China is doing that now too, but we kind of expected that... Though they have the red code system, which can block people from absolutely everything. All financial and public services blocked, as well as other services blocked.
In various Pro/Con discussions about China's digital currency, one point that came up is the CCP could force people to stimulate the economy by simply declaring a certain series of digital currency would expire in X months. The people would then spend this currency, and upon receiving such currency as payment, would re-spend it ad infinitem. The rapid movement of currency between entities thus stimulates the economy.
This is from a commercial I saw today either on Fox News or Newsmax that seemed like a Trump campaign ad and I can't find the video of it. I recorded it off the TV and made a gif using some screenshots. It's so funny at the end when it shows Brandon tripping up the steps. If anyone can find the video of it, please post it here.
Biden is angry at the huge number of criticisms, especially about reckless spending. As seen at your posted youtube video, he justified the spending as being essential for Changing People's Lives.
Biden's statements correlate with why multiple pipeline closures were done, drilling permits on land were denied or cancelled, drilling permits in offshore plots were denied or cancelled, exploration for oil permits on federal land were denied, etc. Just as Pete Buttigieg said, it was to force the American vehicle consumers to move off of gasoline cars and onto electric cars. High gas prices are necessary to do that, but Biden is just too shameless when he gets angry at the blame that high gas prices causes prices for food, dry goods, farming, shipping, transportation, and services to go way up as well.
"Number one... No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period *emphasis hand wave* ENDS.
He was a lefty political commentator in the 80/90s, went to the US during Clinton administration came back after being disenfranchised by Dems during the Obama admin.
Now he's on the Australian Sky News getting US viewers. He just got a TV show to cover the US mid terms from Australia, for Americans so he is probably practicing his American accent.
Its like how Trump's policies are pretty much all 90s Dem policies, the left just kept going and left everyone behind.
If you were a 90s Dem and not trying to keep up with Tumbler/Twitter/TikTok then you are probably Republican now.
This is from a commercial I saw today either on Fox News or Newsmax that seemed like a Trump campaign ad and I can't find the video of it. I recorded it off the TV and made a gif using some screenshots. It's so funny at the end when it shows Brandon tripping up the steps. If anyone can find the video of it, please post it here.
He was a lefty political commentator in the 80/90s, went to the US during Clinton administration came back after being disenfranchised by Dems during the Obama admin.
Now he's on the Australian Sky News getting US viewers. He just got a TV show to cover the US mid terms from Australia, for Americans so he is probably practicing his American accent.
Its like how Trump's policies are pretty much all 90s Dem policies, the left just kept going and left everyone behind.
If you were a 90s Dem and not trying to keep up with Tumbler/Twitter/TikTok then you are probably Republican now.
People were saying that Biden only got up after falling off the bike because he found a little girl to smell. I thought it was a joke.... in the full clip that is what happens lol wtf.
Biden slipped up stairs, tripped on stage, broke his foot in the shower and fell off a bike.
For comparison the media said Gerald Ford fought off two assassination attempts but then was "too old" because he slipped down some wet stairs.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jun 21 2022, 23:57
People were saying that Biden only got up after falling off the bike because he found a little girl to smell. I thought it was a joke.... in the full clip that is what happens lol wtf.
We need to ban pedophiles from office. Biden, Trump, Clinton, Obama's husband Michael.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens keep on crossing Brandon's Border at large gaps in the border wall. For example, at Yuma, Arizona, there are a bunch of gaps at the border. At border crossing gaps, there will be some border agents unless Biden or Border Czar Kamala ordered them off or has reduced their budget further. There have been occasions where border budgets were reduced after Biden took office.
Picture shows some illegal aliens detained for Trump's Title 42 (started March 2020) infectious disease medical evaluation. The democrats earlier in 2022 tried to have Title 42 cancelled which means these illegals could have continued into the USA. With Title 42 in place, Kamala or Biden can order the patrol to let the illegal aliens continue into the USA, but the agent will point to Title 42 and say that Congress has to vote to cancel Title 42 first. So the illegals remain either detained or blocked from entry. []
This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Jun 22 2022, 06:08