[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
May 21 2020, 16:35
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new hat perk that add a bonus of x2, x3 x4, x5 gain credit if you have at least 80 of stamina ?
May 21 2020, 16:59
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Ahmad Fauzan Muzakki @ May 21 2020, 16:35)  new hat perk that add a bonus of x2, x3 x4, x5 gain credit if you have at least 80 of stamina ?
It would be like the crystals perks, you would go from getting 0.000001% of what you need each time to 0.000005%, [sarcastic]woohoo[/sarcastic]
May 21 2020, 18:58
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just add shrining of BTC for peerless
May 25 2020, 03:30
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QUOTE(Basara Nekki)  Technically, what you want is the introduction of a "cooldown time for resuscitation". (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I don't think mages will like this idea (especially heavygrinders). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) I've never played mage so I don't know if (powerful) high-level mages actually die. I guess if they die regularly, then everyone should be making monster species that are designed to kill mage (maybe that is why there are so many giants and not as many celestials which 1H fears). I don't know enough to feel any need to balance mage and melee, I was just going with the flow of previous others who want this. It's probably fine as is. I was also thinking about the issue of 1H players thinking they are invincible tanks (probably they are) and going for all offense builds and not caring the least about their defense. If 1H player gets sent to the moon when he dies then maybe he will use haste, haha! Then again, this aspect of 1H to not need defense, to aim for high burden etc, are all unique. So we should leave it as it is. I know, then we should make it so that only 1H players get sent to the moon when they die! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) Mages will lose all their mana potions when die! Then frugal could be more appreciated. Changing actual game mechanics would probably be a better solution to any (perceived) imbalances or unfairness. But I was just providing an idea of a type of change that would not need to change game mechanics. Rather, it just provides scary penalty enough to change the way people approach the game, haha. I just thought of an even worse penalty, when high level players die an equipment might break and be gone forever! (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif) No wait, a funnier balance is to just make high level 1H players cannot use Spark of Life anymore. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
May 31 2020, 07:57
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At Potency Tier 10, staves with ethereal prefix get a random Elemental Soul, instead of Elemental Strike. - Elemental Soul gives an additional edb or proficiency. - The amount of bonus is based on the base pxp (pxp0).
May 31 2020, 10:07
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sssss2 @ May 31 2020, 06:57)  At Potency Tier 10, staves with ethereal prefix get a random Elemental Soul, instead of Elemental Strike. - Elemental Soul gives an additional edb or proficiency. - The amount of bonus is based on the base pxp (pxp0).
In favour of this one. Getting the right potencies AND the right soul would be ridiculously difficult.
Jun 5 2020, 23:04
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Wish they would increase the difficulty of the Ring of Blood Did this in like ten minutes. I thought PFUDOR was a hard mode? Maybe they should make a Blood Arena where you can go a few rounds with Bosses, Legendarys and Ultimates
Jun 7 2020, 11:47
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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One thing I'd like to see: Amnesia Shards being consumed as X per reforge, whatever the amount of potencies are on the equipment, instead of 1 per potency. To balance this, everyone's stocks should be adjusted, same goes for the probability to drop an Amnesia Shard.
Why this? Because as things currently are, we are forced to play at Hell then Nintendo difficulty to optimize the usage of shards when we work on a Soulfused item. Likewise, on non-Soulfused, we have to play IWBTH once before proceeding to PFUDOR. In other words, IWing a Soulfused equipment is more punishing than anything else, for no reason: we're basically playing at difficulties that are even more wasteful than necessary, only because not doing so would make us waste even more shards than needed as we don't get th desired potencies.
We should just be able to play PFUDOR all the way until we need to reforge, period. And working on a Soulfused equipment should actually help us getting the IW done faster, instead of forcing us to play lower difficulties to avoid wasting more shards than needed because we don't get the desired potencies.
Therefore, make the amount of shards spent to reforge a static value, independant on the amount of potencies unlocked. Please, please, PLEASE.
Jul 23 2020, 10:52
 Group: Recruits
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Why don't Katana have draining or Battlecaster suffixes? The current selection of only Balance and Slaughter is a bit dull. Draining suffixes are also missing from Wakizashi. I wanna play my Maho Shoujo Samurai or a Vampire Ninja.
So, could we see more suffixes for Katana?
Jul 31 2020, 15:03
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Minor QoL request: can we have monster IDs available somewhere in the monster lab?
This would allow script writers to submit scans to the monster database directly from the lab, meaning players could submit all their monsters regardless of whether they're seen in battle by someone who cares (especially problematic for monsters between 25 and 1000ish) and also we could remove deleted IDs from the database if they no longer exist in the monster lab due to player or system deletion.
edit 1: also, another thing would be if scans could show the trainer's user ID besides just their name. This would help the mondb handle username changes
This post has been edited by lestion: Aug 5 2020, 19:20
Aug 15 2020, 18:23
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(lestion @ Jul 31 2020, 15:03)  Minor QoL request: can we have monster IDs available somewhere in the monster lab?
This would allow script writers to submit scans to the monster database directly from the lab, meaning players could submit all their monsters regardless of whether they're seen in battle by someone who cares (especially problematic for monsters between 25 and 1000ish) and also we could remove deleted IDs from the database if they no longer exist in the monster lab due to player or system deletion.
edit 1: also, another thing would be if scans could show the trainer's user ID besides just their name. This would help the mondb handle username changes
I second this
Aug 21 2020, 02:18
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QUOTE We should just be able to play PFUDOR all the way until we need to reforge. Therefore, make the amount of shards spent to reforge a static value, independent on the amount of potencies unlocked. I agree with this for all the reasons decondelite stated. Also, medium level players are even more punished for the current system because they must play at lower difficulties which wastes their chances to get decent equipment drops while still at a lower level. All this encourages players to send their equipment to higher level players for cheap item world service, when lower level players ought to be rewarded for doing item world on their own. However, there might be a better alternative to decondelite's suggested solution. It may have slight undesirable drawbacks, such as hampering the ability for really poor, low level players to use just a few amnesia shards to get a decent item world. Any solution that allows playing PFUDOR all the way in item world would be good. Separate request: I want some items that are soulfused into other players' bodies. This is probably not a good idea, but perhaps an ability to purchase soulfused items from other players at a great cost. For example, perhaps paying a fee to the system that increases the cost of the item to 2x~5x what the selling player gets.
Sep 4 2020, 01:07
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Hi. I'd like to request the following: get rid of the unique monster name limitation. That limitation is an absolute torture for everyone as well as an increasingly major issue of the monster lab.
As of today, there is a large amount of desired names that are held up by inactive players who got the idea to upgrade them above PL1000 before vanishing for an indefinite amount of time, or who log in once every 4 blue moons and restore everyone right before they get deleted. We also have an incredible majority of garbage names, be it facerolled names because one can't be arsed to name his monsters properly, bootleg placeholders because someone else also has taken the name of the waifu they want, or simply gibberish generated by a randomizer because there's absolutely nothing available.
Why do we even have unique monster names in the first place? This serves absolutely no useful purpose, aside from inducing bitterness by everyone. Not mistaking a monster for another? That can be achieved another way: display their class, their trainer, their PL level, or God knows what else. Up to you to decide how to do that, just color us impressed! Regarding that matter, I'd only like to mention this: nobody even pays attention to the monsters anyway, they're all just sandbags meant to die while tickling us. We only ever scan them to fill our database and build stats.
If the unique monster rule gets lifted, I can already foresee the issues that would arise, like an entire lab of 200 identical names, or many players having the same monster name. Simple: prevent a given name from appearing more than once every 10 rounds, instead of a given monster. That way, it still encourages everyone to use original names without preventing one to just name their monsters how he wants.
I'll be frank: I'm requesting this because I can't stand anymore the idea that I have dozens and dozens of bootleg placeholder names waiting for me to snatch away the real deal (and heck do I spam rename attempts for that purpose), and at the same time many other players having bootleg names of my own monsters (we can see a fair number of them at a very high PL right now). I can't stand the idea either of being unable to get my hands on a few dozen names since literally years and years, and being unable to complete any collection due to a funny guy who got the brilliant idea to take one name of a series. Do you know what's funny? It's the same for countless other players who have the exact same issues!
I'll finish with another positive thing with removing that limitation: there won't be any need anymore to unname starving monsters either, whatever their PL. There are also players who go inactive for whatever reason, and then when they come back their monsters have been unnamed, only to discover that the name has been taken by someone else and there is no hope to get it back.
TL;DR Just let us have whoever waifu/toy/funny guy we want, PLEASE. That limitation annoys everyone.
This post has been edited by decondelite: Sep 4 2020, 01:08
Sep 8 2020, 01:00
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CODE 201267 Black Magician Girl BlueWaterSplash Undead 457 Slashing 2020-06-09 198615 Dank Magician Girl jantch Daimon 40 Piercing 2019-08-07 162225 Chocolate Magician Girl yami_zetsu Humanoid 56 Crushing 2017-12-16 162224 Apple Magician Girl yami_zetsu Humanoid 453 Piercing 2020-06-09 161099 Lemon Magician Girl yami_zetsu Humanoid 56 Crushing 2018-05-16 161098 Berry Magician Girl yami_zetsu Humanoid 454 Slashing 2020-06-04 133324 Dark Magician Girl Godde?? Daimon 1506 Piercing 2020-08-09 38689 Black Magician Girl eleeinos Humanoid 684 Piercing 2019-08-13 But then we'd never get to see creative names like Dank Magician Girl... I want to fight Dark Magician Girl, I hope their owner increases their PL. If the trainer is still active, maybe you can bribe him to give you the name with credits.
Sep 8 2020, 04:07
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Sep 7 2020, 20:00)  CODE 201267 Black Magician Girl BlueWaterSplash Undead 457 Slashing 2020-06-09 38689 Black Magician Girl eleeinos Humanoid 684 Piercing 2019-08-13 What!? Does your monster have the same name as another? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)
Sep 8 2020, 05:22
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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Sep 8 2020, 03:07)  What!? Does your monster have the same name as another? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif) The monster database doesn't clean up duplicate names; most likely that one was changed or died off. Since they're changeable, they're technically not unique keys, so there's no way to know which of the two happened - and therefore, the information can't be purged (because it's still identifiable by ID).
Sep 8 2020, 11:55
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I'd like to request a few changes regarding the consumables please. Overall, they lack some "punch" that would make them more useful in combat, if not a necessirty for harder challenges/playstyles. Let me expand.
Right now, scrolls are fine (though we'd welcome the promized 75% speed of Scroll of Swiftness), infusions would need to give a multiplicative boost (instead of additive EDB, which sucks), but the worst comes with all the restoratives. Right now, we keep stockpiling the draughts even if we use them 100% of the combat time. Elixirs are only ever used as a last resort when the potions are on cooldown, and the last elixir is only ever used when both option+elixir are on cooldown. That's complete bullshit: the draughts have barely any noticeable effect, the potins are fine, and the elixir's effects should be a super strong power up rather than the lat resort you use once every blue moon.
Regarding these restoratives, I'd like to suggest the following: -Draughts should be twice stronger, but their drop rate should be divided by two (their shop price multiplied by two as well, I guess) => We'd be able to use more of them, and possibly dry our stocks -Potions are fine -Elixirs should have a restorating buff independant from the draughts -Elixirs lasting 100 turns is fine, but they could trade a bit of their initial output (100% base instead of 100% full bar) for a stronger buff (equal to the new draught's is fine) -Last Elixirs should also have independant buffs from the other elixirs
I know that combining three independant restorating buffs may sound like overpowered, but... so what? The game is becoming ever harder, and we're trapped in infinite healing/potion loops in Grindfest, to the point of being overly ridiculous and annoying. If that OPness allows one to avoid that tedious healing/potion loop at the expense of a considerable amount of credits, then it's perfectly fine. If that OPness allows modest players to tackle harder challenges, if it allows some playstyles to be more viable, then it's not a bad thing either. Further than that, there would be a lot of trading around those consumables: those who play the harder way make a revenue by selling their elixirs, those who want easier and faster gameplay buy them. It'd also make Last Elixirs an actual valuable drop from the Precursor Artifacts as well as the actual ultimate restorative it's probably meant to be.
TL;DR We need restoratives to provide stronger buffs that can combine with each other, which would make the game much mre enjoyable. Infusions need to fit the EDB system a better way
PS: Completely unrelated, it'd be great if Katalox and Redwood had higher MDB than Oak/Willow instead of higher EDB. The higher EDB gets diluted in all the EDB we get with the Phase armor we wear, and in the end both those staff types currently utterly suck due to not having any Counter-Resist while making next to no noticeable difference in damage output. Or maybe we should have both higher MDB and EDB, at that point, since they won't be able to be as consistent os Oak/Willow anyway...
This post has been edited by decondelite: Sep 8 2020, 13:53
Nov 23 2020, 02:28
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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1) Meele Update
We really need an update on all Melee Fighting Styles, i'm not really godd because i play little and don't do reaserch but there are a lot of players that know the system a lot that can make useful suggestions, i think we need a topic on that purpuse, find an update liked by most and push it to 10B.
Some ideas:
- Perks for all the missing proficienc apart magic ones (cost 1000 Hath each) - A new Title equal to Godslayer but with Parry or Block in place of Evasion so the player can chose between them - A little upgrade in the weapon damage output (equal to all weapon, somtehing around 10-15% base damage). - A 0.02-4% Bonus * Level n Proficiency Gain (total 10-20% Prof Gain at Level 500)
Those are just my base base idea that can be used or scrapped.
2) New Battle Modes.
1) Realm Of Blood
- Cost: 30 Blood Tokens (All round cost 28 normally).
- You will face all the round of Ring of Blood one after the other until you win or die.
- Difficulty increase by 15% each round and 10% the last for a total 100% difficulty increase for TT&T.
- Increased drop chance and quality drop chance for each round.
- Final bonus if you complete everything: 5000c + 1 Extra Random Tokens + 1 Artifact + 1 Extra Equipment at least Magnificent (increased chance for a Legendary).
2) The Long Way Home
Cost: 1 Stamina (Payed in advence like in Grindfest)
Once each day you can activate this mode and face all remaining round of RE one after another.
- Difficulty increase 5% each round counting the first too (max 120%).
- If you start this in the range of time 29 minutes before and after the "Dawn" it get an increas of difficulty of 30% (Max 150%).
- Each round have an increased chance of getting more monster having always 10 from round 13.
- Each round increase the possibility to encounter a boss.
- Increased drop and quality roll based on the round difficulty factor.
- No extra finishing drop, the point is to have the chance to always finish the daily RE, the difficulty increase already give a good extra.
3) decondelite have good ideas.
This post has been edited by Maharid: Nov 23 2020, 02:29
Nov 24 2020, 01:14
  Group: Members
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ok guys, i think we need an auction like world of warcraft. some suggestions?
Nov 24 2020, 06:39
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Maharid @ Nov 23 2020, 00:28)  1) Meele Update
We really need an update on all Melee Fighting Styles, i'm not really godd because i play little and don't do reaserch but there are a lot of players that know the system a lot that can make useful suggestions, i think we need a topic on that purpuse, find an update liked by most and push it to 10B.
A while back I and the mod team presented a list of HV's major systemic issues to Tenboro, as the things we think need the most urgent attention for its longevity, and melee balance was one of the five items. He is aware of it. Specific suggestions on fixing melee should avoid simply tweaking stats or giving new bonuses; part of the problem is that melee can't be buffed too much without devolving into simply 1 click = 1 kill (at which point it'd still be slower than mage) - part of the problem with melee is that the damage delivery system isn't wide-spread like mages. I've made a few suggestions on what can be enhanced right now regarding that without completely dumbing down the gameplay. QUOTE(anarkofat @ Nov 23 2020, 23:14)  ok guys, i think we need an auction like world of warcraft. some suggestions?
https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Never_To_Be_Added#EquipmentQUOTE Never To Be Added ... - An equipment auction house Specifically that comes from this post earlier in this thread: QUOTE(Tenboro @ Feb 9 2016, 22:42)  Equipment auction houses are [ us.battle.net] detrimental more than anything else, so that's unlikely to ever happen. As for items, it would almost certainly not be done in a WoW/Diablo 3 style. There are far better ways to trade commodity items. I asked Tenboro about this when I was making HVMarket and he said: QUOTE It's more along the lines of "I'm not going to spend time making something like that", and the answer was specifically about equipment and not items, but I have no objections about third party systems that help organize trading. At least assuming that it doesn't actively encourage trading real money for in-game items. It's possible we could have an automated auction house but there are some limitations. I decided not to do this for HVMarket because of the equipment storage limit. It couldn't be truly automated because it'd have to trust people not to withdraw their items, or constantly check its MMs to make sure they were still there. Alternately, it could accept the equips then mail them to a dummy account and leave them floating in the MM forever like Superlatanium does for his auctions, but evading game mechanics like that is unethical, and while it's not really a problem when Super does it for some 50-100 equipments, making an automated system that could do it for thousands probably should (and possibly would) lead to a ban. This post has been edited by lestion: Nov 24 2020, 06:44
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