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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Dec 20 2013, 05:50
Post #9941

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QUOTE(happy.forum @ Dec 20 2013, 02:29) *


Bleed is good for killing boss monsters, but not as good as PA for killing regular mobs.

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

Bleed doesn't even account 1% of the dmg done on PF SGs. I would suggest buffing it to percentage dmg.
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post Dec 20 2013, 06:35
Post #9942

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I mean, like, let it stack a huge amount of times, like 20, so that each turn after that it's ticking for 4 or 5 times your damage or something.

The numbers can be played with. Your suggestion of percentage damage makes sense too.

The main idea is to make it better for killing boss mobs without making it overpowered vs. everything else.

That's what the huge amount of stacking would be for.
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post Dec 20 2013, 06:47
Post #9943

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Don't know if has been mentioned before (this thread is too long), but is it possible to make the difficult setting linked to your equipment set? By this, I mean so for each equipment setting, you can have a different difficult saved. Like how you can have different quickcast and autocast spells saved for each equipment set.

I admit this is more for quality-of-life feature, but I use different equipment sets for different purposes along with different difficult. For example, set 1 is my 1-handed set, used for random battles at pfudor diffuculty. Set 2 is my DW set, used for Ring of Blood, which I play on Nintendo, Set 3 is 2-hand set, for arena grinding played on Hard, etc. I think you get the drift.

There have been many times where I've changed equipment set, but forgot to set the difficulty as well, making me waste the cooldowns on Arenas and/or Ring of Blood because I either died or it was too easy. So, being able to have the difficulty setting linked/saved to your equipment set would be a godsend. As unlike the HV veterans our there, I don't play everything on pfudor. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

This post has been edited by Makaijin: Dec 20 2013, 06:50
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post Dec 20 2013, 08:34
Post #9944

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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happy.forum: Frankly, even at it's current damage I don't know if there's sufficient reason to limit bleed stacking at all. To get 5 stacks, you need to hit monster(% penalty) and have it trigger(% penalty) five times, most of the cases will have monster dead by that time anyway.

Though, I do note that bleed gets better as monster evade increases, like on PFUDOR.
With same damage on estoc and scythe, maxed stacks(iirc...or was it both at 100%?)
A chart of needed PMI at given evades for estoc<scythe with equal WD. To account for increased damage, just increase mit by few points or sth.

[01:50] Skillchip Evade | Mit
[01:50] Skillchip 0 | 50
[01:50] Skillchip 10 | 55
[01:50] Skillchip 20 | 62
[01:50] Skillchip 28 | 69
[01:50] Skillchip 30 | 71
[01:50] Skillchip 40 | 83
[01:50] Skillchip 50 | 99

20% evade
[02:23] Skillchip going to say it as 9/7/5/3/1
[02:24] Skillchip 62/56/47/38/30

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post Dec 20 2013, 09:51
Post #9945

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QUOTE(happy.forum @ Dec 20 2013, 09:29) *

I suggest giving Bleeding Wounds a slightly lower DOT %, but allowing it to stack like 20 times. This would serve to align Bleeding Wounds with killing Schoolgirl + monsters, without making it better than Penetrating Armor for regular mobs due to the time it would take to stack up Bleeding Wound's DOT.


Stun functions both defensively, by preventing monster damage, and offensively, but preventing monster parry and evade.

Penetrated Armor doesn't have as much of a game play changing effect as Stun, but allows you to kill things very fast and also increases skill damage.

Bleeding Wounds is much worse than PA in all cases and also does not significantly change game play like Stun does (though you can still semi-AoE by stacking some bleed and then changing targets... I guess...).

By implementing this solution, each of the three weapon procs have their distinct place and function.

Stun changes game play and provides a more defensive option.

Penetrating Armor provides great killing speed for regular mobs and a boost to skill damage on effected targets.

Bleeding Wounds, if changed to have a lower DOT % with a much higher allowed number of stacks, would be great for taking down boss monsters without being as effective as PA on regular mobs due to the time it takes to stack its DOT.

Stun changes game play
PA is good for killing regular mobs
Bleed is good for killing boss monsters, but not as good as PA for killing regular mobs.

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

I do not agree as an axe 1H player.
When I face school girl, I would cast imperil and SG will die before imperil effect end. When bleeding reach 5 stack, the SG is already dying. I would suggest Bleeding wound to have less max stack (e.g. 3) with the same effect at max stack (200% at 3 stack).
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post Dec 20 2013, 19:59
Post #9946

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I think for DW/1h, you're usually aiming to kill a specific mob immediately before switching onto the next mob (least this is the way I play). The main reason for doing this is to zero its damage output so you're no longer worried about it landing some crazy special attack on you as its already dead. Thus, if you're always focusing the same mob, the bleed damage doesn't have much time to actually act as a DOT and tick a few turns for fairly significant damage. So by the time mobs hit 5 stack of bleeds, they're pretty much dead already if not already dead. Only a few enemies (like Unicorn, Spaghetti Monster, etc) last more than a few turns with bleeds up to 5 stacks.

This is a bit unlike 2h for which Domino Strikes can proc bleed damage on targets you're not focused on and has a fairly decent chance of ticking a few turns (albeit at low bleed stacks) before you actually return to the mob and finish it off.

There's also no monsters which are very resistant to direct attack damage. Monsters with extremely high armor/damage resistance would be the only type of monster for which bleed's ability to ignore armor would be valuable. Insert new monster here?

The other problem with bleeds is that they're capped at 20% for 1h/DW. The maximum bleed damage is still quite weak in comparison, even with a 5 stack. The example I gave earlier for my bleed damage numbers is with a 20% Bleed DOT Axe at 5 stacks and it still pales a lot in comparison to PA or Stunned.
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post Dec 20 2013, 20:43
Post #9947

I hate monster-parry
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QUOTE(Oversoul @ Dec 20 2013, 05:50) *

Bleed doesn't even account 1% of the dmg done on PF SGs. I would suggest buffing it to percentage dmg.

I'm dumb. This makes a lot of sense.

If Bleed max stacks bleed does like 5% of the monsters hp then we have something like:

Monster with 100k hp = 5,000 damage

Monster with 1,000k hp = 50,000 damage

So a % hp Bleed would be awesome for killing Bosses, but really bad for killing regular mobs.

This is good because it gives each proc its own purpose.

I think? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Dec 20 2013, 21:41
Post #9948

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Explorer Pony might have following Problem with Bleed:
If it is efficient in PFUDOR it will be fuck OP in normal.
% based may make all other stats obsolete for Marathons. Or worthless if too low (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

My Suggestion would be: Balance it for the highest setting and then add a penalty for lower Settings so it will still be good in Normal but not OP.
Also i'd go for lots of Stacks so DW will be the cool thing for Marathon while 2hand still shines in Arena and GF.
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post Dec 21 2013, 01:38
Post #9949

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(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) , Let the beelding also provide PA ... therefore we never need to balance beelding and PA anymore~
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post Dec 21 2013, 04:12
Post #9950

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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Ichy: Being efficient in PFUDOR means it would be weaker in normal compared to PA, not stronger.
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post Dec 21 2013, 19:41
Post #9951

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QUOTE(Lement @ Dec 21 2013, 04:12) *

Ichy: Being efficient in PFUDOR means it would be weaker in normal compared to PA, not stronger.

And what if Bleeding weapons come with more Domino Strikes and one handers with other little Extras?

With Loot 2.0 I hope Tenb reintroduces old weapons with new little gimmicks so you can have different tools for each situation (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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post Dec 22 2013, 01:47
Post #9952

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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Staff 10 potency: Re-cast the same offensive spell, chance is crit%/4. If the main target is dead, this won't trigger.
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post Dec 22 2013, 02:05
Post #9953

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QUOTE(treesloth16 @ Dec 21 2013, 23:47) *

Staff 10 potency: Re-cast the same offensive spell, chance is crit%/4. If the main target is dead, this won't trigger.

casting time and mp cost?
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post Dec 22 2013, 02:13
Post #9954

नो व्हिनिन्ग अल्लोवेद
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QUOTE(treesloth16 @ Dec 22 2013, 08:47) *

Staff 10 potency: Re-cast the same offensive spell, chance is crit%/4. If the main target is dead, this won't trigger.

QUOTE(VriskaSerket @ Dec 22 2013, 09:05) *

casting time and mp cost?

Sorry not enough detail:

System automatically re-casts same offensive spell. Cast time is 0, cost is free.

It's not too OP, cuz void strike on non-ethereal weapons is pretty strong. And in normal, mobs die after first shot, so it's only good in higher difficulties.

This post has been edited by treesloth16: Dec 22 2013, 02:22
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post Dec 22 2013, 02:17
Post #9955

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Dec 21 2013, 09:41) *

And what if Bleeding weapons come with more Domino Strikes and one handers with other little Extras?

With Loot 2.0 I hope Tenb reintroduces old weapons with new little gimmicks so you can have different tools for each situation (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

What's this loot patch? I've seen it mentioned a few times...

Or is it just the re-implementation of some of the equipment types that have been removed (dragon hide, scythes, etc)?
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post Dec 22 2013, 10:16
Post #9956

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QUOTE(n125 @ Dec 22 2013, 02:17) *

What's this loot patch? I've seen it mentioned a few times...

Or is it just the re-implementation of some of the equipment types that have been removed (dragon hide, scythes, etc)?

There already is Loot 2.0 on the Beta Server.
Just not HVs Beta Servers yet (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Dec 22 2013, 20:29
Post #9957
Amaduyu Mitsumi

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I suggest an adjustable stun chance on counter attacks of 1H. Ranging from 50% to whatever percentage it is right now, though it'd be even better if 0-100% is possible.
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post Dec 23 2013, 04:30
Post #9958

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QUOTE(Kagoromo @ Dec 22 2013, 18:29) *

I suggest an adjustable stun chance on counter attacks of 1H. Ranging from 50% to whatever percentage it is right now, though it'd be even better if 0-100% is possible.

Think 0% would be pretty nice
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post Dec 23 2013, 04:51
Post #9959
Amaduyu Mitsumi

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Dec 23 2013, 09:30) *

Think 0% would be pretty nice

Yep, if I'm trying to speed clear all Hell arenas or something. In grindfest and IW though, I need all survivability I can get so more stun is better.
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post Dec 23 2013, 19:05
Post #9960

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(n125 @ Dec 22 2013, 00:17) *

What's this loot patch? I've seen it mentioned a few times...

Or is it just the re-implementation of some of the equipment types that have been removed (dragon hide, scythes, etc)?

Maybe some old weapons will come back, I remeber Tenb mentioned it somewhere.
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