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> HentaiVerse Persistent 0.87

post Jan 20 2021, 10:46
Post #1


This update was primarily focused on adding the new Isekai Mode. The part of the update that's applicable for Persistent is included below.

Bulk Shrining

As you level up, Snowflake will now start accepting lower-tier trophies in bulk, effectively upgrading the trophy by a number of tiers. This will significantly speed up shrining large numbers of low-tier trophies.

By default, the bulk upgrades are tied to your player level as such:

Level 200: Tier 2 => Tier 3 at a rate of 4:1
Level 300: Tier 3 => Tier 4 at a rate of 2:1
Level 400: Tier 4 => Tier 5 at a rate of 4:1

The upgrades are cumulative, so at level 400+ you will upgrade Tier 2 to Tier 5 at a rate of 32:1

These tier upgrades are balanced so they are a slight buff with regards to getting higher-tier equipment. Upgrading trophies to T3, T4 and T5 also adds 10%, 20% and 30% bonuses respectively to the original trophy value for the cumulative trophy credit counter for the Follower of Snowflake perk, and together with the trophy/equipment value changes listed below, it should be roughly a wash with sell + FoS value. YMMV when it comes to salvage materials.

To prevent the "need" to send trophies to accounts of higher or lower levels for any particular shrining outcome, there is a new toggle in the settings page that lets you override this trophy upgrading behavior. In other words, if you want, you can still shrine with no upgrades at level 500, or upgrade to tier 5 at level 1.

(In case you were wondering, there are no actual "Tier 1" trophies in the system, this is a dummy tier used by some arena clear rewards.)

Equipment Auto-Sell/Auto-Salvage

A new Auto-Sell/Auto-Salvage function has been added. This will automatically turn unwanted equipment into credits or salvage materials whenever dropped in battle or received in the Shrine.

You can enable this behavior with a new setting found on the Settings page. For each type of equipment, you can set it to either Sell or Salvage all drops up to a given quality (Average/Superior/etc). Unlike most settings, Auto-Sell/Salvage settings are shared across all profiles.

If both Sell and Salvage is set, and a particular equipment qualifies for both, it will do the one with the lowest quality requirement. In other words, for a particular type of equipment, you can for example have it keep Magnificent and above, salvage Exquisite and Superior, and sell everything below that.

Internally, the system will still fully generate the equipment piece up to the point where it would normally be added to your inventory, so the outcome will be exactly the same as if you sold or salvaged it manually.

Note however that you cannot "buy back" an auto-salvaged or auto-sold equipment piece, as it is never actually added to the database.


- Salvaging equipment will now give either an upgrade material or scrap materials, never both.

- Trophy value was rebalanced. (Monster-droppable T2 and T3 trophies are now worth more, while T4 and T5 are worth less.)

- Equipment value was slightly rebalanced. The value factor for wear is now capped to 0.75, specifically to reduce the value of fully-repaired (shrine-fresh) gear.

- Equipment will no longer grant base salvage when salvaged and re-bought multiple times. (It will still return upgrade materials.)

- Equipment is now auto-locked when removed from a MoogleMail.

- When shrining equipment with the Follower of Snowflake perk, instead of granting a Peerless equipment directly when you shrine an item, you will now receive the regular equipment plus a free Peerless Voucher (special-tier untradeable trophy item) which can be handed in for a guaranteed soulbound Peerless equip. This makes things more predictable for when the peerless is granted when shrining multiple items. It also removes the "need" to use a low-tier trophy for the peerless exchange to prevent it from being "wasted".

- The Shrine will no longer tell you to hit spacebar to shrine more items if there are not enough items available to shrine again. Hitting spacebar in this case will just close the popup box.

- Shrine Fortunes (the secondary trophy from the easter events) and Stocking Stuffers (the secondary winter gift trophy) are no longer tradeable.

- The state lock and associated limiter has been improved, and will now hand out gradually increasing ban lengths for aggressive multithreaded requests that pile up database locks. (Let me know if you ever encounter a problem with this during normal play.)

- Made the EXP readout when hovering the level a bit wider to prevent the number from cutting off at higher levels.

- If MoogleMail CoD is set, it must now be at least 10 credits.


- A Persistent-only issue introduced in the previous update where you could rarely get an "extra" level-up leaving you with more than a level worth of exp to next level due to a lock being released prematurely should now be fixed.
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post Jan 20 2021, 10:47
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Will the alt subdomain return shortly?

It has now.

This post has been edited by Nezu: Jan 20 2021, 10:58
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:01
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I think peerless and legendary should not be in the options for auto sell/salvage, no one would choose them, unless selected by mistake.
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:10
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QUOTE(mewsf @ Jan 20 2021, 09:01) *

I think peerless and legendary should not be in the options for auto sell/salvage, no one would choose them, unless selected by mistake.

Speaking of which, is any form of logging enabled for this sort of thing (when someone inevitably does it and asks if their peerless can be restored)?
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:10
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Racist MAGA Shark
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[hvmarket.xyz] https://hvmarket.xyz/?item_name=Stocking%20Stuffers

Weren't these going to get mailed back? Recall isn't working.
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:11
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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Jan 20 2021, 09:10) *

[hvmarket.xyz] https://hvmarket.xyz/?item_name=Stocking%20Stuffers

Weren't these going to get mailed back? Recall isn't working.

Oh, no, I forgot. Sorry. Everyone had good enough warning so /shrug

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Jan 20 2021, 08:46) *

- The state lock and associated limiter has been improved, and will now hand out gradually increasing ban lengths for aggressive multithreaded requests that pile up database locks. (Let me know if you ever encounter a problem with this during normal play.)

The shrine doesn't seem the throttle players holding space to shrine very fast in the default UI; is this safe?

This post has been edited by Nezu: Jan 20 2021, 11:17
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:24
Post #7


QUOTE(mewsf @ Jan 20 2021, 10:01) *

I think peerless and legendary should not be in the options for auto sell/salvage, no one would choose them, unless selected by mistake.

I suppose that's a fair point, I'll consider removing them.

QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 20 2021, 10:10) *

Speaking of which, is any form of logging enabled for this sort of thing (when someone inevitably does it and asks if their peerless can be restored)?

No. There won't ever be a way to "recover" auto-sold and auto-salvaged gear.

QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 20 2021, 10:11) *

The shrine doesn't seem the throttle players holding space to shrine very fast in the default UI; is this safe?

Hmm. I'll look into it.
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:45
Post #8

The Sleeper
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I hopet to at least see the Towr in Persistent, even if not with the bonus and reset of the Isekai.
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post Jan 20 2021, 11:50
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QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 20 2021, 09:11) *
Oh, no, I forgot. Sorry. Everyone had good enough warning so /shrug

QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 7 2021, 23:12) *
If you guys have stocking stuffers you're speculating on (or shrine fortunes, for whatever reason), you should sell them ASAP; they're becoming untradeable soon.

This shouldn't affect any other type of obsolete, so don't panic about those.

As for why shrine fortunes in particular: I guess we're expecting them to return?

I'll be returning HVMarket's stock to their owners before the update goes live, so don't worry about getting caught out there.

The problem is, this is not a warning. This is specifically telling people "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything about it", so we didn't.
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post Jan 20 2021, 12:07
Post #10


QUOTE(Necromusume @ Jan 20 2021, 10:50) *

The problem is, this is not a warning. This is specifically telling people "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything about it", so we didn't.

We'll get that sorted.
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post Jan 20 2021, 12:32
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QUOTE(Necromusume @ Jan 20 2021, 09:50) *

The problem is, this is not a warning. This is specifically telling people "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything about it", so we didn't.

Yeah, sorry about that, I've been pretty stressed IRL lately & forgetting a bunch of things.

Tenboro kindly covered my ass and fixed this for everyone concerned.
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post Jan 20 2021, 12:56
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The Sleeper
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I was in persistant and clicked Isekai, all ok.

I then clicked arena and started First Blood... and was transported on Main Page of Persistant.

The Arena was still here in isekai but for some reason it was always putting me back on main Prersistent.

With fast clicks i was able to finish the arena beween the swaps and Isekai is now accessible but i'm not risking clicking on anything else.
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post Jan 20 2021, 13:16
Post #13


QUOTE(Maharid @ Jan 20 2021, 11:56) *

I was in persistant and clicked Isekai, all ok.

I then clicked arena and started First Blood... and was transported on Main Page of Persistant.

The Arena was still here in isekai but for some reason it was always putting me back on main Prersistent.

With fast clicks i was able to finish the arena beween the swaps and Isekai is now accessible but i'm not risking clicking on anything else.

Persistent and Isekai operate completely independently, so you can switch between them even when in a battle (even though the UI isn't there to do it) or play them in parallel for that matter. It shouldn't do any switching by itself though, so I'm guessing you are using some sort of script that hardlinks to Persistent. Is anyone else seeing behavior like that, without scripts that is?
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post Jan 20 2021, 13:25
Post #14

The Sleeper
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Ok, i found the problem, just having a link in Monsterbation for the Persistent was breking it, i removed all persistent link from Isekai scripts and now the problem seem fixed.
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post Jan 20 2021, 14:06
Post #15

Fluffy Tail Fox
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I am still confused about how auto salvage & auto sell works.

If a dropped equipment qualifies for both sell and salvage, the action with the lowest required quality will be taken.

So what is "the lowest required quality"?

I'd like to have an example (an infographic would be better) shown in the wiki:

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post Jan 20 2021, 14:12
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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Jan 20 2021, 12:06) *

I am still confused about how auto salvage & auto sell works.
So what is "the lowest required quality"?

I'd like to have an example (an infographic would be better) shown in the wiki:


The 'lowest required quality' is the lower quality setting; for example, if you set sell to exquisite and salvage to magnificent, everything up to exquisite will be sold, and magnificents will be salvaged. If you set both the same, sell will take precedence.

See this FAQ post I made:

QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 9 2021, 09:00) *

How do the auto-sell & auto-salvage quality tiers work?
The action with the lower quality setting will happen first.

For example, if you set auto-sell cloth to exquisite and auto-salvage cloth to magnificent, it will sell any cloth up to exquisite quality, and salvage magnificent.

If you set both to the same quality level, auto-sell takes precedence.

These happen as soon as the equipment is generated; you will get a special line in the combat log to tell you about it.

I'll be doing some wiki work soonishâ„¢.
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post Jan 20 2021, 14:23
Post #17

Fluffy Tail Fox
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QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 20 2021, 20:12) *

The 'lowest required quality' is the lower quality setting;

Well. Let's assume I set auto-sell to "Superior" and set auto-salvage to "Fair", is that means something like this?


Crude | Fair | Average | Superior | Exquisite | Magnificent | Legendary | Peerless
  Salvaged   | Sold to the system |                             Untouched

This post has been edited by OnceForAll: Jan 20 2021, 14:23
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post Jan 20 2021, 14:40
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QUOTE(OnceForAll @ Jan 20 2021, 12:23) *

Well. Let's assume I set auto-sell to "Superior" and set auto-salvage to "Fair", is that means something like this?

Yes, that's correct.
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post Jan 20 2021, 16:18
Post #19

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QUOTE(Nezu @ Jan 19 2021, 23:10) *

Speaking of which, is any form of logging enabled for this sort of thing (when someone inevitably does it and asks if their peerless can be restored)?

I missed the opportunity to answer that question before Tenboro did but I decline to answer why I knew the answer.
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post Jan 20 2021, 16:21
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QUOTE(EsotericSatire @ Jan 20 2021, 14:18) *

I missed the opportunity to answer that question before Tenboro did but I decline to answer why I knew the answer.

Haha, though perhaps not for the same reason as you, I also knew the answer - just wanted to have it in writing in public for later wiki use. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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