Insofar as anime is a kind of manga, probably 20+ years ago. Astro Boy. A few Speed Racer episodes from the library. Pokémon. Yu-Gi-Oh. Actual paper manga, Probably about 16 years ago. I remember some of the first manga I ever read. Chobits, Dr. Slump, Karakuri Odette. Dragon Ball (most of it). Ranma ½. Inuyasha. The Pokémon Adventures manga was probably the first actual manga but I didn't recognize it at the time.
First "adult" stuff was probably shortly after that (like 14-15 years ago) and was likely on here or 4chan. Early adult stuff for me included the "Dulce Report" manga, as well as stuff by Horihone Saizou and a few things by Makita Aoi and Gekka Kaguya. There were others too but they temporarily escape me.
I think I may have discovered this site through PC-98 artwork actually. If not, it's certainly something I looked for a lot on here.
This post has been edited by Moonlight Rambler: Dec 1 2024, 18:48