Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
And may we have yet another year of tales that inappropriately touch our feelings.
your girlfriend when you ask her why you can't sexually satisfy her as well as the other guy
A special thanks to Wayward_Vagabond for lending me the credits to finally buy a gold star. And thank you everyone else for keeping this wonderful site and shared hobby running. Also a wholehearted apology to that one guy in my PM that I keep ignoring. (I'll get to it next year, I promise!)
Since no-one reads these things anyway may as well put something in here as a little cheeky, secret quest. (Mostly just to satisfy myself.)
This year I really got into a certain genre of games. This one work in particular really moved me. When the song started playing, man... Damn, I felt so happy! It was just such a well-crafted scene. Here's a snippet:
korekara kisetsu ga sugite
shoujo wa otona ni naru
sore made mimamotteiyou
himawari no oka no ue
I've finished three routes so far. Five left to go. Anyway, if you know what I'm referring to, let me know. The first one to get it will get a small (100) hath prize from me. (Hey, I'm poor and also, in debt, so don't question it. In fact feel free to NOT take my money! (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) But feel free to let me know regardless if you recognize the song.)