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> [Suggestion] A few requests, Can we has...

post Oct 12 2018, 09:20
Post #13761

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Suggestion for proper IW10 staff potency.

Elemental Conversion

So, I was taking a look at my character stats while waiting for the next Random Encounter, and I see this while scrolling down:

Spell Damage Bonus
0.0 % fire
0.0 % cold
26.4 % elec
27.2 % wind
0.0 % holy
383.5 % dark

My thought process then goes: "Well, I don't even use elec and wind spells as a dark mage, so that feels like a waste."

Even in the forge upgrade window, the Wind and Elec spell upgrades feel like cluttering the screen, so wouldn't it be awesome if they actually mattered?

I suggest that upon reaching IW10 on a staff, the spell damage bonuses start affecting a single element based on the staff prefix, while still remaining present as they are, but affected by the new Elemental Conversion potency.

Here's an example.

Let's say I wish to play as a Cold Mage, and IW my Legendary Arctic Willow Staff of Destruction to IW10.

Upon reaching IW10, the Staff would get a "Cold Conversion" instead of Hollowforged, so while Elec, Wind and Dark would still remain present in the staff as they are, they would count towards additional Elemental damage bonus in the magic damage formula, so even upgrading them in the forge would be good improvements.

Of course, there could be something like a divider present to not make this too overpower, like (Elec + Wind + Dark)/3 in this case, behaving more like a simple bonus that you can work towards even after maxing out your main Cold bonus damage, not simply going straight for DD perks.

Then, what about the ethereal prefix?

Maybe it could just become Magic Conversion, adding the Physical Damage to the Magic Damage formula in a similar fashion, so mages would be left with choosing between additional spell damage bonus or raw magic damage bonus.

This change should give a decent improvement to mages, actually desiring an IW10 staff for a reaosn other than renaming it, besides making it so Fire and Cold mages have a better time by getting better staff options to choose from.


Now then, to not leave melee out of the question.

I'm bringing back the suggestion to improve a weapon's Elemental Strikes damage based on the player's proficiency.

I had previously suggested such a thing, but my way of doing things meant that a player needed to play as a mage first in order to be as effective as possible as a melee, making me cringe now when thinking about it.

So, now that players get some free proficiency from every Down of a New Day, making moving to a different playstyle much less painful, it should be interesting to bring back this suggestion.

Like in the case of staffs mentioned above, melee might have this thing showing in their statistics, even while they don't use any offensive spells. Here's my magic attack due to investing in Int for more spirit, besides Wis for more resist:

Magical Attack
1060 magic base damage

Worst of all, even when a new player finally gets a "magic weapon" to play with, from what I believe, as there isn't much info about it on the wiki, they have to settle down with only a fixed damage bonus with every attack.

It's necessary to keep in mind that most players already take for granted using a prefixed IW10 weapon as the norm, but it should still be a huge deal when changing from a non-prefixed average to a prefixed superior, going from a simple "swordsman" to a "magic swordsman".

Unfortunately, what currently matters most on a melee weapon is getting the void strike, and when taking a look on this post, it's much easier to see the discrepancy in damage that comes from the weapon's Elemental Strike.

So, on to the suggestion!

Elemental strikes could behave in the following way:

(Current Static Damage + Magic Base Damage) x Proficiency Modifier x Spell Damage Modifier

This way, raising elemental proficiency, which should also naturally be granted while dealing the specific elemental damage, would become a natural improvement to a player's damage.

Likewise, with the spell damage bonus from the prefix entering into the scene, upgrading the element spell damage should become something useful instead of pointless clutter in the upgrade screen.

Besides being an improvement to a player's progress, it should also change the huge discrepancy between ethereal and elemental weapons, with maybe 1H and DW players favoring elemental more, while 2H and Niten go for Ethereal main hand weapons to avoid the burden.
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post Oct 30 2018, 20:15
Post #13762

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QUOTE(teenyman45 @ Oct 5 2018, 16:36) *

Well it's moot now. I did just go back through the past several months and saw that I somehow must have accidentally clicked to spend my one and only golden ticket on a Fiery Oak Staff of Heimdall of all things.

Still, would it be possible to add a search feature for winners and prizes since the game does seem to record all of that already?

It doesn't even need to be a search function, does it?

I'm guessing almost everyone would be happy with just the ability to see a list of things they themselves won. Sort of like a Credit Log page for lottery prizes.

That seems like it shouldn't be too big of a deal to make.
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post Nov 16 2018, 03:45
Post #13763

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They need to add more weapon types or stronger ones.
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post Nov 19 2018, 03:54
Post #13764

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I'm not sure if this was suggested before, but make Bleeding Wounds and Siphon effects better.

What I was thinking was that a stack of Bleeding Wounds added 3-5% chance of a Siphon effect activating, up to a maximum of 15-25% proc, , and change the Siphon so that it recovers +1%, +2.5%, or +5% of your max bar when it procs on an enemy with Bleeding Wounds.
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post Nov 19 2018, 12:21
Post #13765

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QUOTE(RibbonsCan @ Nov 19 2018, 02:54) *

I'm not sure if this was suggested before, but make Bleeding Wounds and Siphon effects better.

What I was thinking was that a stack of Bleeding Wounds added 3-5% chance of a Siphon effect activating, up to a maximum of 15-25% proc, , and change the Siphon so that it recovers +1%, +2.5%, or +5% of your max bar when it procs on an enemy with Bleeding Wounds.

I also think something needs to be done about bleeding wounds and especially how it interacts with attack speed, since attack speed is just a defensive stat which actually makes you play more turns in exchange for more survivalibility (slower clear speed the higher attack speed you have).

Using a build with both high attack speed and bleeding wounds proc you are sacrificing more useful damage stats and your BW procs actually do less damage per turn despite proccing more often, which on the other hand helps stun and penetrated armor procs.

I guess there are some concerns about how changes could affect the market for equipment, but I don't think most people would cry about slashing weapons a light armor being a little more useful and actually selling.
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post Nov 29 2018, 08:16
Post #13766

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I agree with changing bleeding wound. Maybe instead of per action for the monster, per action for the player? so higher attack speed would help with that as well. Would make Wakis a little bit better, and Katanas a lot better for Niten style.

ALSO, can we has an update please? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Nov 29 2018, 15:37
Post #13767

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Just change max stack to 4 instead of 5 & change multiplier to 0.5 instead of 0.4.
Same max bleed damage (2*dot%), but slightly higher per stack by 25% & slightly faster to reach max by 1 step. Damn slight.

This post has been edited by Dead-ed: Nov 29 2018, 15:56
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post Nov 30 2018, 10:20
Post #13768

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QUOTE(Dead-ed @ Nov 29 2018, 14:37) *

Just change max stack to 4 instead of 5 & change multiplier to 0.5 instead of 0.4.
Same max bleed damage (2*dot%), but slightly higher per stack by 25% & slightly faster to reach max by 1 step. Damn slight.

This would buff 0 attack speed more than high attack speed builds. The BW damage is still being applied according to the monster tickrate, so it would still do more damage per player turn the lower attack speed you have.

QUOTE(Drksrpnt @ Nov 29 2018, 07:16) *

I agree with changing bleeding wound. Maybe instead of per action for the monster, per action for the player? so higher attack speed would help with that as well.

Did it not use to work like this several patches ago? I don't think I'm recalling this correctly but I believe it was nerfed specifically because it was too powerful.

A middle of the road solution would be to have a portion of the BW stacks damage applied immediately whenever there is a new proc so that at least it doesn't scale inversely with attack speed and can do the same damage per player turn as it would with 0 attack speed.
As I said before both Stun and Penetrated Armor scale from higher AS while BW actually goes backwards in damage-per-turn. It just seems so weird to me, especially considering how strong PA actually is...
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post Dec 1 2018, 08:44
Post #13769

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I took it lightly at first (mentioned it in the topic about what was accomplished or not I think), but this is getting too much: leveling up during a round, with exp gauge starting yellow and full, then after some actions, it's much less full and still yellow, and at the end of the fight, you see you've leveled up silently, that's definitely wrong.
There should be a level up message at the end or beginning of the round in those cases.

My next level up will be a power of 10, but if I gain a mastery point, because of it working that way, I may have no message informing me of it.
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post Dec 22 2018, 14:38
Post #13770

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On one of my piece of equipments, I can't see the full list of items required for upgrade.

I tried:
-zooming in/out
-reverting to default font
-default font + zoom in/out

Failed to display everything.

So beside the possibility of finding a way for the display to always work for everybody for all fonts and browsers and browser versions and the rest of hellish requirements that come with it, a half-fix feature I would like to request is the ability to click on an upgrade text to cause the list of requirements to display without disappearing.
I think that may allow (but maybe with the requirement of using a custom font) to select the text, even if part of it is out of range, copy it, then paste it somewhere to read it all.
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post Dec 22 2018, 20:14
Post #13771

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(uareader @ Dec 22 2018, 13:38) *

On one of my piece of equipments, I can't see the full list of items required for upgrade.

I tried:
-zooming in/out
-reverting to default font
-default font + zoom in/out

Failed to display everything.

So beside the possibility of finding a way for the display to always work for everybody for all fonts and browsers and browser versions and the rest of hellish requirements that come with it, a half-fix feature I would like to request is the ability to click on an upgrade text to cause the list of requirements to display without disappearing.
I think that may allow (but maybe with the requirement of using a custom font) to select the text, even if part of it is out of range, copy it, then paste it somewhere to read it all.

try another font, and you'll get the overview. Or even better: use HV Utils.
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post Dec 22 2018, 23:27
Post #13772
Basara Nekki

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 22 2018, 16:14) *

try another font, and you'll get the overview. Or even better: use HV Utils.

Sorry DJNoni, but I do not agree with you. This is a type of defect that should be corrected in a future release. I think everything in the game should work satisfactorily the way it was proposed, without the need to change the font or use scripts.

In my opinion, this game should always be improved with the help of users, until the day when there will no longer be a need to use a script.
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post Dec 22 2018, 23:37
Post #13773

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Basara Nekki @ Dec 22 2018, 22:27) *

Sorry DJNoni, but I do not agree with you. This is a type of defect that should be corrected in a future release. I think everything in the game should work satisfactorily the way it was proposed, without the need to change the font or use scripts.

In my opinion, this game should always be improved with the help of users, until the day when there will no longer be a need to use a script.

yeah you're right about that
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post Dec 23 2018, 15:01
Post #13774

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Yeah, that's right. I'm yelling.

Snowflake in itself is a complete waste and hard core disappointment every single time.
There's no excitement to reaching that very expensive 10m point trophy mark.
It's dread prior to hitting it, and full confirmation of the expected disappointment when you make it.

I don't need another Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver

or a Peerless Arctic Willow Staff of Focus

or a Peerless Shocking Oak Staff of the Earth-walker

If I want something like that, I'd go buy a Leg edition from a seller for 20k credits.

Not thousands of dollars in very real hard earned US currency.
And that's what that miserable shit listed above cost me.

Give your "SUPPORTERS" the real thing, and make Snowflake a prerequisite to it.
I apologize for yelling, but I'm a little tired of being a red headed stepchild watching Duncan sell gems while staying at the same level.
Hook up your SUPPORTERS!
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post Dec 23 2018, 16:53
Post #13775

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<tenboro> if you pay enough, I'll just replace HV for you with a giant "You are winner!" screen
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post Dec 23 2018, 17:22
Post #13776

Press any key to continue... Where's the any key?
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Quote: <tenboro> if you pay enough, I'll just replace HV for you with a giant "You are winner!" screen
Quote: <RoadShoe> If I pay enough, tenboro will replace the game with a screen.

EDIT: Showing the lack of logic between two identical statements

I am asking for a perk.
I am justifying the perk with a solid reason on how this would bring fairness to the members who continuously contribute.
I perceive you as one of those continuously contributing members, and I thank you for it.
You just aren't interested in the game, where some of us are, and that's understandable.

But please do not mock the ones of us that like the game.

Thank you.

This post has been edited by RoadShoe: Dec 23 2018, 17:46
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post Dec 23 2018, 20:11
Post #13777

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(RoadShoe @ Dec 23 2018, 14:01) *


I don't need another Peerless Fiery Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver

or a Peerless Arctic Willow Staff of Focus

or a Peerless Shocking Oak Staff of the Earth-walker

If I want something like that, I'd go buy a Leg edition from a seller for 20k credits.

Not thousands of dollars in very real hard earned US currency.
And that's what that miserable shit listed above cost me.

Actually, I personally think you have a point. The worth of FoS is dissapointing, and it would not harm the game if it was a bit more forgiving. Peerless of choice could work. Or, alternatively, to keep some randomized excitement, the chance to choose 1 peerless out of 10 random generated staves.

You could even make FoS a Legendary of choice, and FoS II a peerless of choice.
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post Dec 23 2018, 22:54
Post #13778

Press any key to continue... Where's the any key?
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Dec 23 2018, 10:11) *

Actually, I personally think you have a point. The worth of FoS is dissapointing, and it would not harm the game if it was a bit more forgiving. Peerless of choice could work. Or, alternatively, to keep some randomized excitement, the chance to choose 1 peerless out of 10 random generated staves.

You could even make FoS a Legendary of choice, and FoS II a peerless of choice.

Excellent ideas. Both of them.
And we could take it down the line, and 10b chooses which is easiest to code to make the FoS concern go away.
Since they will be soulbound anyway, no harm to the game economy.
And the positives for the game economy will be more members buying HatH, and more buying trophies.

What do we have? (In random order of course, no favorite)

1: Choice out of 10 random peerless.
2: FoS I - Chosen Legendary, FoS II - Chosen Peerless
3: A group of perks under FoS that each perk subsequently allows us to further define the outcome.

What else could it be? What would be easy to code?
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post Dec 26 2018, 21:08
Post #13779

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It would really be handy if the salvage function showed a preview of what sort of materials you could get from salvaging an item.

It would also prevent somewhat people from salvaging items they actually want to reforge.

This post has been edited by RibbonsCan: Dec 26 2018, 21:08
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post Jan 2 2019, 18:04
Post #13780
shadow force

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Suggestion: Add a feature in Monster Lab to allow players to fight their own monsters so they can measure a monster's difficulty/effectiveness in comparison to themselves, or even in comparison to different personas; the monster fight would take in account the selected difficulty, and if possible, the player could customize its own opposing team's roster (choosing different monsters owned by the player, or copies of the same monster), if he wants to see how strong his other monsters are as well.
Since this feature is meant to test the monsters, the fights don't need to cost stamina or cause equipment wear, or give any kind of rewards (exp/proficiencies/gold/etc), although costing stamina and causing equipment wear (with no rewards) is fine as well.
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