I know, especially the 'no exceptions' part. People in there are not as many & as trustworthy as people who play hentaiverse. & as i expected, this thread got way more hit counts than any of those threads over there. Worth it.
I know, especially the 'no exceptions' part. People in there are not as many & as trustworthy as people who play hentaiverse. & as i expected, this thread got way more hit counts than any of those threads over there. Worth it.
what's wrong with online reading sites? did you get a link? [bato.to] Mirai Nikki
[Mat01] 150 High-Grade Cloth (seller: Mantra64) qr12345 1.854m Proxy bid after #22, 12.4k per mat [Mat03] 100 High-Grade Wood (seller: Mantra64) ranphafranboise 526k Proxy bid after #45, 5.3k per mat
[Mat04] 16 Binding of Slaughter (seller: DJNoni) ranphafranboise 1.68m Proxy bid after #45, 105k per mat [Mat05] 50 Binding of Warding (seller: Reia Elinos) ranphafranboise 129k Proxy bid after #45, 2580c per mat [Mat06] 50 Binding of Balance (seller: Reia Elinos) ranphafranboise 103k Proxy bid after #45, 2060c per mat [Mat07] 50 Binding of the Barrier (seller: Reia Elinos) ranphafranboise 52k Proxy bid after #45, 1040c per mat [Mat08] 50 Binding of the Nimble (seller: Reia Elinos) ranphafranboise 78k Proxy bid after #45, 1560c per mat [Mat09] 20 Binding of the Ox (seller: DJNoni) ranphafranboise 206k Proxy bid after #45, 10.3k per mat [Mat10] 20 Binding of the Raccoon (seller: DJNoni) ranphafranboise 165k Proxy bid after #45, 8.2k per mat [Mat11] 100 Binding of Freyr (seller: DJNoni) ranphafranboise 50k Proxy bid after #45, 500c per mat
I've been noticing this for quite a long time, why does it keep happening here?
Frankly, you're quite slow for someone who has fully forged a rapier and who has a very high attack base damage for that level.
Haha yeah seems like it. But I'm still lacking Daemon Duality, Innate Arcana, and not using Infusions or Imperil yet in these runs. So I'll see what it looks like after I get those, which I hope to be soon. I'm training Imperil now. Perhaps my tactics and targeting styles could also use refinement, but I find that they evolve anyway across all my recent DwD runs to suit my changing stats, and I expect that to continue.
I've been improving my turns/second through various improvements (it's double what it was 2 months ago) but am probably nearing my geographical limit. A better PC or browser would be the next things I could try.
I hate how I can't find the gear I'm looking for. I've seen two Peerless Savage Shade of the Shadowdancer pieces, and neither of the owners want to sell them despite never using them.
I hate how I can't find the gear I'm looking for. I've seen two Peerless Savage Shade of the Shadowdancer pieces, and neither of the owners want to sell them despite never using them.
That's the biggest frustration for us high level plaers. We should make a pact, alwas to lend each other our lv 500 gear. we could make rules: if you want it back to use it, just als and cod will be the forge material cost. Only real risk is players going AFIK without returning them Sssss2 said to me that that had happened to him once.
I hate how I can't find the gear I'm looking for. I've seen two Peerless Savage Shade of the Shadowdancer pieces, and neither of the owners want to sell them despite never using them.
Collection, pride, and inducing envy by the other players. Worth more than all the millions that one could ever throw away.