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> New Search Engine, No Read, Only Post

post Nov 2 2022, 12:55
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What's the reason for not being able to see both expunged galleries and visible galleries at the same time?
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post Nov 2 2022, 12:57
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How Stupid Update...
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post Nov 2 2022, 12:57
Post #23


QUOTE(negavamas @ Nov 2 2022, 11:54) *
Actually, I've never thought of this, could we search before within an upload date range? Like between march 2020 to june 2020? If this is possible it might be better than the new ID system.

It's easy enough to do and will probably be added in a future update, but this update is already far too big for its own good.

QUOTE(Richfamily @ Nov 2 2022, 11:55) *
What's the reason for not being able to see both expunged galleries and visible galleries at the same time?

Index size.
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post Nov 2 2022, 12:58
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QUOTE(Liadis @ Nov 2 2022, 10:52) *

The removal of page selector is understandable if it's not feasible, but it does stop me from browsing the way that I like. Often I just go to page, say, 6000ish just to find stuffs from a certain era, as an example. I am not always sure what I am looking for, but just "something from roughly 5 years ago". That has become exceedingly difficult to do now.

But well, understandable. I just hate it.

You can do the same thing with GID, just use any GID (doesn't even need to be included in the results) thats roughly from whatever year you want. ?next=50000 for 2008 stuff, for example.
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post Nov 2 2022, 12:59
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Would it be difficult to implement some sort of pseudo-page selector that just gives you an interface like the old page selector but the number of pages is updated on the fly based on dividing the total number of results by the number of results viewed per page?
Not sure how slow it would be for whatever language the system is written in to split the results into N partitions and then have each "page number" in the selector just correspond to generated urls with something like "next=N" and "next=N+25" etc...

I hope this made sense lol
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:00
Post #26
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Nov 2 2022, 17:38) *

If you explain why you need to go to page 50, I'll tell you how it's intended to work with the new search engine.

This is a more than obvious, banal situation, when I have already viewed, say, 40 pages from the search result, how can I continue browsing from page 41 now? Moreover, now all the results on previously opened tabs are automatically reset to the beginning of the search results. And now I have no idea at all how to continue to view them further.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:01
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Nov 2 2022, 11:38) *

If you explain why you need to go to page 50, I'll tell you how it's intended to work with the new search engine.

For instance, I search the corruption and gender bender tags every day, if one day I want to look for something older but not from the very beginning I go to page 50 or 100 or even higher.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:01
Post #28

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Alright, I know this change is useful on management, but i mean what if someone just want to explore some old work and gallery (I mean very old like 7 years before) with some normal tags (ahegao e.g.), without page number the only way that user can go back to 7 years ago is click the next page buttom for few hundred times i think? this seems dump rigth? the gallery ID have no order too. I can't even try to guess the gallery ID to do the time travel. So, good for you, not for me
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:02
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To be fair, the current navigation system doesn't seem too bad on front page, but can't you at least keep the page selector on favorites and after we search for something? I"m sure the page number doesnt add up to much like when the page selector is straight up on front page

This post has been edited by astral02: Nov 2 2022, 13:05
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:05
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QUOTE(saidness @ Nov 2 2022, 11:01) *

what if someone just want to explore some old work and gallery (I mean very old like 7 years before) with some normal tags (ahegao e.g.)

Just use a GID from that period, it doesn't matter if its not in the results. Took about 10 seconds /?f_search=ahegao&next=800000

It's even better, because that will always be positioned at the same place, without new galleries moving it further back, you can just bookmark the 1 url and not worry about it like you used to with page numbers.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:05
Post #31

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I have a question. When I search with tag filter disabled now, all the galleries that appear as a result no longer have the (normally hidden) tag in red in their interface. This is makes it very confusing to figure out which galleries appeared now and which didn't. Is this temporary or will it be a permanent thing? I very much preferred the old system.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:09
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QUOTE(Shank @ Nov 2 2022, 03:58) *

You can do the same thing with GID, just use any GID (doesn't even need to be included in the results) thats roughly from whatever year you want. ?next=50000 for 2008 stuff, for example.

That's unintuitive. I don't know the range of the years, and when expunged galleries count towards IDs it makes the numbers even more vague. If this is how we're supposed to navigate going forward, we need to have some way to know around when we should look for certain timeframes
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:09
Post #33


QUOTE(HikaruScans @ Nov 2 2022, 12:05) *
I have a question. When I search with tag filter disabled now, all the galleries that appear as a result no longer have the (normally hidden) tag in red in their interface. This is makes it very confusing to figure out which galleries appeared now and which didn't. Is this temporary or will it be a permanent thing? I very much preferred the old system.

I don't think anything changed here. The tag should show up if it's flagged and it wasn't crowded out by other tags.

QUOTE(Hana-chan @ Nov 2 2022, 12:09) *
That's unintuitive. I don't know the range of the years, and when expunged galleries count towards IDs it makes the numbers even more vague. If this is how we're supposed to navigate going forward, we need to have some way to know around when we should look for certain timeframes

You're talking as if there was a way to map years to pages. This was never a thing you could do, but if anything, that would be easier to do now than it used to be.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:10
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So, does the page selector thing final?
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:11
Post #35

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Nov 2 2022, 13:52) *

In that case, if you leave the search page open or bookmark it, the results on that page will conveniently be exactly where you left it when you continue reading no matter how long it takes.

Unfortunately this isn't how people use NSFW sites, they use incognito mode and everything is deleted once the browser window closes.

A question: I don't understand the technical aspect of this, but how is clicking 'next' 50 times less computationally expensive than jumping to gallery page 50?

I think it's clear that users have a need for tools that allow deep navigation, while the site has need to limit functionality to something sustainable in terms of (computational? technical? monetary?) cost. It would be good if we knew the exact situation, otherwise this whole discussion will only end in people complaining about worse user experience, which the other side can only adress with proposed workarounds (which are by their nature always worse user experience, solving nothing in the process)
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:12
Post #36

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QUOTE(Hana-chan @ Nov 2 2022, 11:09) *

That's unintuitive. I don't know the range of the years, and when expunged galleries count towards IDs it makes the numbers even more vague. If this is how we're supposed to navigate going forward, we need to have some way to know around when we should look for certain timeframes

You didn't have that with page numbers either. Bookmarking page 6 with the old way is 2022 now, in a few months it won't be. You would still have to guess page numbers for whatever year you were looking for, just worse as it'd be outdated after some time and you'd have to do it again.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:12
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i dont know on which page i am. Cool update.

its like being on a street named This street and next one is that street
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:13
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I also dislike the lack of page numbers. They are handy, they have many use cases.
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:13
Post #39

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif) please reconsider the page selector
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post Nov 2 2022, 13:15
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QUOTE(Shank @ Nov 2 2022, 12:05) *

Just use a GID from that period, it doesn't matter if its not in the results. Took about 10 seconds /?f_search=ahegao&next=800000

How is the user supposed to know the ID from a specific time period? This is something only the people behind the site know, not us.
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