QUOTE(Mud attheBaseofLotus @ Jun 17 2021, 16:00)

PA can easily increase your damage by 30-50%, in some cases it doubles damage, while 3-5% of additional dmg from Bleeding Wound - its just broken.
Okay, so we're basically comparing rapier and shortsword here - because axe underperforms shortsword in most content for 1H, and estoc isn't really worth talking about for 2H. You can't really completely separate the procs from their context.
And sure, rapier outperforms shortsword... unless you use imperil, in which case, they perform more-or-less the same in all content. And both perform better with imperil than without, so that's generally considered the normal case these days.
It's true that Bleeding Wound could do with a little tweaking, but that's less about the damage it does - and definitely not the number of stacks, which are already functionally too high for many players to make full use of, since it has a ramp up time disproportionate to normal killing speed - and more about the way it interacts with attack speed (otherwise, Niten players in particular are able to leverage it for pretty solid damage against bosses).
QUOTE(Mud attheBaseofLotus @ Jun 17 2021, 16:00)

Yes wrong thread, but problem old and related to all game modes. I mean, what you start from on isekai - finding good rapier?
Not really - you just use what you can get. I played dual wield rather than 1H up to floor 90 of the Tower, despite it being considerably 'sub-optimal' by most standards. People exaggerate the effects of differences in gear and differences in playstyles a lot - as you are currently doing with PA and Bleeding Wound.