I've post the song on song on this forum multiple times, VHS rip, Laser Disk, DVD release and now Bluray. Thats some good night city driving music for chilling out.
I've yet to get the EP1 and 4 laserdiscs. Doing the JP imports, not the AnimEigo ones.
Also Double Vision, Scoop Chase (7,8).
But I am okay pretending Scoop Chase doesn't exist.
There's a copy on ebay now for 4, but they want too much for a disc with a cover that looks to have some kind of fungus growing on it. Considering that I paid $10 more for a sealed disc that had a signed piece of art with it.
There's also a couple copies on Yahoo Auctions, but I'd need to bid and figure out how I wanted to escrow the disc this time. I think my old IRC contact that I used to use may have disappeared.
[litter.catbox.moe] Sample laserdisc capture. Should work in VLC if you point it at that URL. Or mpv or whatever you use. Link expires in 3 days.
This post has been edited by dragontamer8740: Mar 12 2023, 18:28
because if I did .mp4 then firefox would fail to play it because it's captured in YUV 4:2:2 instead of 4:2:0, and I didn't want people telling me the file was broken when it wasn't.
What would you rather I use for a container?
Nut is the only other one that I think I'd be likely to pick.
Also mp4 files can't be played while they are being written due to the MOOV atom, but matroska files can.
I could do webm, but my PC is too potato-ey to encode VP9 in real-time, and VP8 sucks. Also webm is literally just a constrained version of matroska.
I could do rmvb, but that would actually be retarded.
I am also in the middle of soft subbing all the episodes, so they're going to have to be in a format that supports substation alpha subs eventually.
Synthetic cocroach milk has an insane amount of protein and is super healthy.
The research is currently one dude at an Indian bioresearch cluster that showed it was theoretically possible.
They haven't yet succeeded in getting yeast to replicate the exact milk apart from its protein component and not at a commercial scale. Its the same process to create some forms of artificial insulin but that is not necessarily sufficient for industrial food production.
Whey is just so much easier to produce, is is mostly complete.
Cockroach milk, is more nutritious per gram but we can only produce a gram.
Whey is marginally less nutritious but we produce it industrial by the metric ton.
edit: Humans can also rapidly develop allergies to bug proteins as branched away from them fucking yonks ago. Greentards keep forgetting this. People can become as allergic to bug proteins as peanuts, especially with high exposure levels like if we were to make it a substantial part of the food chain.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Mar 13 2023, 07:58
Brandon is abusing the insurance scheme by using all the money to bail out the rich and using up all the money meant to cover 250k deposits. Rather than covering the majority of people.
His billionaire backers are calling for him to do a 2008 style bailout again.
Silicon Valley bank the biggest to collapse and shake the system, had not done a risk assessment report for nine months because their Chief Revenue Officer was organizing pride events in UK.
This is the issue with US legislation and the way committees are used
Basically committees are used to push through whatever lobby groups want by using technicalities to add amendments to bills. The majority of wasteful corrupt stupid shit
Rand Paul tried to 'trump' them by adding in a counter amendment first before they deployed the democrat one that he saw coming and threatened for republicans to leave so they would not have quorum.
As long as you control the majority of committee members you can pass any amendments you want.