As much as I'd love to fight my own monsters too, unfortunately such a thing would be pretty pointless, since the monsters win only 0.001% of the time.
I wonder if it's possible to disable ponychart from the game. It randomly appears while fighting. TBH its quite annoying. Would be nice if there could be an on/off switch for that. The penality system, could that be changed to something else or something? Much appreciated if this could be looked at.
This post has been edited by Striferuka: Feb 1 2019, 17:07
- Parry have no stat-based counter unlike evade (accuracy) and resist (proficiency). Only 1H have a buff for counter-parrying, and getting parried a few times in a row (which isn't uncommon) can get you on a bad spot really fast.
- Overcharge and cooldowns means it's better to artificially stall a round. It's better to fight extra-tanky monster, stun them, and get overcharge before the stun runs out. It's harmful to kill the monsters quickly if you managed to 'stagger' them, which is both counter-intuitive and bad design. Suggestion:
+ Give a small amount of overcharge on kill (~5-10) and on crit (~+50%). This is compensated by lowering the OC on-hit (3 - 8) + Finishing a round gives a small amount of CD reduction (~5 - enough to reset most short CD skills), and possibly minor stat regen (HP/SP/OC/MP/etc).
If it showed up at predicable/controlled intervals it would defeat its entire purpose of stopping botters.
I see. Good point. That's why I suggested an alternative for people who are not so eager with the chart. Would be nice if perhaps there could be an option where you could chose between different charts. How's that. I dunno how all works but that could be an interesting function I think. Plus personally I would be able to avoid that annoyance. Maybe that defeats the purpose because of the anti-bot system needs to be out of settings. Oh well too bad...
PS: At this pace my stamina will stay at zero all the time. Say goodbye to level ups. Too bad. Impressed by the game design. Quite fun game I say. All minus the chart. Hope this could be taken seriously. Sorry about the rant. Adios!!!
This post has been edited by Striferuka: Feb 9 2019, 00:57
Some monster statistic would be nice, for example creation time and montly PL and wins, maybe even number of encounters (but I guess it's too much of a hussle)
FoS shrines: Peerless Ethereal Oak Staff of Focus (1x) ------------ Peerless Demonic Oak Staff of the Earth-walker Peerless Ethereal Oak Staff of Focus (2x) ------------ Peerless Fiery Katalox Staff of Heimdall Peerless Ethereal Oak Staff of Focus (3x) ------------ Peerless Hallowed Redwood Staff of Surtr Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Focus (1x) --------------- Peerless Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Mjolnir Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Focus (2x) --------------- Peerless Shocking Katalox Staff of Fenrir Peerless Fiery Oak Staff of Focus (3x) --------------- Peerless Ethereal Oak Staff of Heimdall (1x) Peerless Tempestuous Oak Staff of Heimdall (1x) ------ Peerless Ethereal Katalox Staff of Fenrir Peerless Tempestuous Oak Staff of Heimdall (2x) ------ Peerless Ethereal Katalox Staff of Focus Peerless Tempestuous Oak Staff of Heimdall (3x) ------ Peerless Tempestuous Willow Staff of Focus Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction (1x) ------ Peerless Fiery Katalox Staff of Destruction Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of Destruction (2x) ------ Peerless Arctic Katalox Staff of the Heaven-sent Peerless Fiery Katalox Staff of Focus (1x) ----------- Peerless Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Freyr Peerless Fiery Katalox Staff of Focus (2x) ----------- Peerless Tempestuous Katalox Staff of The Demon-fiend Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver (1x) - Peerless Shocking Katalox Staff of Heimdall Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver (2x) - Peerless Hallowed Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver Peerless Shocking Katalox Staff of Destruction ------- Peerless Ethereal Redwood Staff of Surtr Peerless Ethereal Katalox Staff of The Heaven-sent --- Peerless Demonic Redwood Staff of the Elementalist
Peerless Onyx Cotton Gloves of Warding --------------- Peerless Frugal Cotton Gloves of Protection
If it can be detected that the display is currently vertical (like 720x1280 instead of 1280x720), and it's possible with css, javascript or something, maybe it would be good if in that case, the battle log and the monster list could be swapped.
Allow users to wear cloth under phase, leather under shade, plate under power. Obviously at the expense of certain stats, like evade, interference, etc. That would be a way to help 2H estoc (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)