QUOTE(Undeadboner @ Oct 1 2018, 03:11)

strangely enough crystallized phazon only suffered a mild drop from 210k ish to 195k ish on wts
Personally I didn't even notice a drop in phazons.
I still sell them between 190 and 200k exactly like before...
Same for Fox/Owl/Cheetah (17/17/30k).
The only things that people became cheap when buying them are HGC and BoD.
Until mid/late may I was still selling both full price (17k/65k) with ease.
The drop is only of those and very recent.
Almost the same of HGW. After it dropped from 8/9k to 6k it seemed stable...until almost june.
Now people expect to pay it 4k (IMG:[
QUOTE(Undeadboner @ Oct 1 2018, 03:11)

I guess only time will tell if Jug Santa's right about the rise in HGC price in the future.
It won't. But it should.