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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Dec 13 2013, 05:06
Post #9921

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We need a permanent way of reducing burden/interference on weapons to zero. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/lurk.gif)
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post Dec 13 2013, 05:21
Post #9922

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QUOTE(mustardpie @ Dec 12 2013, 22:06) *

We need a permanent way of reducing burden/interference on weapons to zero. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/lurk.gif)

Get Ethereal ones (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post Dec 13 2013, 06:11
Post #9923

((´☻ω☻`) $◞౪◟$ (´☻ω☻`))
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QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Dec 13 2013, 10:21) *

Get Ethereal ones (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

it extremely hard to find mag+ ethereal estoc of slaughter with good stats (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post Dec 14 2013, 04:32
Post #9924

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Of the 3 weapon procs for 1h, 2h, and DW/Niten (Stun, PA, and Bleeds - not counting Ether Tap for this), Bleeds are by far the worst.

A 5 stack of bleed gives an additional ~2900 damage per tick for me while a 3 stack of PA gives about double damage per hit which at my gear levels, comes out to at around 6-7k damage more per hit. Thus, a 5 stack of bleeds effectively adds less damage than 3 stack of PA and bleeds don't even scale with attack speed (I'm pretty sure they only tick once per game "turn").

Bleeds also don't help reduce monster avoidance like Stun can, which arguably is probably even more of a damage increase than Bleed on PFUDOR. Bleeds also don't contribute anything to survival/utility like a Stun can by reducing monster damage output or giving a player the chance to safely focus a few rounds to regen some MP.

Suggestion: Make Bleed damage also scale/increase with PA stacks and increase the damage (double, triple?) that a bleed inflicts while a monster is stunned. This adds some synergy to Bleed effects for DW, 1h, and 2h aside from a minimal amount of damage and strengthens bleed's overall performance compared to Stun/PA.
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post Dec 15 2013, 20:29
Post #9925

A poor old monster trainer
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Is it possible to make a better search engine for WTS? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Currently, If I want find something like:

Magnificent (any prefix) Phase (any kind) of Surtr.

I can't search it directly, because I can only search parts of a consecutive sentences, like:

Phase Robes of Surtr; of surtr; Magnificent;

Maybe something like secondary search in results or 'XXX'+'XXX' will work.

Thanks~ (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Dec 15 2013, 21:50
Post #9926

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^ Also, make possible to search in only the first post of the thread... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Dec 16 2013, 02:12
Post #9927

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QUOTE(e-Stark @ Dec 15 2013, 19:50) *

^ Also, make possible to search in only the first post of the thread... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

or only the post openers posts on that thread since some divide up the story among many posts on the same topic
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post Dec 16 2013, 10:56
Post #9928

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Dec 15 2013, 18:12) *

or only the post openers posts on that thread since some divide up the story among many posts on the same topic

They can just edit their shops so it is all in the first post.
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post Dec 16 2013, 12:26
Post #9929

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QUOTE(Wraithtouch @ Dec 16 2013, 16:56) *

They can just edit their shops so it is all in the first post.

But there's something like FFFF character limit per post. Or maybe it's a line limit (if such a thing exists). I dunno.

So really big shops tend to split their posts.
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post Dec 16 2013, 12:42
Post #9930

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Point taken. Sorry, i forgot about that rule. You are right.
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post Dec 16 2013, 21:10
Post #9931

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People do these splits most for personal organization...

The actual characters limit per post is 102,400... do you still really think it's needed to split posts because of character limit?

Just for information... the approximate number of characters (combining all sequential posts made by openers) used by longest threads of the "1st" page of WTS section are:
av's shop = 93,000, Mantra's Shop = 76,000 and Wolfgirl's Free shop = 60,000 (that cover many other things alongside items/equipments)... all others don't use 30% of the limit...

So... "for the well-being of the community" they can: move all items/equips to the first post, or put the most important ones in the first post... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

However, the best option (based on skillchip suggestion) would be: Search in all sequential posts made by the openers... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Dec 17 2013, 05:19
Post #9932

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I'd like more arenas. They're probably one of the main reasons I play every day or at least try to.
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post Dec 17 2013, 09:10
Post #9933

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QUOTE(e-Stark @ Dec 17 2013, 03:10) *

The actual characters limit per post is 102,400... do you still really think it's needed to split posts because of character limit?

I just did a quick test of 70000 characters

Sorry, your post was too long, please reduce it


65530 previews post but 65531 doesn't... hmmmm

This post has been edited by Nerzzzzz: Dec 17 2013, 09:17
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post Dec 17 2013, 10:55
Post #9934

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QUOTE(fosaniinda @ Dec 17 2013, 10:19) *

I'd like more arenas. They're probably one of the main reasons I play every day or at least try to.

raise your level then
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post Dec 17 2013, 10:58
Post #9935

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QUOTE(Nerzzzzz @ Dec 17 2013, 05:10) *
I just did a quick test of 70000 characters
Sorry, your post was too long, please reduce it

65530 previews post but 65531 doesn't... hmmmm

That's weird... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)

...if you click in "Check Post Length" button, it clearly shows the message:
The maximum allowed length is 102400 characters. Current Characters: xxx

But you're right... the real limit is less than the 102400 characters... so, av's shop and Mantra's Shop doesn't fit in a single post... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

PS: if you put more than 102400 characters and try to preview... instead of redirecting to a error page it simple shows the message:
Post: The maximum allowed length is 102400 characters. So far, you have used xxxxxx characters.
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post Dec 18 2013, 06:14
Post #9936

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Tenboro: I think it is time to boost how much credits are gained from donating 100USD considering inflation in the recent past
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post Dec 18 2013, 06:24
Post #9937

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QUOTE(skillchip @ Dec 17 2013, 20:14) *

I think it is time to boost how much GP are gained from donating 100USD considering inflation in the recent past

Fixed; it's not credits that are going up...
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post Dec 18 2013, 07:12
Post #9938

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Also need GP from galleries awards.
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post Dec 20 2013, 03:21
Post #9939

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How long until we get this?
Attached Image
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post Dec 20 2013, 03:29
Post #9940

I hate monster-parry
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I suggest giving Bleeding Wounds a slightly lower DOT %, but allowing it to stack like 20 times. This would serve to align Bleeding Wounds with killing Schoolgirl + monsters, without making it better than Penetrating Armor for regular mobs due to the time it would take to stack up Bleeding Wound's DOT.


Stun functions both defensively, by preventing monster damage, and offensively, but preventing monster parry and evade.

Penetrated Armor doesn't have as much of a game play changing effect as Stun, but allows you to kill things very fast and also increases skill damage.

Bleeding Wounds is much worse than PA in all cases and also does not significantly change game play like Stun does (though you can still semi-AoE by stacking some bleed and then changing targets... I guess...).

By implementing this solution, each of the three weapon procs have their distinct place and function.

Stun changes game play and provides a more defensive option.

Penetrating Armor provides great killing speed for regular mobs and a boost to skill damage on effected targets.

Bleeding Wounds, if changed to have a lower DOT % with a much higher allowed number of stacks, would be great for taking down boss monsters without being as effective as PA on regular mobs due to the time it takes to stack its DOT.

Stun changes game play
PA is good for killing regular mobs
Bleed is good for killing boss monsters, but not as good as PA for killing regular mobs.

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

This post has been edited by happy.forum: Dec 20 2013, 03:38
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