...I don't understand. Just gift what you can afford.
a couple friends of mine was living paycheck to paycheck but mentioned how she wanted a 300 dollar kitchen aid mixer because her shoulders hurt when she tried to knead the bread. She has been asking for 8 years but her sons never bought her one for Christmas. So I bought her one. And, in return, she made me a few loafs of bread and made me angel food cake one time.
I never gifted something to someone expecting something back because that isn't how it works. If you buy something for 20 dollars and they buy you something for 20 dollars, it is almost like neither of you bought anything. I don't know. I just woke up so maybe that is why I can't wrap my head around the idea of having to gift something back
...I don't understand. Just gift what you can afford.
a couple friends of mine was living paycheck to paycheck but mentioned how she wanted a 300 dollar kitchen aid mixer because her shoulders hurt when she tried to knead the bread. She has been asking for 8 years but her sons never bought her one for Christmas. So I bought her one. And, in return, she made me a few loafs of bread and made me angel food cake one time.
I never gifted something to someone expecting something back because that isn't how it works. If you buy something for 20 dollars and they buy you something for 20 dollars, it is almost like neither of you bought anything. I don't know. I just woke up so maybe that is why I can't wrap my head around the idea of having to gift something back
I'm with you on this.
Although most of the stuff I gift people hasn't been available to buy new in anywhere from 10 to 40 years. It's stuff they see that I have that they express interest in finding one of, or something that comes up in a conversation that they are reminiscing about that I happen to have sitting around.
Friend gave me a plasma tv and a sega genesis; I gave friend a nice older IPS computer monitor and a mechanical keyboard I had collecting dust. When the monetary values are vague (it's critical that no one looks up what it costs), it's easier. But I like the philosophy of giving without expecting return. If anything, my gift is to thank someone for taking an interest in me and spending tons of their time with me.
Hand-made items are also good. I've made things like mono sound downmixers so that a friend I have who's deaf in one ear can hear all of the music while using an earbud. This was especially useful before wireless earbuds took off. The casing for ithe circuit was made of some lego.
If I give a gift, it's usually as a thank you to someone whom I value in my life and want to show my appreciation for.
Also, as someone who did laundry by hand again today, I can appreciate things like a mixer or a dryer. :P
People write anthropological thesis papers on differences in gift giving "protocols" in different cultures. But I prefer it when it's less about fulfilling expectations and more for the happiness it gives me to make the people that I like happy when it's within my means to do so.
I haven't forgotten when you tried to gift me some steam money or a game or something. It was a very kind offer. I still don't want to use steam, but it was appreciated regardless.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 21 2024, 11:42
People from China do not understand the Streisand effect.
edit: One of the streamers crew may have started it by trolling them and saying that they were filming for Japan TV which triggered them and they didn't understand it was a joke.
The CCP state media and their armed bodyguard tried to shut down a random live stream in UK. The handler was going to pull his gun because he touched her flag that she was waving about.
They called the police on the live streamer claiming it was a hate crime and violated their 'image rights'. Now they are trying to get youtube to take down the video but now the video is going viral.
If they did literally nothing, nobody would have noticed.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jan 24 2024, 02:00
Its a bit trickier here. The previous generations of Chinese that came here escaping communism have made a large contribution to the country. We are also one of the few countries with positive terms of trade with China.
Its more in the last 10 years, where the Commies have been actively at economic war with us. When they print a trillion for fast rail only 600b actually goes to that. The rest is laundered to buy real assets overseas and due to lack regulation here they buy out 30% of all new houses in most states in Australia. They don't even necessarily rent out the houses, which could help, instead many leave it vacant and use it for collateral to take out loans overseas which then fully launders the money.
They should double the tax and restrict offshore non-resident purchases in high demand regions. Problem would largely be solved then.
TLDR: If Communism was so good, then they wouldn't be laundering out all their money causing inflationary problems elsewhere.
Look at the Kingold scandal, dude used billions in gold plated copper / tungsten bars as collateral to purchase shit loads of assets here.
More nationalism would fix that, but you don't believe in borders or tribalism right?
I will freely admit that that is one of the allures of national socialism. Right up until you start deciding who's part of the nation and who isn't.
If this "nation" encompasses everyone on earth, I'm fine with it. I still think that in the interim, people who exploit others and work in bad faith should be held accountable. And currently (for the foreseeable future as well), that falls to various states and other smaller governing bodies to act in the interests of the smaller groups they are supposed to be working for the benefit of.
So I guess I'm suggesting maybe Starship Troopers had a couple of good ideas buried in there. I'd probably hate living under that though. And also that one need not be a nationalist to be a socialist.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 26 2024, 09:18
Israel can burn as far as I'm concerned. Preferably bloodlessly. Maybe some enormous earthquake or unexpected volcanic, vesuvius-like eruption that just buries or levels everything in Israel and makes it uninhabitable would be enough to make at least some of these retards understand any of the following:
Their promised land isn't so promised as they thought, or
That they are pretty much acting against god's will., or
That there is no god, or
That no one belongs anywhere.
Their shitty dessert isn't what it was 2,000+ years ago.
Like when that pastor/preist/whatever gets struck by lightning in Caddyshack.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Jan 28 2024, 11:11
at least some of these retards understand any of the following:
That there is no god, or
That no one belongs anywhere.
That then boils down to might makes right. The only reason that they have any claim to Israel is if they have the power to enforce their claim.
The best position on the situation is that Biden, if he wasn't brain dead, would cut their 'merica bucks if they push the counter war too far.
As for the lefties, I am still trying to work out at which stage on the timeline that they horseshoed into authoritarian neo-nazis. Biden massively backed the neo-nazis in Ukraine and now the lefties are all jumping onto bandwagon of the Arabic national socialists in Gaza.