Well, since I'm here just after having explained a weird dream I had to a friend, I'll include the description of the dream for anyone interested in an interesting/weird story. I explained it in Swedish though, so I just ran it through google translate as I cba to properly translate it.
It all starts with me and a larger group of other people in a semi-apocalyptic setting staying for a while in an unknown place. Shits are starting to happen, so people are getting ready to go on in the cars we have. Things happen and I'm left stranded. After some attempts to stay hidden, I get caught by a group of.. something. Looks like people who have very unique clothing styles. After a lot of back-and-forth of captivity, I'm asked if I want to join them, to which I reply something like "I don't feel like I have much of a choice." It leads to a sharp smile from the person who asked followed by what I can best describe as a combination of pleasure, suffering, euphoria, the feeling of being raped and a lot of other feelings/experiences. From what I remember, I don't think I was actually fully aware of what was happening myself.
After that I wake up a bit later, don't remember as many details about the whole thing around here, but am asked by a group that resembles Pixies or similar and a lot of other "lesser" beings who are imprisoned/enslaved to try to escape with them. I myself at this stage have a little more freedom than before but cannot completely leave the "area" without an escort. I accept. One thing leads to another, and when we are at the last stage of the escape attempt, we are stopped by one of.. them. Will be calling them "Vampires" from now on, even though that doesn't seem quite right. Simplest way to try to describe him, his status/role seems to be on the same level as Renji from early in Bleach.. kind of a regular among the vampires, quite strong but not one of the upper brass. Some short dialogue, I was ready to give up without a problem but get attacked before I can give up. Protracted back and forth battle that doesn't end until one of the top brass stops us. It appears that I intended to give up without fuss, which gives me a more lenient "sentence" on the whole escape attempt.
I remain in a similar position as before, although under something akin to a semi-house arrest. I get regular visits from individuals, a lot of girls who enjoy everything from socializing, teasing and "seducing" me. Lots of details and some intrigue going on here, don't remember much detail. Some other events that also fall away a bit. Fast forward and my powers are growing at a rate that surprises many. Being challenged to a sort of power duel by one of the girls, whereupon I decide to try to better develop/use my powers during the duel.
At some point, we both fly in the air, a fair distance from each other. She shoots sort of black energy balls at me, I spend the first period of the duel just doing my best to avoid them. Just barely manages to avoid enough damage before I figure out what to do, gathers up a light energy ball that I throw at her, which also neutralizes her own as it hits along the way. It was more intense than I expected and practically knocks her out. I react quickly and catch her in the air before she can fall to the ground, which apart from the actual result of the duel itself impresses her and the other ladies, not only surprised that I helped her after taking so much beating but also it so instinctively and quickly that the others barely had time to react to her falling.
From this point on I remember less and less, but some intrigue and politics start to creep in. Another faction of "vampires" visit the base, I talk to everything and everyone, develop my powers in shady directions and continue to "woo the ladies". The guy who turned me into what I am now also has a soft spot for me, but is also creepy as fuck. His position is well comparable to a Captain in Bleach, or basically one of the leaders of the group.
Right before I wake up, I have more or less a small harem of girls who are into me, aside from all the weirdness going on.
There were moments in the dream where instead of an actual "reality" it occasionally seemed like the whole thing was a complicated role-playing game(/+lajv), with character sheets and books that I studied while playing, but it was so shady how it whole integrated so I chose not to mention it until now. Because everything "happened for real", but in the next part I check a character sheet for how I develop and ask about certain rules, as well as other things that I don't manage to get a good explanation for a lot of it. Sort of like it's an RPG, but an RPG that "forces" you to play it for real.. sort of? Kind of like an RPG, but still not. You have character sheets, the books were difficult to interpret and occult and everything that happens, happens.