren't disgruntled with the lack of recognition.
Or.... hook up the current rich players with a little recognition style equipment to re-motivate them.
Adopt a servers are not profitable at the current HatH prices, so no way.
And once again, the recognition is horrible.
My butterfly literally cost over $10k USD in cold hard cash last year.
The last time I looked, my butterfly looks the same as the butterfly for tagging.
I can sell a star @ 10M less than the going rate, and still beat out Adopt a servers by a long shot.
There is one member who is timing his Catgirl to the falling market.
I won't say his name, but I thank him for helping the community, and keeping the bills paid.
And I thank him for bulking out my DDVIII. (IMG:[
He's almost there. One star left to go.