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HentaiVerse Isekai 0.87, Isekai Hentai Jutsushi |
Jan 9 2021, 22:44
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QUOTE(Venvalion @ Jan 9 2021, 20:41)  That being said, does anyone else have Spirit Stance unusable in Isekai 'cause "Insufficient overcharge or spirit for Spirit Stance." even with full OC/Spirit? It should be available from the start, no? Or you need a weapon equipped?
You probably only have 1 spirit (and are probably lvl1). Just level a bit first This post has been edited by Shank: Jan 9 2021, 22:47
Jan 9 2021, 23:08
 Group: Gold Star Club
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It's nice since it gives everyone a reason to care about the early game.
Jan 9 2021, 23:12
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 9 2021, 17:58)  How about Energy Cells?
The usual equipment that drop them still do
Jan 9 2021, 23:17
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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chjj30 completed the Chinese translation of the version update instructions. https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showt...8&st=95740#[DELETE]https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7186821798 [Better typography]https://sukeycz.com/hv/re0isekai-illustrate If I successfully pass the tower 3 times a day, starting today, I can stay ahead, right? Although I know it will get harder and harder in the after floor.
Jan 9 2021, 23:25
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QUOTE(Shank @ Jan 9 2021, 21:44)  You probably only have 1 spirit (and are probably lvl1). Just level a bit first
I had leveled up a bit but forgot to spend my PAB points, so it was it (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Jan 9 2021, 23:30
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ Jan 9 2021, 17:58)  How about Energy Cells?
Those don't seem affected by the salvage changes.
Jan 9 2021, 23:35
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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There is a place to see our ranking?
Just curious about it.
Jan 9 2021, 23:38
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Maharid @ Jan 10 2021, 05:35)  There is a place to see our ranking?
Just curious about it.
QUOTE You can see your curÂrent rankÂing on the Tower start screen as soon as you make it past Floor 5.
Jan 10 2021, 00:16
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(decondelite @ Jan 9 2021, 18:47)  Small heads up: since the monsters have all the same owner, it's possible to have several monsters of the same original owner in the same round. I've just met two of my own monsters like that. I fear that later on, we'll have to clean our eyes witch bleach because we'll have 3 shadowcats in a single round.
God bless the ver with monster name replacing (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Jan 10 2021, 00:53
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like a week ago, I was thinking to send a pm to a mod or Tenboro himself to ask if I could retire my account and make another one to start from scratch. Now I can taste being a newbie again without losing my stuff. Thanks (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Jan 10 2021, 01:01
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My pea brain does not fully comprehend what this is but I suspect I will like it. Because maybe you get to be a low level player again, while not messing up the main original version game too much. It is the best of both worlds.
Doesn't mean I will play it a lot, but I would play it when I want to. Perhaps future upgrades would utilize this mechanic to test core gameplay changes while not affecting the main world until it's established the changes are for the better.
Jan 10 2021, 01:15
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 9 2021, 23:01)  My pea brain does not fully comprehend what this is but I suspect I will like it. Because maybe you get to be a low level player again, while not messing up the main original version game too much. It is the best of both worlds.
Doesn't mean I will play it a lot, but I would play it when I want to. Perhaps future upgrades would utilize this mechanic to test core gameplay changes while not affecting the main world until it's established the changes are for the better.
Yeah, I thought you might like it. It favours experimental players like you who adapt to their situation rather than forcing their way through & struggling against the tide. Although it also favours consistent daily play. Yes, that's exactly what's noted in the first line of the opening post (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Jan 10 2021, 02:20
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Disappointing, this just seems to add grind and further increases the gargantuan rift between casual and avid players. And of course, it does nothing to fix horrible imbalance between weapons.
Imo, seems like a step in the wrong direction.
Jan 10 2021, 03:28
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Ok, one day and i officially got bored, good luck to anyone playing this, i'm out and for now i'll stuck with the "Persistent" version, even if after that last update it taste even more like shit.
Jan 10 2021, 04:38
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QUOTE(htns @ Jan 9 2021, 21:08)  It's nice since it gives everyone a reason to care about the early game.
Those with edit rights on the wiki will now have the opportunity to update a few early game things. For example, the Spells page has several ? in the Level column. One of the editors can level up really slow and confirm things like Regen is available at level 50.
Jan 10 2021, 07:12
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Cure is level 1 now? Wiki says 5. It might not be the same in Isekai.
You don't have to go slowly, just check the skillbook each time you level. New spells appear even in the middle of a Grindfest.
1: Cure 10: Protection 15: Fiery Blast 20: Drain (Wiki: 30?) 25: Freeze 30: Slow (Wiki: 10?) 35: Shockblast 40: Absorb (Wiki: 50?) 45: Gale 50: Regen (Wiki: 50?) 60: Haste (Wiki: 60?) 70: Weaken 80: Sleep 85: Smite (Wiki:65) 85: Corruption 90: Shadow Veil 95: Inferno 100: Spark of Life 105: Blizzard 110: Blind (Wiki: 80?) 115: Chained Lightning (Wiki: 115?) 120: Silence 125: Downburst (Wiki: 125?) 130: Imperil 140: Heartseeker 150: Confuse
But I'm not editing it in yet because it might be different in Isekai.
I didn't get the minimum profs required for the 2nd tier holy & dark spells to show up before their minimum levels, so still ? on that.
Proofreading: Settings page still says "Note that you have to unlock one or more of the Innate Arcana Hath Perks to use these."
This post has been edited by Necromusume: Jan 10 2021, 18:36
Jan 10 2021, 07:44
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Is this table of shrined value correct?
ManBearPig Tail @ 1000 Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch @ 1000 Mithra's Flower @ 1000 Dalek Voicebox @ 1000 Lock of Blue Hair @ 1000 Bunny-Girl Costume @ 2000 Hinamatsuri Doll @ 2000 Broken Glasses @ 2000 Sapling @ 4000 Black T-Shirt @ 4000 Unicorn Horn @ 5000 Noodly Appendage @ 5000
So, at level 400+ I can upgrade 32 ManBearPig Tail to 1 Unicorn Horn? So effective shrined value would be:
ManBearPig Tail @ 1000*1,1*1,2*1,3 = 1716 Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch @ 1000*1,1*1,2*1,3 = 1716 Mithra's Flower @ 1000*1,1*1,2*1,3 = 1716 Dalek Voicebox @ 1000*1,1*1,2*1,3 = 1716 Lock of Blue Hair @ 1000*1,1*1,2*1,3 = 1716 Bunny-Girl Costume @ 2000*1,2*1,3 = 3120 Hinamatsuri Doll @ 2000*1,2*1,3 = 3120 Broken Glasses @ 2000*1,2*1,3 = 3120 Sapling @ 4000*1,3 = 5200 Black T-Shirt @ 4000*1,3 = 5200 Unicorn Horn @ 5000 Noodly Appendage @ 5000
So, today I have:
4 x ManBearPig Tail @ 1716 = 6864 4 x Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch @ 1716 = 6864 4 x Mithra's Flower @ 1716 = 6864 3 x Dalek Voicebox @ 1716 = 5148 12 x Lock of Blue Hair @ 1716 = 20592 14 x Bunny-Girl Costume @ 3120 = 43680 10 x Hinamatsuri Doll @ 3120 = 31200 11 x Broken Glasses @ 3120 = 34320 1 x Sapling @ 5200 = 5200 1 x Noodly Appendage @ 5000 = 5000 Total 165,732
So, If I will clear all arenas every day, I will have:
10,000,000 / 165,732 = 60 days per 1 peerless.
Are my calculations correct?
This post has been edited by mr_baka: Jan 10 2021, 08:09
Jan 10 2021, 08:13
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Everybody's always been saying Better Drain & Faster Drain are useless, now I see their use. When you're level 31, you get them to use against Daleks. There is nothing else to invest in, you just got Drain, and you can use the health boost when you barely have any items.
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