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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Jan 2 2021, 20:09
Post #13901

The Sleeper
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As Basara say we melee players don't care that mage are faster, that is quite ok, the problem is that melee is "too slow", even at the high end of game.

Incrementing weapon damage will change this not in an insane way but surely in a good way.

And yes, is far better to do this and let the player play as they do now than to change skills and forxe to be always vigilant on how to use them to get the best (mage don't have to do so and just rotate the available spells in a simple "countdown permitting" way, if you force a mage to constantly chose the right time and spell to use you make just people more frustrated).

Being attentive is something that can be done for little time, if you ask player to be always attentive for, like, an hour to finish Dringdfest the result will be... extremely stressing.

I thin the best way to give some sprint at player, expecially at endgame, is to find the most fastest and simple way, possibly without messing the playstyle that someone have passed years to build.
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post Jan 2 2021, 20:54
Post #13902

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I understand your points; HV is more-or-less an idle clicker game you can do while watching something on the side, chatting with people online, etcetera. But I don't think that conflicts with what I said at all; I think you've just chosen to interpret it that way. In fact the vast majority of suggestions I would make personally are angled towards gameplay that allows choices, but is still fully playable with minimal attention; particularly things such as raising the 1H counters per turn cap (perhaps removing it altogether, and removing the stun). These are the kind of changes I would suggest looking for - behavioural changes that allow each fighting style greater access to area damage without everything becoming a mage-like 5/7/10-width damage pattern.

I don't believe melee needs to be as fast as mage either, but I also do not think one-shot gameplay is ever going to happen from a design perspective, and you are better off attacking from different angles rather than just increasing damage blindly.

This post has been edited by Nezu: Jan 2 2021, 20:54
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post Jan 2 2021, 21:56
Post #13903

The Sleeper
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If you want to remove cap for Counter per turn i'm all on it.

Removing Stun i don't know what will do, sone players like me use it to use Vital Strike on Boss Monsters... i don't know how much will fasten the gameplay but maybe.

Anyway i think this will lead to a really minimal increase of speed, i think the top level mage are 200% faster or more compared to 1H top (like 30 minutes for 1H is 10 minutes for mages) so i hope to halve the times for 1H.

(I'm saying 1H because is the style i play and know, but intend for all Melee).
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post Jan 2 2021, 22:56
Post #13904

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QUOTE(Maharid @ Jan 2 2021, 19:56) *

If you want to remove cap for Counter per turn i'm all on it.

Removing Stun i don't know what will do, sone players like me use it to use Vital Strike on Boss Monsters... i don't know how much will fasten the gameplay but maybe.

Anyway i think this will lead to a really minimal increase of speed, i think the top level mage are 200% faster or more compared to 1H top (like 30 minutes for 1H is 10 minutes for mages) so i hope to halve the times for 1H.

(I'm saying 1H because is the style i play and know, but intend for all Melee).

Yeah, it's awkward to remove counter stun because of that. It's possible that counters could have a limited number of stuns per turn (and do damage-only counters to others), but that just makes the mechanic weird and inconsistent. I'd rather see an alternative like the weapon skills having widened targeting, like shield bash hitting 1+rounddown(max(4 * prof/level, 4)) enemies or something. Bas Nekki is right that a big patch risks huge unpredictable imbalances, but I think the vast majority of that can be predicted to some extent if being careful, and the changes melee need can't really come in smaller steps without compromising and doing small things that don't really resolve the problem at all - just masking it and making the gameplay shittier overall.
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post Jan 9 2021, 19:34
Post #13905
Basara Nekki

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I request the closing of this topic. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)

What is the purpose of this section if none of what has been suggested here over time is accepted by the administrator? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)
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post Jan 9 2021, 23:16
Post #13906

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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Jan 9 2021, 17:34) *

I request the closing of this topic. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)

What is the purpose of this section if none of what has been suggested here over time is accepted by the administrator? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)

Well, I think closing actually is a good idea, this topic's a bit of a monolith at this point and a ton of it doesn't reflect the current state of the game at all. For what it's worth, I've been squirrelling away the really insightful posts in an internal feedback thread so they're more likely to get seen.
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