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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Oct 16 2013, 16:06
Post #9561

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Oct 16 2013, 21:21) *

I'd rather get Charged or Frugal tbh...

But I'd settle for a peerless *any prefix* phase of heimdall.

Fuck it, I'll settle for a full set of peerless *any prefix* phase of heimdall (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I still waiting for my 1st leg phase drop (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

never have luck for it , maybe someday it will drop (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

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post Oct 16 2013, 16:17
Post #9562

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Oct 16 2013, 06:21) *

I'd rather get Charged or Frugal tbh...

But I'd settle for a peerless *any prefix* phase of heimdall.

Fuck it, I'll settle for a full set of peerless *any prefix* phase of heimdall (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Hmm, at first I settled on Radiant because I thought it would be cool to have a really high Magical Attack, but... I suppose Charged and Frugal might be more useful for deep Grindfests? I can't imagine any prefix being preferable over the others for Arenas because those are quite easy.

I'd be happy with any non-Mystic max legendary, really. I've only been lucky enough to get my hands on one... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post Oct 16 2013, 16:36
Post #9563

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QUOTE(n125 @ Oct 16 2013, 22:17) *

Hmm, at first I settled on Radiant because I thought it would be cool to have a really high Magical Attack, but... I suppose Charged and Frugal might be more useful for deep Grindfests? I can't imagine any prefix being preferable over the others for Arenas because those are quite easy.

I'd be happy with any non-Mystic max legendary, really. I've only been lucky enough to get my hands on one... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

well , you have good legendary SD in Gc auction last week , n125 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

it's very hard to get drop that usable for us (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Oct 16 2013, 18:49
Post #9564
Jeanne d'Arc

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what happen, if not anybody use this addon/script , do you even see the CODed Hath on attched item & equi this way in moogle mail?

QUOTE(Anomtai @ Oct 15 2013, 22:07) *

I made this mock up for the release notes but I don't think I have formally put it in here yet.
Attached Image

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post Oct 16 2013, 23:04
Post #9565

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QUOTE(Teresa of the Faint Smile @ Oct 16 2013, 16:49) *

what happen, if not anybody use this addon/script , do you even see the CODed Hath on attched item & equi this way in moogle mail?

It's not a userscript, it's an artist's conception of what the interface could look like.
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post Oct 16 2013, 23:26
Post #9566

Lolicon / Shotacon
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Is the Dovahkiin title intended to be a title almost no one uses? I mean, was it meant to be a niche alternative to Godslayer? Shouldn't the hardest to earn title actually be better than the second hardest? Well anyway, I guess my suggestion is to give us the 10% damage and 3% evade along with the Fus-Ro-Dah skill for Dovahkiin.
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post Oct 17 2013, 00:18
Post #9567
Jeanne d'Arc

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QUOTE(mechafujoshi @ Oct 16 2013, 23:04) *

It's not a userscript, it's an artist's conception of what the interface could look like.

ah okay (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)

QUOTE(T_Starrk @ Oct 16 2013, 23:26) *

Is the Dovahkiin title intended to be a title almost no one uses? I mean, was it meant to be a niche alternative to Godslayer? Shouldn't the hardest to earn title actually be better than the second hardest? Well anyway, I guess my suggestion is to give us the 10% damage and 3% evade along with the Fus-Ro-Dah skill for Dovahkiin.

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post Oct 17 2013, 00:56
Post #9568

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Dovahkiin should have different bonuses like attack speed and spell casting speed bonuses which would make for an interesting choice. Maybe critical % bonuses for attack and magic. As it stands, the title is useless (as in no one really uses it). Something so that people might actually use the title.
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post Oct 17 2013, 01:49
Post #9569

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Titles rework is in progress
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post Oct 17 2013, 02:32
Post #9570

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While I'm at it with requests that will never be fulfilled, I think Mages need a speed boost. Considering the insane cooldowns for cure, Imperil nerfing, mages need a little boost (or nerf light and heavy armor to be fair).
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post Oct 17 2013, 03:29
Post #9571

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QUOTE(T_Starrk @ Oct 17 2013, 04:26) *

Is the Dovahkiin title intended to be a title almost no one uses? I mean, was it meant to be a niche alternative to Godslayer? Shouldn't the hardest to earn title actually be better than the second hardest? Well anyway, I guess my suggestion is to give us the 10% damage and 3% evade along with the Fus-Ro-Dah skill for Dovahkiin.

Fus Ro Dah is really really OP, no joke (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Oct 17 2013, 08:58
Post #9572

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Oct 17 2013, 08:29) *

Fus Ro Dah is really really OP, no joke (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

really (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)

btw , how much rounds in your peerless cotton uno ??

same with leg ( 200 ) or higher (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)

just curious (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

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post Oct 17 2013, 10:45
Post #9573

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Oct 17 2013, 03:29) *

Fus Ro Dah is really really OP, no joke (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

I agreed with uno
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post Oct 17 2013, 16:22
Post #9574

Lolicon / Shotacon
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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Oct 16 2013, 17:29) *

Fus Ro Dah is really really OP, no joke (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

It's a great skill but if it was really that overpowered/useful then the majority of us would be using Dovahkiin most of the time instead of Godslayer. It would just make more sense if the titles continually built off each other instead of being a questionable trade-off.
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post Oct 17 2013, 16:38
Post #9575

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(T_Starrk @ Oct 17 2013, 14:22) *

It's a great skill but if it was really that overpowered/useful then the majority of us would be using Dovahkiin most of the time instead of Godslayer. It would just make more sense if the titles continually built off each other instead of being a questionable trade-off.

As for mages, it is hard to use it.

Maybe giving the title more funny function instead of +XX% state will be a good idea. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Oct 19 2013, 06:52
Post #9576

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QUOTE(nobody_xxx @ Oct 17 2013, 13:58) *

really (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)
btw , how much rounds in your peerless cotton uno ??

same with leg ( 200 ) or higher (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)
just curious (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

200 is max.
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post Oct 20 2013, 11:03
Post #9577

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Spark of Life needs to be reset to the way it was before a few patches ago. Leaving you with 1 HP is ridiculous. It should be at a more reasonable rate like 25% of max health (or 50% of base health).
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post Oct 20 2013, 12:02
Post #9578

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QUOTE(DYasha @ Oct 20 2013, 11:03) *

Spark of Life needs to be reset to the way it was before a few patches ago. Leaving you with 1 HP is ridiculous. It should be at a more reasonable rate like 25% of max health (or 50% of base health).

tend does not like the idea of brain afk grinding while spark triggers multiple times.
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post Oct 20 2013, 17:30
Post #9579

wa-ki ^^
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QUOTE(Ichy @ Oct 20 2013, 21:02) *

tend does not like the idea of brain afk grinding while spark triggers multiple times.

you just unintentionally insulted me (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

i go brain afk grinding ( watching anime spammin 1-0) while spark triggers multiple times (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

cuz apparently I dont look at HV while playing it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Oct 21 2013, 11:29
Post #9580

A poor old monster trainer
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QUOTE(DYasha @ Oct 20 2013, 09:03) *

Spark of Life needs to be reset to the way it was before a few patches ago. Leaving you with 1 HP is ridiculous. It should be at a more reasonable rate like 25% of max health (or 50% of base health).

Tenboro: OK, Spark of Life triggering will give you 2 HP now. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

I think maybe it should be change into triggering the Spark of Life will reset all your cure spell colddown .

That's enough for low-level player make good use of it.
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