[Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has... |
Nov 18 2019, 06:54
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QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 18 2019, 00:34)  Can we have a level cap higher than 500 and higher difficulties already? Please (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) As more people reach 500, there'll be more reason to implement something like that. I think more arena's up to lvl500 should come before that though. More difficulty would be cool though. This post has been edited by Ubershank: Nov 18 2019, 06:54
Nov 23 2019, 06:23
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Nov 18 2019, 05:46)  Err... no!? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) It's hard to reach 500, imagine how long it would take to go beyond, for example, up to 1000. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) What does it change for you? It's just more game to play. And also everyone at lv 500 will be happy to start getting proficiencies from dawn again. This post has been edited by Juggernaut Santa: Nov 23 2019, 06:24
Nov 23 2019, 17:27
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 23 2019, 04:23)  What does it change for you?
It's just more game to play. And also everyone at lv 500 will be happy to start getting proficiencies from dawn again.
Oh my god, no we won't, every level gained means 2 levels of prof required to maintain proficiency factor (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Nov 23 2019, 18:15
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 23 2019, 01:23)  What does it change for you?
Did you not understand what I wrote? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif) How much experience would be required to go from 500 to 1000? Certainly an absurdly gigantic value. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif) That way I could never reach the maximum level even with the help of dawn exp. The only way would be for me to buy Gold Star successively (just one wouldn't be enough). And I don't want to be playing just for that. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 23 2019, 01:23)  And also everyone at lv 500 will be happy to start getting proficiencies from dawn again.
This would be good only for those who have not yet reached level 500. Imagine those who have been level 500 for a long time. How much experience did they stop earning all this time? Or would the system be retroactive and would they gain the whole experience for every dawn since the day they reached level 500? QUOTE(lestion @ Nov 23 2019, 12:27)  Oh my god, no we won't, every level gained means 2 levels of prof required to maintain proficiency factor (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Would that be the end of the non-imperil style? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif) Or would something worse happen? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
Nov 23 2019, 22:33
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(lestion @ Nov 23 2019, 16:27)  Oh my god, no we won't, every level gained means 2 levels of prof required to maintain proficiency factor (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Not my concern. QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Nov 23 2019, 17:15)  How much experience would be required to go from 500 to 1000? Certainly an absurdly gigantic value. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif) That way I could never reach the maximum level even with the help of dawn exp. The only way would be for me to buy Gold Star successively (just one wouldn't be enough). And I don't want to be playing just for that. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Does it really matter? It's just more game to play. Nobody forces you to rush leveling. There will be people who will, and people who won't. But at least the game won't be stale once you reach lv 500. Game is too easy and keeping "buffing" mages and ignoring melees like 10b did for the last years is not the answer. Increasing the levels and adding difficulties higher will extend and prolong the gameplay. More RoB and Arenas can be added too.
Nov 24 2019, 02:14
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 23 2019, 17:33)  Does it really matter? It's just more game to play. Nobody forces you to rush leveling.
There will be people who will, and people who won't.
But at least the game won't be stale once you reach lv 500.
It matters to me. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) One of my goals, as well as many other players here, is someday to reach the maximum level. If the maximum level goes up, this goal will get farther away. And if we follow its logic, as soon as many reach the new high (eg 1000), new levels must be created (1500 or 2000) and so on, making this goal increasingly impossible to achieve. I don't think adding more levels necessarily means more game to play. It would just be more of the same (only with larger numbers (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) ). QUOTE(Juggernaut Santa @ Nov 23 2019, 17:33)  Game is too easy and keeping "buffing" mages and ignoring melees like 10b did for the last years is not the answer.
Increasing the levels and adding difficulties higher will extend and prolong the gameplay. More RoB and Arenas can be added too.
Except for the red part (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) , I agree on everything else. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
Jan 12 2020, 15:44
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I suggest that Scan show the recent monster's elemental resistance. i was fighting lv26 Slithering Pleasure with 0 Wind resistance, hit it with Freeze. The side effect happen and it said it reduce Wind resistance but after I scan it the 2nd time nothing change.
Jan 12 2020, 20:05
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QUOTE(Hyoros @ Jan 12 2020, 14:44)  I suggest that Scan show the recent monster's elemental resistance. i was fighting lv26 Slithering Pleasure with 0 Wind resistance, hit it with Freeze. The side effect happen and it said it reduce Wind resistance but after I scan it the 2nd time nothing change.
Scan actually does that, it shows the actual monster stats. So, if you first imperil, you see the reduced defense stats. Most stats can't go below 0 though.
Jan 22 2020, 11:34
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Pony Whistle Use Skill, jus like OFC, can be used in battles effect Summons a pony riddle. Does not influence the random appearance of riddles in any kind, just adds more riddles Cooldown 50 turns how to get it Collect all pony figurines, one of every kind available Why this is such a great idea - It's what the OFC is for melee, but then useful for mage - You can effectively play with riddlemasters blessing always on, if you have the perk Nerf the perk RiddleMaster perk 1: extend to 30 turns RiddleMaster perk 2: extend to 40 turns RiddleMaster perk 3: extend to 50 turns (always on possible) Let's say 5000, 10000, 20000 hath?
Fun idea: when you answer incorrectly, you lose stamina but also a pony figurine - if you do that too often, you will automatically lose your whistle!
This post has been edited by DJNoni: Jan 22 2020, 11:52
Jan 23 2020, 21:29
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Please God of HV, can we have: -more Crystarium / Tokenizer perk levels -maximum delay between two gifts decreasing with monster PL -paying the upgrades directly with credits, instead of buying catalysts
We are horribly lacking materials and bindings on the market, and it's just plain impossible to self-sustain even with a big lab like mine. There needs to be a bit more incentive to upgrade the monsters as well.
This post has been edited by decondelite: Jan 23 2020, 21:29
Feb 13 2020, 22:35
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QUOTE(Ubershank @ Nov 18 2019, 04:54)  I think more arena's up to lvl500 should come before that though.
Ignore the me of the past who said this. Making the current arena's more interesting would be better, right now they are boring as anything. Just did them all from end to end (I usually just do last few SG arena's), and almost fell asleep on them. Without bosses to keep them interesting, it's a very uneventful experience. Having a chance of random bosses appearing, say every 5 rounds, with the chance increasing every 5 rounds too but starting from 0 (and resetting back to 0 every time one appears), with the bosses that could appear being of a list that you are already able to encounter at your level (So you won't encounter fsm at lvl1), weighted to easier bosses (thus cheaper rewards, and mitigating rng throwing fsm's at you repeatedly), would make arena's much more interesting, in my opinion.
Mar 4 2020, 00:37
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(Ubershank @ Feb 13 2020, 21:35)  Ignore the me of the past who said this. Making the current arena's more interesting would be better, right now they are boring as anything. Just did them all from end to end (I usually just do last few SG arena's), and almost fell asleep on them. Without bosses to keep them interesting, it's a very uneventful experience.
Having a chance of random bosses appearing, say every 5 rounds, with the chance increasing every 5 rounds too but starting from 0 (and resetting back to 0 every time one appears), with the bosses that could appear being of a list that you are already able to encounter at your level (So you won't encounter fsm at lvl1), weighted to easier bosses (thus cheaper rewards, and mitigating rng throwing fsm's at you repeatedly), would make arena's much more interesting, in my opinion.
More arenas is still a good idea. They stop at slightly more than half the level they should be. We could add more battle modes. The one with bosses you suggested could be a battle mode alone by itself. Like a dungeon boss-rush, where every round has a chance to spawn bosses, even more than one, with higher chance with each round, reaching 100% at the last round. Even a 100 rounds arena like that would be crazy...the last rounds could be like doing TT&T every round (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) The trophy market would fall...maybe. But with the multi shrining/combined shrining Tenboro plans to make, it could be good. Increasing the amount of base trophies can make sense if the new shrining requires huge amounts of them to do a single high tier shrine. ...or just put a very low chance of trophy drop from that mode, so people will only use it for the thrill, and the exp, more than the drops. But why not both. This post has been edited by Juggernaut Santa: Mar 4 2020, 00:39
Apr 24 2020, 16:35
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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A little rebalancing.
I think this is really needed to make NOT-mage play in a way a little more fun\less stressful.
I'll ask for pwople to give some idea but bear in mind that it must be only to make the game a little better for non-mage players and NOT to pair the non-mage player with mages because it will be no fair to players that spent a lot buying and maximizing mage play.
And pelase, talk ONLY about Fighting Styles you know directly.
Oh, some little tweaks for Mage Survivability will be appreciated, it is the main issue for mage with already excel in speed and easyness due to high damage multi-target spells.
---All Fighting Styles---
- Add a Perk that grant +50 Overcharge at the cost of 1000 Hath.
This will be a bit like the Proficiency Perks, it will grant a little more freedom in Spirit Stance in general, Skill Usage and a little more freedom in the use of OFC.
Bonus -Add a tenth level of IW (When you reach level 10 you get a bonus AND Elemenal Strike\Hollowforged)... just cause i dislike 5-4. (It will be retroactive, all maxed weapon will get a leven in a random free slot that they already have so 5-4 become 5-5 and 5-3-2 can get 1 in 3 and 2)... level 9 need to gamble).
---1 Hand---
- Increase Overwhelming Strikes Proc Chance Cap to 35% - Increase the max number of Counter-Attack to 4 at 400-500 Proficiency.
One or both, it probably need some test.
Bonus - Add Savage Prefix to Force Shield - Add Balance Suffix to Force Shield
At least one, both is better... or some other special prefix\suffix like all other non-weapon equipment.
---Dual Wield---
- Change Offhand's ADB Reduction from 20% to 10% - Reduce the Offhand Elemental Strike Damage Penalty from 50% to 25%
One or both, it probably need some test.
All that will not change too much the actual gameplay but will rend more easy to play Melee giving all Styles an actual boost in their area of competence.
Let this will be start of a little discussion, if we end up with something decent 10 maybe listen to us.
This post has been edited by Maharid: Apr 24 2020, 16:35
May 4 2020, 11:05
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Can we have a small change to the Mithril prefix please? It'd be great if it could reduce the Burden by either 20% (actually more than that would be good, frankly), or a fixed amount of Burden, whichever is greater? It'd allow that prefix to be a bit more useful on shields and plate/power armor alike.
May 6 2020, 09:52
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I disagree with these suggestions from Maharid, sorry. If he wants to make melee styles stronger that's fine, but these particular ways will have undesirable consequences. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Add an extra potency to weapons, that's not fair to armor/shields. Also it will be so hard to get a perfect IW, especially on ethereal weapons. Increasing Overwhelming Strikes proc chance or the number of counter attacks may worsen Haste usage. I think keeping Haste decently useful with 1H is actually a secret reason why both these limitations were imposed in the first place. If anything, the damage granted by Overwhelming Strikes could be increased, as most tests so far show that Haste usage still hurts 1H very slightly, in most scenarios. If you add offensive prefix/suffixes to Force Shield that would discourage players from using bucklers or kite shields, which are already seen as inferior to begin with. Shields have variable 3PAB which is sort of their version of hunting for a better prefix/suffix. Offhand ADB 20% reduction is necessary to make sure Butcher and Slaughter prefixes are deservedly nerfed in the offhand, 10% is too little. I still use Butcher and Slaughter in my DW offhand as it is. I think the offhand elemental strike damage penalty should be the same as the mainhand, to keep it balanced. There are other ways to boost melee styles, if that's what you are going for. Nerfing mage would also work. But the system may be fine as is. Just play mage and rename all your stuff to Rapier and Power Armor. Personally, I think the way 1H plays is like how I imagine a DW person to fight, and the way a DW plays is like how I imagine a 1H person to fight. This is one reason I still use 1H and I just renamed my buckler into a Rapier. But if I use a Force Shield, I don't think it can be renamed into a Rapier because it has too much interference....
May 11 2020, 06:37
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Has there been any updates about an app or mobile adaption for this game?
May 11 2020, 17:25
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(SyPhy @ May 11 2020, 06:37)  Has there been any updates about an app or mobile adaption for this game?
There is no app, and probably will never be one. There is a mobile adaption, that works pretty good actually. How that works is: - you install firefox on your mobile device - you install the add-on Tampermonkey - you get the script (see pinned thread in this section) called 'Monsterbation' - in the settings part of the script, you turn on the monster bar, and you fiddle with a couple of settings to match your playstyle - in install monsterbation in Tampermonkey on your mobile And bob's your uncle.
May 16 2020, 02:08
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I thought of a new way to balance out mage and also make defense more valuable, even for 1H players. Without needing to change the fundamental game mechanics. Make it so that if a high level player dies then he is sent to the moon! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)That's probably too harsh, so instead he could be stuck at 0 stamina for a month or something, while he recovers his dead body.
May 16 2020, 03:22
Basara Nekki
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ May 15 2020, 21:08)  I thought of a new way to balance out mage and also make defense more valuable, even for 1H players. Without needing to change the fundamental game mechanics. Make it so that if a high level player dies then he is sent to the moon! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)That's probably too harsh, so instead he could be stuck at 0 stamina for a month or something, while he recovers his dead body. Technically, what you want is the introduction of a "cooldown time for resuscitation". (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I don't think mages will like this idea (especially heavygrinders). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
May 16 2020, 18:23
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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ May 16 2020, 01:08)  I thought of a new way to balance out mage and also make defense more valuable, even for 1H players. Without needing to change the fundamental game mechanics. Make it so that if a high level player dies then he is sent to the moon! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif)That's probably too harsh, so instead he could be stuck at 0 stamina for a month or something, while he recovers his dead body. I (hopefully) know this is a joke, but the problem here: this doesn't make 1H any more fun to play, it just makes mage more frustrating. And as anyone who has played a decently forged high-level mage build knows, mage feels like the way HV is meant to be played. Even at mage speeds it's masochistically unrewarding. Plus it completely fucks over the other melee styles, especially 2H, who suffer from lack of survival from weapon while still playing at (poorer than 1H, as far as I know) melee speed. All that would happen is everyone would be forced to go 1H, endgame grinders would quit en-masse, and we'd suddenly have exactly the same status quo with everyone playing 1 build - except now the optimal gear is rarer (savage slaughters are significantly rarer than charged/radiant of x, especially considering there are 6 viable mage elements) and everyone is slow and miserable. A better solution would be to completely remove melee, light and heavy armors, and just have everyone play mage. (Sarcasm, but that would genuinely be a better play experience than what you suggested... lol)
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